Corvids Literature Database
About the project/Imprint
10000 publications (2437 with abstract, 5238 with link to full text)
41745 entries (sum of all records per taxon)
517 specimens found at GBIF related to CLD papers
144 specimens and observations provided by CLD to GBIF related to CLD papers
70488 sequences found at GenBank/EMBL/DDBJ related to CLD papers
Last update: 2021-08-17 12:16:04 CET
Please cite us as:
Droege, G. and Töpfer, T. (2016): The Corvids Literature Database: 500 years of ornithological research from a crow's perspective. Database: bav122. doi: 10.1093/database/bav122.
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Latin Name:
Aphelocoma californica
Aphelocoma californica californica
Aphelocoma californica cana
Aphelocoma californica hypoleuca
Aphelocoma californica obscura
Aphelocoma coerulescens
Aphelocoma insularis
Aphelocoma ultramarina
Aphelocoma ultramarina colimae
Aphelocoma ultramarina ultramarina
Aphelocoma unicolor
Aphelocoma unicolor concolor
Aphelocoma unicolor griscomi
Aphelocoma unicolor guerrerensis
Aphelocoma unicolor oaxacae
Aphelocoma unicolor unicolor
Aphelocoma wollweberi
Aphelocoma wollweberi arizonae
Aphelocoma wollweberi couchii
Aphelocoma wollweberi potosina
Aphelocoma wollweberi wollweberi
Aphelocoma woodhouseii
Aphelocoma woodhouseii cyanotis
Aphelocoma woodhouseii grisea
Aphelocoma woodhouseii nevadae
Aphelocoma woodhouseii remota
Aphelocoma woodhouseii sumichrasti
Aphelocoma woodhouseii texana
Aphelocoma woodhouseii woodhouseii
Cissa chinensis
Cissa chinensis chinensis
Cissa chinensis klossi
Cissa chinensis margaritae
Cissa chinensis minor
Cissa chinensis robinsoni
Cissa hypoleuca
Cissa hypoleuca chauleti
Cissa hypoleuca concolor
Cissa hypoleuca hypoleuca
Cissa hypoleuca jini
Cissa hypoleuca katsumatae
Cissa jefferyi
Cissa thalassina
Coloeus dauuricus
Coloeus monedula
Coloeus monedula cirtensis
Coloeus monedula monedula
Coloeus monedula soemmerringii
Coloeus monedula spermologus
Corvus albicollis
Corvus albus
Corvus albus x edithae
Corvus antecorax â
Corvus antipodium â
Corvus antipodium antipodium â
Corvus antipodium pycrafti â
Corvus bennetti
Corvus brachyrhynchos
Corvus brachyrhynchos brachyrhynchos
Corvus brachyrhynchos hargravei
Corvus brachyrhynchos hesperis
Corvus brachyrhynchos pascuus
Corvus capensis
Corvus capensis capensis
Corvus capensis kordofanensis
Corvus caurinus
Corvus compilator
Corvus corax
Corvus corax canariensis
Corvus corax clarionensis
Corvus corax corax
Corvus corax hispanus
Corvus corax kamtschaticus
Corvus corax laurencei
Corvus corax principalis
Corvus corax sinuatus
Corvus corax tibetanus
Corvus corax tingitanus
Corvus corax varius
Corvus corax varius morpha leucophaeus
Corvus corone
Corvus corone capellanus
Corvus corone cornix
Corvus corone corone
Corvus corone orientalis
Corvus corone pallescens
Corvus corone sharpii
Corvus coronoides
Corvus coronoides coronoides
Corvus coronoides perplexus
Corvus crassirostris
Corvus cryptoleucus
Corvus culminatus
Corvus edithae
Corvus enca
Corvus enca celebensis
Corvus enca enca
Corvus enca mangoli
Corvus enca pusillus
Corvus enca samarensis
Corvus enca sierramadrensis
Corvus florensis
Corvus fossilis â
Corvus frugilegus
Corvus frugilegus frugilegus
Corvus frugilegus pastinator
Corvus fuscicapillus
Corvus fuscicapillus fuscicapillus
Corvus fuscicapillus megarhynchus
Corvus galushai â
Corvus hawaiiensis
Corvus hungaricus â
Corvus imparatus
Corvus impluviatus â
Corvus insularis
Corvus jamaicensis
Corvus kubaryi
Corvus leucognaphalus
Corvus levaillantii
Corvus macrorhynchos
Corvus macrorhynchos colonorum
Corvus macrorhynchos connectens
Corvus macrorhynchos intermedius
Corvus macrorhynchos japonensis
Corvus macrorhynchos macrorhynchos
Corvus macrorhynchos mandshuricus
Corvus macrorhynchos osai
Corvus macrorhynchos philippinus
Corvus macrorhynchos tibetosinensis
Corvus meeki
Corvus mellori
Corvus minutus
Corvus moneduloides
Corvus moravicus â
Corvus moriorum â
Corvus nasicus
Corvus neomexicanus â
Corvus orru
Corvus orru ceciliae
Corvus orru latirostris
Corvus orru orru
Corvus ossifragus
Corvus palmarum
Corvus pectoralis
Corvus pliocaenus â
Corvus pumilis â
Corvus rhipidurus
Corvus rhipidurus rhipidurus
Corvus rhipidurus stanleyi
Corvus ruficollis
Corvus simionescui â
Corvus sinaloae
Corvus splendens
Corvus splendens insolens
Corvus splendens maledivicus
Corvus splendens protegatus
Corvus splendens splendens
Corvus splendens zugmayeri
Corvus tasmanicus
Corvus tasmanicus boreus
Corvus tasmanicus tasmanicus
Corvus tristis
Corvus typicus
Corvus unicolor
Corvus validus
Corvus violaceus
Corvus viriosus â
Corvus wetmorei â
Corvus woodfordi
Crypsirina cucullata
Crypsirina temia
Cyanocitta cristata
Cyanocitta cristata bromia
Cyanocitta cristata cristata
Cyanocitta cristata cyanotephra
Cyanocitta cristata semplei
Cyanocitta stelleri
Cyanocitta stelleri annectens
Cyanocitta stelleri azteca
Cyanocitta stelleri carbonacea
Cyanocitta stelleri carlottae
Cyanocitta stelleri coronata
Cyanocitta stelleri diademata
Cyanocitta stelleri frontalis
Cyanocitta stelleri macrolopha
Cyanocitta stelleri phillipsi
Cyanocitta stelleri purpurea
Cyanocitta stelleri restricta
Cyanocitta stelleri stelleri
Cyanocitta stelleri suavis
Cyanocorax affinis
Cyanocorax affinis affinis
Cyanocorax affinis zeledoni
Cyanocorax beecheii
Cyanocorax caeruleus
Cyanocorax cayanus
Cyanocorax chrysops
Cyanocorax chrysops chrysops
Cyanocorax chrysops diesingii
Cyanocorax chrysops insperatus
Cyanocorax chrysops tucumanus
Cyanocorax colliei
Cyanocorax cristatellus
Cyanocorax cyanomelas
Cyanocorax cyanopogon
Cyanocorax dickeyi
Cyanocorax formosus
Cyanocorax formosus azurea
Cyanocorax formosus formosus
Cyanocorax formosus pompata
Cyanocorax hafferi
Cyanocorax heilprini
Cyanocorax luxuosus
Cyanocorax luxuosus centralis
Cyanocorax luxuosus confusus
Cyanocorax luxuosus glaucescens
Cyanocorax luxuosus luxuosus
Cyanocorax luxuosus maya
Cyanocorax luxuosus speciosus
Cyanocorax luxuosus vividus
Cyanocorax melanocyaneus
Cyanocorax melanocyaneus chavezi
Cyanocorax melanocyaneus melanocyaneus
Cyanocorax morio
Cyanocorax morio morio
Cyanocorax morio palliatus
Cyanocorax morio vociferus
Cyanocorax mystacalis
Cyanocorax sanblasianus
Cyanocorax sanblasianus nelsoni
Cyanocorax sanblasianus sanblasianus
Cyanocorax violaceus
Cyanocorax violaceus pallidus
Cyanocorax violaceus violaceus
Cyanocorax yncas
Cyanocorax yncas andicolus
Cyanocorax yncas cyanodorsalis
Cyanocorax yncas galeatus
Cyanocorax yncas guatimalensis
Cyanocorax yncas longirostris
Cyanocorax yncas yncas
Cyanocorax yucatanicus
Cyanocorax yucatanicus rivularis
Cyanocorax yucatanicus yucatanicus
Cyanolyca argentigula
Cyanolyca argentigula albior
Cyanolyca argentigula argentigula
Cyanolyca armillata
Cyanolyca armillata armillata
Cyanolyca armillata meridana
Cyanolyca armillata quindiuna
Cyanolyca cucullata
Cyanolyca cucullata cucullata
Cyanolyca cucullata guatemalae
Cyanolyca cucullata hondurensis
Cyanolyca cucullata mitrata
Cyanolyca mirabilis
Cyanolyca nanus
Cyanolyca pulchra
Cyanolyca pumilo
Cyanolyca turcosa
Cyanolyca viridicyanus
Cyanolyca viridicyanus cyanolaema
Cyanolyca viridicyanus jolyaea
Cyanolyca viridicyanus viridicyanus
Cyanopica cooki
Cyanopica cyanus
Cyanopica cyanus cyanus
Cyanopica cyanus interposita
Cyanopica cyanus japonica
Cyanopica cyanus kansuensis
Cyanopica cyanus koreensis
Cyanopica cyanus stegmanni
Cyanopica cyanus swinhoei
Dendrocitta baileii
Dendrocitta cinerascens
Dendrocitta formosae
Dendrocitta formosae assimilis
Dendrocitta formosae formosae
Dendrocitta formosae himalayensis
Dendrocitta formosae insulae
Dendrocitta formosae occidentalis
Dendrocitta formosae sapiens
Dendrocitta formosae sarkari
Dendrocitta formosae sinica
Dendrocitta frontalis
Dendrocitta leucogastra
Dendrocitta occipitalis
Dendrocitta vagabunda
Dendrocitta vagabunda behni
Dendrocitta vagabunda bristoli
Dendrocitta vagabunda kinneari
Dendrocitta vagabunda pallida
Dendrocitta vagabunda parvula
Dendrocitta vagabunda sakeratensis
Dendrocitta vagabunda saturatior
Dendrocitta vagabunda sclateri
Dendrocitta vagabunda vagabunda
Dendrocitta vagabunda vernayi
Garrulus glandarius
Garrulus glandarius albipectus
Garrulus glandarius anatoliae
Garrulus glandarius atricapillus
Garrulus glandarius bispecularis
Garrulus glandarius brandtii
Garrulus glandarius cervicalis
Garrulus glandarius corsicanus
Garrulus glandarius cretorum
Garrulus glandarius fasciatus
Garrulus glandarius ferdinandi
Garrulus glandarius glandarius
Garrulus glandarius glaszneri
Garrulus glandarius graecus
Garrulus glandarius haringtoni
Garrulus glandarius hibernicus
Garrulus glandarius hyrcanus
Garrulus glandarius ichnusae
Garrulus glandarius interstinctus
Garrulus glandarius iphigenia
Garrulus glandarius japonicus
Garrulus glandarius kansuensis
Garrulus glandarius krynicki
Garrulus glandarius leucotis
Garrulus glandarius minor
Garrulus glandarius oatesi
Garrulus glandarius orii
Garrulus glandarius pekingensis
Garrulus glandarius rufitergum
Garrulus glandarius samios
Garrulus glandarius sinensis
Garrulus glandarius taivanus
Garrulus glandarius tokugawae
Garrulus glandarius whitakeri
Garrulus lanceolatus
Garrulus lidthi
Gymnorhinus cyanocephalus
Henocitta â
Henocitta brodkorbi â
Miocitta â
Miocitta galbreathi â
Miocorvus â
Miocorvus larterti â
Miopica â
Miopica paradoxa â
Nucifraga caryocatactes
Nucifraga caryocatactes caryocatactes
Nucifraga caryocatactes hemispila
Nucifraga caryocatactes interdicta
Nucifraga caryocatactes japonica
Nucifraga caryocatactes macella
Nucifraga caryocatactes macrorhynchos
Nucifraga caryocatactes owstoni
Nucifraga caryocatactes rothschildi
Nucifraga columbiana
Nucifraga multipunctata
Perisoreus canadensis
Perisoreus canadensis albescens
Perisoreus canadensis bicolor
Perisoreus canadensis canadensis
Perisoreus canadensis capitalis
Perisoreus canadensis griseus
Perisoreus canadensis nigricapillus
Perisoreus canadensis obscurus
Perisoreus canadensis pacificus
Perisoreus canadensis sanfordi
Perisoreus infaustus
Perisoreus infaustus infaustus
Perisoreus infaustus maritimus
Perisoreus infaustus opicus
Perisoreus infaustus rogosowi
Perisoreus infaustus sibericus
Perisoreus internigrans
Pica hudsonia
Pica mourerae â
Pica nuttalli
Pica pica
Pica pica asirensis
Pica pica bactriana
Pica pica bottanensis
Pica pica camtschatica
Pica pica fennorum
Pica pica mauritanica
Pica pica melanotos
Pica pica pica
Pica pica serica
Platylophus galericulatus
Platylophus galericulatus coronatus
Platylophus galericulatus galericulatus
Platylophus galericulatus lemprieri
Platylophus galericulatus malaccensis
Platysmurus leucopterus
Platysmurus leucopterus aterrimus
Platysmurus leucopterus leucopterus
Podoces biddulphi
Podoces hendersoni
Podoces panderi
Podoces panderi ilensis
Podoces panderi panderi
Podoces pleskei
Protocitta â
Protocitta ajax â
Protocitta dixi â
Pseudopodoces humilis
Ptilostomus afer
Pyrrhocorax graculus
Pyrrhocorax graculus digitatus
Pyrrhocorax graculus forsythi
Pyrrhocorax graculus graculus
Pyrrhocorax graculus vetus â
Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax
Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax baileyi
Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax barbarus
Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax brachypus
Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax centralis
Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax docilis
Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax erythrorhamphos
Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax himalayanus
Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax primigenius â
Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax
Temnurus temnurus
Urocissa caerulea
Urocissa erythroryncha
Urocissa erythroryncha alticola
Urocissa erythroryncha brevivexilla
Urocissa erythroryncha erythroryncha
Urocissa erythroryncha magnirostris
Urocissa erythroryncha occipitalis
Urocissa flavirostris
Urocissa flavirostris cucullata
Urocissa flavirostris flavirostris
Urocissa flavirostris robini
Urocissa flavirostris schaeferi
Urocissa ornata
Urocissa whiteheadi
Urocissa whiteheadi whiteheadi
Urocissa whiteheadi xanthomelana
Zavattariornis stresemanni
Trivial name:
Alpine Chough
American Crow
American White-necked Raven
Andaman Tree Pie
Australian Crow
Australian Raven
Azure Jay
Azure-naped Jay
Azure-winged Magpie
Banggai Crow
Bare-faced Crow
Beautiful Jay
Beechey's Jay
Bennett's Crow
Biddulph's Ground Jay
Black Jay
Black Racket-tailed Tree Pie
Black-billed Magpie
Black-chested Jay
Black-faced Tree Pie
Black-throated Jay
Blue Jay
Blue Magpies (Cissa)
Blue Magpies (Urocissa)
Bornean Tree Pie
Bougainville Crow
Brown Jay
Brown-headed Crow
Brown-necked Raven
Campina Jay
Cape Rook
Carrion and Hooded Crow
Carrion Crow
Cayenne Jay
Celebes Pied Crow
Ceylon Blue Magpie
Choughs (Pyrrhocorax)
Clark's Nutcracker
Collared Jay
Collie's Magpie-Jay
Crested Jay
Crows and Ravens (Corvus)
Cuban Crow
Curl-crested Jay
Daurian Jackdaw
Dwarf Jay
Eastern Green Magpie
Edith's Raven
European Magpie
Fain-tailed Raven
Fish Crow
Flores Crow
Forest Raven
Formosan Blue Magpie
Green Jay
Green Magpie
Grey Ground Jay
Grey Jay
Grey Tree Pie
Ground Jays (Podoces)
Guam Crow
Hartlaub's Jay
Hawaiian Crow
Henderson's Ground Jay
Hooded Crow
Hooded Racket-tailed Tree Pie
Hooded Racket-tailed Tree Pie
House Crow
Hume's Ground Jay
Island Scrub Jay
Jamaican Crow
Jays (Aphelocoma)
Jays (Cyanocitta)
Jays (Cyanocorax)
Jays (Cyanolyca)
Jays (Garrulus)
Jays (Perisoreus)
Jungle Crow
Lanceolated Jay
Lidth's Jay
Little Raven
Long-billed Crow
Magpies (Pica)
Mexican Crow
Mexican Jay
New Caledonian Crow
New England Raven
Northwestern Crow
Notch-tailed Tree Pie
Nutcrackers (Nucifraga)
Palm Crow
Persian Ground Jay
Pied Crow
Piñon Jay
Plush-capped Jay
Purplish Jay
Red-billed Blue Magpie
Red-billed Chough
Ring-necked Crow
Rufous Tree Pie
San Blas Jay
Scrub Jay
Short-tailed Green Magpie
Siberian Jay
Silver-throated Jay
Sinaloan Crow
Slender-billed Crow
Solomon Islands Crow
Sooty Jay
Southern Tree Pie
Steller's Jay
Sumatran Tree Pie
Tasmanian Raven
Thick-billed Raven
Tree Magpies (Dendrocitta)
Tree Pies
Tufted Jay
Turquoise Jay
Unicoloured Jay
Violaceus Jay
Western Scrub Jay
White-collared Jay
White-naped Jay
White-necked Crow
White-necked Raven
White-tailed Jay
White-throated Jay
Whitehead's Magpie
Yellow-billed Blue Magpie
Yellow-billed Magpie
Yucatan Jay
Aalangdong, O.I.
Aarif, K.M.,
Abbott, C.G.
Abbott, W.M.
Abdallah, M.
Abdulali, H.
Abdulla, E.V.
Abdulla, P.K.
Abdullah, R.B.
Abe, H.
Abe, S.
Aberer, A.J.
Abraham, E.V.
Abraham, I.
Abraham, I.K.
Abraham-Samuel, K.
Abrous, M.
Abs, M.
Abshagen, K.
Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
Acharjyo, L.N.
Acharya, H.N.G.
Acosta, I.
Acquarone, C.
Adam, M.D.
Adamiak, W.
Adams, A.L.
Adams, R.G.
Adams, R.J.
Adams, S.E.
Adams, W.
Addante, R.
Addison, E.M.
Adkisson, C.S.
Adler, T.
Adlersparre, A.
Adrover, H.R.
Aerts, P.
Aerts, R.
Aeschbacher, H.-R.
Aeschlimann, A.
Agarwal, S.
Aggerbeck, M.
AgiÄ, I.J.
Agrawal, N.
Aguilar, G.
Aguilar, R.F.
Aguilera, E.
Aguon, C.
Aguon, C.F.
Ahlquist, J.E.
Ahlund, M.
Ahmad, A.S.
Ahmad, E.
Ahmad, K.
Ahmad, M.
Ahmad, Y.
Ahmed, A.
Ahmed, F.
Ahmed, I.P.
Ahmed, R.A.
Ahmed, S.S.
Ahmed-Yahya, S.
AichmĂŒller, R.
Aiken, C.E.H.
Aisha, S.
Aitchison, J.E.T.
Aiupov, A.
Aizawa, S.
Akhtar, K.
Akhtar, M.
Akhtar, S.A.
Akimova, A.
Akkermann, R.
Akriotis, T.
Akter, S.
Al-Saghier, O.
al-Sallami, S.
Alagar-Rajan, S.
Alamargot, J.
Alarcos, S.
Alba, F.J.
Albieri, A.
Albrecht, T.
Alcaide, M.
Alcala, N.
Aldous, C.M.
Aldous, S.E.
Aldredge, R.A.
Aldrich, J.W.
Aldrovandi, U.
Alerstam, T.
Alex, U.
Alexander, B.
Alexander, C.J.
Alexander, F.
Alexander, G.
Alexander, H.G.
Alexander, K.M.
Alexander, R.M.
Alexander, W.B.
Alexis, D.M.
Alfaro, E.
Alfaro-NĂșñez, A.
Alfredsson, J.
Ali, A.
Ali, A.J.
Ali, H.
Ali, M.H.
Ali, M.M.
Ali, R.
Ali, S.
Ali, Z.
Aliabadian, M.
Alien, G.
Alkhovsky, S.V.
Allan, D.G.
Allan, R.M.
Allan, S.
Allan, T.
Allen, A.A.
Allen, D.
Allen, D.L.
Allen, F.H.
Allen, J.
Allen, J.A.
Allen, M.J.
Allen, M.L.
Allen, S.G.
Allen, S.S.
Allenbacher, R.
Allin, E.K.
Allison, A.
Allison, A.B.
Allmer, F.
Allouse, E.
Allport, G.A.
Allsup, T.N.
Almon, G.
Almonte M., J.
Alonso, J.A.
Alonso, J.C.
Alsager, D.
Alsop, D.
Alston, E.R.
Alström, P.
Altevogt, R.
Althaus, H.P.
Altman, R.W.
Altum, B.
Altum, H.
Alvarez, F.
Alvarez, H.
Alvarez, V.E.
Alvo, R.
Amadon, D.
Amann, F.
Amanova, M.B.
Amar, A.
Amarasena, A.
Amarasinghe, A.A.T.
Ambadkar, P.M.
Ambardar, S.
Ametov, Z.
Amidon, F.
Amin-Babjee, S.M.
Amladi, S.R.
Ammermann, D.
Ammersbach, R.
Amonsin, A.
Amstutz, J.B.
Amutete, G.
An, N.
An, S.-Q.
Anand, M.
Anand-Rao, M.
Anandaraj, M.
Anandhanarayanan, M.
Ananthasubramaniam, C.K.
Anastassiadis, B.
Anciaux, M.R.
Andersen, D.E.
Andersen, E.M.
Andersen, L.
Andersen-Harild, P.
Anderson, A.
Anderson, B.H.
Anderson, D.P.
Anderson, G.Q.A.
Anderson, J.
Anderson, J.F.
Anderson, R.C.
Anderson, S.H.
Anderson, T.K.
Andersson, E.
Andersson, H.
Andersson, M.
Andersson, S.
Andersson, T.
Anderton, J.
Anderton, J.C.
Andheria, A.P.
Ando, S.
Andonova, M.
Andou, D.
Andrada, J.
Andreadis, T.G.
Andreev, A.V.
Andrén, H.
Andreotti, G.
Andrew, D.G.
Andrew, M.
Andrew, P.
Andrew, R.J.
Andrews, C.W.
Andrews, M.I.
Andrews, S.E.
Andriescu, C.
Andrieux, M.
Andris, K.
Angalt, V.Z.
Angelini, P.
Angell, T.
Anggraini, K.
Angwin, E.
Anikhina, Y.R.
Anjos, L.D.
Ankers, J.A.
Anmarkrud, J.A.
Annamalai, R.
Anokhina, Y.P.
Anonymus (D.E.)
Anonymus (E.G.)
Anonymus (E.L.)
Anonymus (H.)
Anonymus (H.L.)
Anonymus (J.G.S)
Anonymus (K.)
Anonymus (M.D.G.)
Anonymus (M.K.L.)
Anonymus (P.)
Anonymus (PF.)
Anonymus (R.H.)
Anonymus (S.G.)
Anonymus (T.H.)
Anonymus (W.H.)
Anonymus (W.L.M.)
Ansari, M.A.R.
Antczak, J.
Antczak, M.
Anthes, N.
Anthony, A.W.
Anthony, R.G.
Antikainen, E.
Antinori, F.
Antoniadis, E.
Antonov, A.
Antsiferov, M.I.
Antunes, A.
Aohagi, Y.
Aoyama, M.
Aplin, O.V.
Appert, O.
Ara, A.
Ara, J.
Aragon, S.
Arai, N.
Aranzadi, T. de
AraĂșjo, J.
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Berlin-Brandenburgischer Ornithologen (ABBO)
Archer, A.L.
Archer, G.
Ardamatskaya, T.B.
ArgĂŒello, C.R.
Arias de Reyna, L.
Arikawa, J.
Aristova, V.A.
Arkhipov, V.U.
Arkhipov, V.Y.
Armistead, H.T.
Armstrong, D.
Armstrong, P.M.
Armstrong, R.H.
Arnason, U.
Arnold, G.W.
Arnold, K.E.
Arnold, M.A.
ĂrpĂĄd, B.
Arrigoni degli Oddi, E.
Arroyo, B.
Arroyo, J.
Artois, M.
Artsob, H.
Aruji, Y.
Arun, B.
Asada, Z.
Asai, S.
Asaithambi, P.
Asaoka, Y.
Asbahr, K.
Aschoff, J.
Ash, J.
Ash, J.S.
Ashby, C.B.
Ashevsky, B.A.
Ashley, J.F.
Ashley, M.C.
Ashoy, C.B.
Ashraf, N.V.K.
Askins, R.A.
Atanasova, D.
Athanasiou, L.
Athreya, R.
Athreya, R.M.
Athreya, V.R.
Atikinson, I.A.E.
Atkins, J.
Atkinson, C.T.
Attwood, C.
Atwell, J.W.
Aubert, A.
Aubert, M.
Aubert, M.F.A.
Aubrecht, G.
Audubon, J.J.
Auer, W.
Auersperg, A.M.I.
Auerswald, J.
Auger, P.J.
Austin, G.T.
Austin, O.L.
Austin, O.L., Jr.
Austin, T.W.
Avari, E.D.
Averill, A.B.
Avery, M.L.
Avian Genome Consortium
Aviel, S.
Avila, E.
Aviles, J.M.
Ayé, R.
Aylan, O.
Ayling, G.M.
Ayres, T.
Azerrad, J.M.
Azuma, Y.
Ba, A.
Ba, C.T.
Baas-Francke, E.
Babasaheb, N.R.
Babenko, V.G.
Babu, S.
Bachmeister, W.
Bachtrog, D.
Backensto, S.
Backhouse, J. Jr.
Baddeley, T.V.
Baden, D.
Badman, F.J.
Badrinarayanan, T.
Baedeker, F.W.
Baer, J.
Baer, J.G.
Baer, W.
Baeyens, G.
Bagchi, R.
Baggesen, D.L.
Baghino, L.
Baglione, V.
Bagotskaia, M.S.
Baguette, M.
Bahl, J.
BĂ€hrmann, U.
Baidya, P.
Baier, F.
Bailey, A.M.
Bailey, D.
Bailey, F.M.
Bailey, H.H.
Bailey, T.
Bailey, V.
Bailleul-LeSuer, R.
Baillie, S.
Baillie, S.R.
Bailly, J.-P.
Bain, O.
Bainbridge, I.P.
Baines, D.
BainovĂĄ, H.
Baird, S.F.
Bairlein, F.
Bajpai, N.K.
Baker, A.J.
Baker, B.W.
Baker, E.C.S.
Baker, J.M.
Baker, J.R.
Baker, M.D.
Baker, R.H.
Baker, S.E.
Baker-Gabb, D.J.
Bakker, V.J.
Balagurunathan, R.
Balaji, S.
Balakrishnan, P.
Balanca, G.
Balasubramanian, P.
Balat, F.
Balcar, T.
Balcha, G.
Balcombe, J.P.
Bald, R.P.
Balda, J.
Balda, R.P.
Baldamus, E.
Baldwin, P.H
Ball, D.
Ball, G.F.
Ball, I.J.
Ball, S.C.
Ball, W.H.
Ballard, E.
Ballesteros, T.
Balleyer, K.
Ballingal, B.
Ballmann, P.
Baltvilks, J.
Baltzer, M.C.
Balzani, A.
Bamard, P.
Bambaradeniya, C.N.B.
Banasek-Richter, C.
Bancroft, G.
Bancroft, G.T.
Bandara, I.N.
Bandara, S.
Bandara, S.K.
Bandi, C.
Bando, G.
Banerji, A.
Banet, C.
Bangdel, L.S.
Bangs, O.
Banko, P.C.
Banko, W.E.
Banks, R.C.
Bannasch, F.
Bannerman, D.A.
Bannerman, W.A.
Bannermann, D.A.
Bansok, R.
Banzhaf, W.
Baptosta, L.
BĂ€r, U.
Baral, H.S.
BarandiarĂĄn, J.M. de
Barash, D.P.
Barba, E.
Barber, B.R.
Barbieri, F.
Barbour, J.D.
Barbour, T.
Barbuto, M.
Barcelos, L.M.D.
Bardini, C.
Bardwell, E.
Barea, J.M.
Barichivich, W.J.
Barker, C.
Barker, F.K.
Barker, H.D.
Barker, I.K.
Barker, K.F.
Barkhuysen, A.
Barlow, J.C.
Barman, R.
Barnes, A.M.
Barnes, H.E.
Barnes, J.
Baron, S.
Barooah, D.
Barrat, J.
Barreira, A.S.
Barrett, A.D.T
Barrett-Hamilton, E.H.
Barrio, O.
Barrowclough, G.F.
Barrows, W.B.
Barruel, P.
Barry, K.
Bart, J.
Bartels, H.
Bartels, M.
Barten, M.L.
Barthel, P.H.
Bartle, J.A.
Bartlett, T.L.
Bartram, W.
Barua, .
Barua, M.
Baruah, B.
Baruah, P.
Barus, V.
Barve, S.
Barysheva, I.K.
Barzen, J.
BĂ€secke, K.
Basheer, M.
Basheer, P.P.M.
Bashta, A.-T.
Bashta, A.-T.V.
Basil, J.A.
Basil-Edwardes, S.
Baskaran, S.T.
Basnet, S.
Basova, D.
Bass, J.A.
Bastawade, D.B.
Bastian, H.-V.
Bastian, M.K.
Bastock, M.
Bastos, E.
Batalha-Filho, H.
Batchelder, C.F.
Bate, D.M.A.
Bateman, G.C.
Bates, G.L.
Bates, J.M.
Bates, R.S.P.
Batten, L.A.
Battey, C.J.
Battu, G.S.
Battye, R.K.M.
Baturina, F.M.
Bau, A.
Baudinette, R.V.
Baudraz, M.
Bauer, F.
Bauer, H.G.
Bauer, K.
Bauer, M.
Bauer, S.
Bauer, W.
Bauerova, J.A.
Bauga, I.
Baumel, J.J.
BĂ€umer-MĂ€rz, C.
Baumgart, W.
BĂ€umler, W.
Baumung, S.
Baunacke, W.
Baur, P.
Bautista, L.M.
Baxi, K.K.
Baxter, E.V.
Baxter, G.S.
Bayan, S.
Bayer, R.
Bayer, T.
Bayerische Akademie fĂŒr Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege
Bayerisches Landesamt fĂŒr Umweltschutz
Baynard, O.E.
Bayne, E.M.
Bayzid, M.S.
Baz, A.
Beadell, J.S.
Beal, F.E.L.
Beal, K.G.
Bealey, C.E.
Bean, N.
Beard, P.M.
Bearhop, S.
Beasley, D.W.C.
Beatty, P.V.
Beaty, B.J.
Beaucournu, J.C.
Beaud, M.
Beaufort, L.F. de
Beavan, R.C.
Becher, E.F.
Bechstein, J.M.
Beck, R.E. Jr.
Beck, R.H.
Becker, C.
Becker, J.
Becker, O.
Becker, P.
Becker, P.H.
Becker, S.F.
Beckmann, K.O.
Beckwith, W.H. III
Bedetti, C.
Bedford School Natural History Society
Bedggood, G.
Bednekoff, P.A.
Bednorz, J.
Bedrosian, B.
Beech, R.N.
Beecher, W.J.
Beehler, B.M.
Beentjes, K.K.
Beg, M.A.
Beg, S.
Begbie, A.
Begué, G.
Begum, I.J.
Begum, S.
Behera, S.
Behmann, H.
Behrens, H.
Beinlich, B.
Beisenherz, W.
Beissinger, S.R.
Beja, P.
BejÄek, V.
Bejenaru, L.
Beklova, M.
BÄlka, T.
Belkova, M.
Belkum, J. van
Bell, A.
Bell, G.D.
Bell, H.
Bellebaum, J.
Belliappa, K.M.
Bellini, R.
Belon, P.
Belton, W.
Belur, R.R.
Bemmel, A.C.V. van
Benada, J.
Benda, P.
Bendire, C.
Bendire, C.E.
Benecke, W.
Benford, R.
Benjamini, L.
Benkman, C.W.
Benn, S.
Bennett, A.T.D.
Bennett, G.F.
Bennett, K.T.
Bennett, T.D.
Bensch, S.
Benson, C.W.
Bent, A.C.
Bentzen, P.
Benus, R.F.
Berchten, R.E.
Berck, K.-H.
Berck, K.H.
Berdoy, M.
Berdyev, A.S.
Bereszynski, A.
Berg, A.L.
Berg, E.
Berg, E.C.
Berg, H.-M.
Berg, M.
Berger, A.J.
Berger, B.
Berger, J.
Berger, R.H.
Bergier, P.
Bergman, D.L.
Bergman, G.
Bergman, S.
Bergmann, H.-H.
Bergmann, S.
Bergmann, W.
Bergtold, W.H.
Berlepsch, H.
Berliner Ornithologische Arbeitsgemeinschaft (BOA)
Berlioz, J.
Bermingham, E.
BermĂșdez, E.P.
Bernard, J.
Bernard, K.A.
Berndt, K.
Berndt, R.
Bernhardt, M.
Bernstein, H.A.
Bernstein, M.H.
Berrett, D.G.
Berriff, A.H.
Berrow, S.D.
Berry, G.E.
Berry, K.H.
Berry, L.
Berry, S.S.
Bertelsen, M.F.
Berthold, P.
Bertolotti ,L.
Bertram, B.C.R.
Beshir, S.A.
Besnard, A.
Best, L.B.
Betham, R.M.
Bethel, W.M.
Betleja, J.
Bettaney, E.M.
Bettmann, H.
Betts, F.N.
Beuschold, E.
Beuschold, I.
Beverley, C.T.
Beverley, J.K.A.
Beyerbach, M.
Bezzel, E.
Bhaduri, J.L.
Bhagabati, N.K.
Bhagwat, V.
Bhalla, H.R.
Bhanumathi, C.P.
Bhardwaj, S.P.
Bhargava, R.
Bharos, A.
Bharos, A.M.K.
Bharucha, E.K.
Bhaskar, N.
Bhat, H.
Bhat, H.R.
Bhat, S.
Bhatia, A.
Bhatia, Y.
Bhatnagar, S.
Bhatnagar, S.P.
Bhatnegar, R.K.
Bhatt, A.
Bhatt, D.
Bhatt, N.C.
Bhattacharya, B.K.
Bhattacharya, S.
Bhattacharya, T.
Bhattacharyya, S.
Bhunya, S.P.
Bhusum, N.S.
Bhutia, P.T.
Biadun, W.
Bianchi, K.
Bickart, K.J.
Bickel, E.
Bidari, K.
Biddulph, C.H.
Biddulph, J.
Bidwell, E.
Bieri, W.
Biesemans, W.
Biewener, A.A.
Biewenerm, A.A.
Bignal E.M.
Bignal, E.
Bignal, E.M.
Bignal, S.
Bigot, L.
Bijlsma, R.G.
Bil, J.
Bildstein, K.L.
Billberg, G.J.
Billinis, C.
Bilqees, F.M.
bin Jalan, B.
Bingham, C.T.
Bingham, J.
Biological Institute of Metelen, Germany
Biologische Bundesanstalt (BBA)
Bioret, F.
Birand, A.
Birckhead, H.
Bird, C.D.
Bird, C.G.
Birkhead, T.R.
Birks, S.
Birks, S.M.
Birova-Volosinovicova, V.
Birren, B.W.
Birtsas, P.
Bischof, H.-J.
Bishop, K.D.
Bisht, R.S.
Biswas, B.
Biswas, S.
Bjerrum, M.
Blaauw, F.E.
Blab, J.
Black, A.E.
Black, J.D.
Black, J.M.
Blackman, G.E.
Blackman, S.
Blackmore, C.G.M.
Blackstone Lee, W.
Blackwell, B.F.
Bladon, A.J.
Blagg, E.W.H.
Blagosklonov, K.N.
Blair, C.M.G.
Blair, H.M.S.
Blair, M.J.
Blair, R.B.
Blake, E.R.
Blake, S.F.
Blakers, M.
Blakiston, R.A.
Blakiston, T.
Blakley, B.
Blanc, T.
Blancher, P.J.
Blanco, G.
Blanco, J.M.
Blanco, P.
Blancou, J.
Bland, B.F.
Blanford, W.T.
Blank, H.
Blasius, J.H.
Blasius, R.
Blaszyk, P.
Blatter, E.
Bleidorn, C.
Blezart, E.
Blick, T.
Blitvich, B.J.
Bloch, D.
Bloem, F.
Bloem, T.
Blom, R.
Blomgren, A.
Bloom, H.
Bloom, P.H.
Bloom, W.R.
Bluff, L.A.
Blume, C.A.
Blume, D.
Blumstein, D.T.
Blus, L.J.
Blyth, E.
Boag, D.A.
Boarman, W.I.
Boarman, W.I.
Boback, A.
Bocarmé, F.V.
BocheĆski, M.
Bochénski, Z.
Bochénski, Z.M.
Bochkov, A.V.
Bock, C.E.
Bock, W.J.
Böcker, M.
Bockmann, H.
Boddaert, P.
Boddington, D.G.
Bodey, T.W.
Boeckle, M.
Boehm, E.F.
Boehner, J.
Boekhout, T.
Boerman, W.I.
Boersma, P.D.
Boertmann, D.
Boesch, C.
Boesing, A.L.
Boev, B.
Boev, N.
Bogale, B.A.
Bogatz, K.
Bogdanov, I.I.
Boggs, D.F.
Bogliani, G.
Bogorodski, Y.
Bogorodskij, Y.
BohĂĄc, D.
Böhmer, A.
Böhner, J.
Böhning-Gaese, K.
Bohra, P.
Boie, F.
Boieiro, M.
Boiko, E.M.
Boire, D.
Bokotey, A.
Bolen, G.M.
Boles, W.
Bolger, D.T.
Bollinger, T.
Bollmann, K.
Bolopo, D.
Bolotnikov, A.M.
Bolshakov, N.M.
Bolton, H.C.
Bolzern, A.M.
Bomford, E.
Bommer, K.
Bon, M.
Bonaccorso, E.
Bonaparte, C.L.
Bond, A.A.
Bond, A.B.
Bond, J.
Bondick, E.
Bongards, M.-L.
Bongiorno, S.F.
Bonham, P.F.
Bonilauri, P.
Boone, J.L.
Boorsma, T.
Boosey, E.
Bootello, E.M.
Booth, C.J.
Borchert, W.
Bordes, F.
Borecky, S.R.
Borgarenko, L.F.
Borges, R.
Borghesio, L.
Borgos, G.
Borisenko, A.V.
Borkenhagen, P.
Borleis-Dreier, F.
Börner, J.
Borregaard, M.K.
Borsch, H.
Borst, G.H.A.
Borthakur, U.
Bosc, C.
Bosch, G.
Bosch, S.
Boschert, M.
Bose, V.K.
Bösel, K.
Bösenberg, K.
Boshoff, A.
Boson, W.L.
Bosque, C.
Bossema, I.
Bossenbrook, P.
Bossu, C.M.
Böswald, K.
Boswall, J.
Boswell, C.
Both, C.J.
Boto, A.
Böttcher, N.
Boubier, M.
Bouchud, J.
Boughton, R.K.
Bourdillon, T.F.
Bourne, W.R.P.
Bouskila, A.
Boussau, B.
Bouttefroy, A.
Bouyvolov, Y.
Bowditch, J.
Bowe, M.
Bowen, B.S.
Bowen, J.
Bowen, P.S.J.
Bowen, R.
Bowers, M.D.
Bowie, R.C.
Bowie, R.C.K.
Bowler, J.
Bowles, J.H.
Bowman, M.
Bowman, R.
Bowman, R.I.
Bowmann, R.
Boyarchuk, V.P.
Boyce, W.M.
Boyd, A.W.
Boyd, E.M.
Boyd, J.H.
Boye, P.
Boyle, H.S.
Boyles, R.
Bozhko, G.G.
Bradbury, W.C.
Brader, M.
Bradley, G.A.
Bradley, J.E.
Bradshaw, C.J.A.
Bradshaw, F.
Bragin, E.A.
Braly, J.C.
Brand, K.
Brandl, R.
Brandt, H.
Brandt, T.
Brandwijk, H.V.
Branezac, N.
Brasil, L.
Brathen, O.
BrÀuer, H.
Brault, A.C.
Braun, A.
Braun, E.L.
Braun, H.G.
Braun, M.
Braun, M.J.
Braund, F.W.
Brauneis, W.
Brauze, T.
Brawn, J.D.
Bray, R.A.
Brazil, M.
Brazil, M.A.
Breeden, S.
Breen, A.J.
Bregman, T.P.
Brehm, A.E.
Brehm, C.L.
Brehm, L.
Brehme, A.
Breiniger, D.R.
Breininger, D.R.
Breitenmoser, U.
Breitwisch, R.
Brekke, A.
Brémond, J.C.
Brend, S.
Brennecke, H.E.
Brennecke, R.
Brenning, H.
Brenning, U.
Brewer, T.M.
Brewster, W.
Brian, A.D.
Brian, M.V.
Brichetti, P.
Brickle, N.W.
Bridge, E.
Bridge, E.S.
Bridgman, C.J.
Bried, J.
Briesemeier, E.
Briesemeister, E.
Briggs, F.S.
Bright, J.A.
Brijs, J.
Brink, G.T.
Brinkmann, M.
Brinzeu, R.
Brisson, M.-J.
Broadhurst, C.
Broberg, M.M.
Brochier, B.
Brock, K.J.
Brock, S.E.
Brocker, L.
Brockie, K.
Brod, G.
Brodie, E.D. Jr.
Brodin, A.
Brodkorb, P.
Brody, A.
Brody, A.J.
Brombach, H.
Bromley-Schnur, H.
Brook, B.W.
Brooke, A.B.
Brooke, M de L.
Brooke, R.K.
Brooks, A.
Brooks, J.E.
Brooks, R.G.
Brooks, T.M.
Brooks, W.E.
Brooks, W.S.
Brose, W.
Brotons, L.
Brough, T.
Broun, M.
Brouwer, R.E.
Brower, A.V.Z.
Brower, G.A.
Brown, D.E.
Brown, E.D.
Brown, E.R.
Brown, G.
Brown, J.A.H.
Brown, J.D.
Brown, J.L.
Brown, J.S.
Brown, L.H.
Brown, M.D.
Brown, M.J.
Brown, N.
Brown, N.C.
Brown, P.M.
Brown, R.
Brown, R.H.
Brown, R.K.
Brown, R.N.
Brown, W.J.
Brown, W.L.
Browning, M.R.
Broyer, J.
Brtek, V.
Bruce, L.
Bruce, M.D.
Brucker, J.W.
BrĂŒckmann, U.
BrĂŒckner, A.
BrĂŒckner, U.
Bruderer, B.
Bruemmer, F.
Bruer, W.
Bruford, M.W.
BrĂŒggemann, F.
Bruggers, D.
Bruggers, D.J.
Bruijns, M.F.M.
BrĂŒll, H.
Brumfield, R.T.
Brummer-Korvenkontio, M.
Brun, L.
Bruner, P.L.
BrĂŒnnich, M.T.
Bruns, H.
Brunton, R.B.
Brush, A.H.
Brushko, L.K.
Bruun, B.
Bryan, E.H.
Bryant, C.H.
Bryant, P.
Bryant, W.E.
Brygoo, E.R.
Bryja, J.
BryjovĂĄ, A.
Bryson, D.K.
Bryson, R.W. Jr.
Bub, H.
Buchanan, C.D.
Buchanan, G.
Buchanan, G.M.
Buchanan, K.
BĂŒchel, H.P.
Buchen, C.
Buck, H.
Buckland, F.
Buckland, W.
Buckley, B.A.
Buckley, F.G.
Buckley, P.A.
Buckley, T.E.
Buckner, C.
Bucknill, J.A.
Buckow, C.V.
Buden, D.W.
Budgett, J.S.
Budi, N.S.
Budka, M.
Budkin, R.D.
Buduk-Ool, L.K.
Bueter, C.
Buffon, G.L.L.
Bugnyar, T.
BĂŒhler, A.
Bui, T.-V.D.
Buij, R.
Buitron, D.
Bulger, G.E.
Bull, P.C.
Bullock, I.D.
BĂŒlow, D.
Bulteel, G.
Bumann, G.B.
Bumrungsri, S.
Bunce, M.
Bunch, K.G.
Bundell, K.
Buner, F.
Bunikis, I.
Buniyaadi, A.
Bunning, M.
Bunting, E.S.
Burchsted, A.E.
Burckhardt, D.
Bures, S.
Burg, T.M.
Burger, A.E.
Burger, J.
Burgess, M.D.
Burgin, S.
Buri, R.
Burke, T.
Burke, T.A.
Burkhardt, M.
Burkitt, J.P.
BĂŒrkli, W.
Burkovskii, O.A.
Burleigh, T.D.
Burlinson, F.J.
Burn, H.
Burns, F.L.
Burns, K.C.
Burns, P.S.
Burns, Z.T.
Burnside, R.J.
Burri, R.
Burt, D.
Burt, D.B.
Burt, D.R.R.
Burt, D.W.
Burt, J.
Burton, F.M.
Burton, J.P.
Burton, K.
Burtschak-Abramowitsch, N.I.
Burtseva, L.
Buruun, B.
Busalacchi, B.
Busch, J.D.
Busch, W.
Busche, G.
Buschmann, H.
Bush, S.E.
Busnel, R.G.
Busse, P.
Bussmann, E.
Butchart, S.H.M.
Butcher, A.R.
BĂŒthe, A.
Butkauskas, D.
Butler, A.B.
Butler, A.L.
Butler, J.F.
Butler, R.W.
Butterfield, W.R.
Buttiker, W.
BĂŒttikofer, J.
Buturlin, S.A.
Buxton, A.
Buxton, L.H.D.
Byers, P.
Bykoglu, G.
Bylicka, M.
Bylin, A.
BĂžnlĂžkke, J.
Cabanis, J.
Cabello de Alba, F.
Cabot, D.
Cabral, J.A.
Cabrera, M.F.
Caccamise, D.F.
Cade, T.J.
Cadenas, F.M.
Cadiou, B.
Cadman, W.A.
Caffrey, C.
Cahalane, V.H.
Cai, T.
Cai, Y.
Cain, A.J.
Cain, S.L.
Caine, N.G.
Caldana, M.
Caldoni, R.
Caldwell, J.A.
Call, M.W.
Callas, R.L.
Calle, P.P.
Calvin, S.
Calzolari, M.
Cama, P.
Camaret, S.
Camargo, E.
Cameron, E.D.
Cameron, E.S.
Cameron, R.L.
Camp, R.J.
Camp, R.L.
Campbell, B.
Campbell, C.
Campbell, C.W.
Campbell, Earl W.III.
Campbell, G.
Campbell, J.W.
Campbell, K.K.
Campbell, V.M.
Campomanes-Cortes, A.
Campos, P.F.
Canal, D.
CanĂĄrio, F.
Canestrari, D.
Cangialosi, G.
Cannon, A.R.
Cano-Martil, S.
Canova, L.
Cantera, J.P.
Canterbury, R.A.
Cao, Y.
Äapek, W.
Capella-Gutiérrez, S.
Capoor, V.N.
Capp, E.J.R.
Capper, W.
Car, Z.
Carbot, S.
Carbyn, L.N.
Cardenas, M.
Cardia, P.M.
Carey, G.J.
Carisio, L.
Carlile, B.
Carlile, N.
Carlos Baak-Baak, C.
Carlson, T.
Carmen, W.J.
Carpelan, J.
Carpene, E.
Carpenter, G.H.
Carpenter, J.R.
Carr, L.
Carr, P.
Carranza, J.
Carrara, A.S.
Carrieri, M.
Carriker, M.A.
Carriker, M.A. Jr.
Carruthers, D.
Carson, H.L.
Carter, T.
Carvalho, D.
Casals, J.
Casini, S.
Casiraghi, M.
Casler, C.L.
Cassel, J.F.
Cassey, P.
Cassin, J.
Castell, P.
Castellani, R.
Castelli, S.
CĂ€sten, H.
Castle, M.E.
Castle-Sloane, C.
Castoe, T.A.
Castro, F.
Caswell, D.
Catalisano, A.
Caterini, F.
Catesby, M.
Caula, S.
Cavallini, P.
Cavrini, F.
Cawkell, E.M.
Cazelles, B.
Cellarova, E.
Cérésole, L.P.
Cerny, L.
Cester, D.
Cetindag, M.
Cezilly, F.
Chabaud, A.G.
Chace, J.F.
Chadwick, D.H.
Chaitra, M.S.
Chaiyaporn, V.
Chakkaravarthy, Q.A.
Chakrabarthi, P.
Chakraborty, A.
Chakravarthy, A.K.
Chalana, R.K.
Chaline, N.
Chamberlain, D.E.
Chamberlain, D.R.
Chamberlain, M.
Chamberlain, R.D.
Chamberlain-Auger, J.A.
Chambers, W.T.H.
Chambliin D.
Chan, B.P.
Chan, S.
Chandiramani, N.K.
Chandraprakash, J.
Chandrasekaran, S.
Chang, J.
Changhu, L.
Channa, P.
Channon, D.
Chantrey, D.F.
Chapman, A.
Chapman, F.M.
Chapman, G.
Chappell, B.M.
Chappell, J.
Chappellier, A.
Chappuis, G.
Charles, J.K.
Charter, M.
Charvoz, P.
Chasen, F.N.
Chashchin, S.P.
Chastel, O.
Chathoth, N.
Chatterjea, N.N.
Chatterjee, R.K.
Chaturvedi, N.
Chaudhary, B.
Chaudhary, H.
Chaudhuri, C.
Chaudhury, A.C.
Chauhan, B.C.
Chavan, V.
Cheasty, T.
Cheers, C.
Cheesman, R.E.
Cheke, L.G.
Chelomina, G.N.
Chen, F.
Chen, G.
Chen, G.-L.
Chen, G.F.
Chen, S.
Chen, S.-H.
Chen, X.
Chen, X.Z.
Chen, Y.
Chen-Xi, J.
Cheng, K.
Cheng, K.M.
Cheng, P.H.
Chengmei, Z.
Chernel, I.
Chernel, J.
Chernobaj, V.F.
Chernov, N.A.
Cherubini, G.
Chesney, M.C.
Chesser, R.T.
Chessex, C.
Chettleburgh, M.R.
Chew, W.K.
Cheylan, G.
Chhangani, A.K.
Chhangiani, A.K.
Chi Chim, W.A.
Chiarati, E.
Chiba, N.
Chikuni, K.
Chiozzi, G.
Chiquet, C.
Chira, A.M.
Chisholm, A.H.
Chishti, M.Z.
Chmela, J.
Chmielewski, S.
Cho, S.
Choe, J.C.
Choea, J.C.
Choi, C.Y.
Choi, I.-S.
Choi, J.G.
Choi, T.B.
Choisy, J.P.
Chojnowski, J.L.
Choo, H.Y.
Choo, Y.M.
Choudhary, D.N.
Choudhury, A.
Choudhury, B.C.
Chowdhury, S.U.
Christdon, M.
Christen, W.
Christensen, H.
Christensen, J.E
Christensen, L.
Christensen, R.
Christidis, L.
Christie, D.A.
Christison, A.F.P.
Christison, P.
Christmann, K.-H.
Christy, C.
Chu, G.Z.
Chu, M.
Chubaryan, F.A.
Chubb, A.L.
Chubb, E.C.
Chudinova, A.
Chun Mi-Za
Chylarecki, P.
Ciach, M.
Ciampelli, A.
Cibois, A.
Cibulski, L.
Cicero, C.
Cichocki, W.
Ciebiera, O.
Cieslik, L.
Ciliento, E.
Cimiotti, D.V.
Cizek, A.
Clade, T.J.
Claerbergen, V. van
Clapham, P.A.
Clapp, R.B.
Clapperton, B.K.
Clark, A.M.
Clark, C.
Clark, L.
Clark, R.G.
Clark, T.W.
Clarke, J.
Clarke, P.M.
Clarke, S.R.
Clarke, W.E.
Clarkson, K.
Clary, D.
Clausen, W.
Clay, T.
Clayton, D.H.
Clayton, L.
Clayton, N.S.
Cleary, G.
Clegg, T.M.
Clement Francis M.
Clemente, C.
Clements, F.A.
Clements, K.C.
Clements, T.
Clench, M.H.
Clergeau, P.
Clippinger, T.L.
Cliquet, F.
Clucas, B.
Cnotka, J.
Coale, H.K.
Coates, B.J.
Coates, P.
Coatney, G.R.
Coburn, C.A.
Coburn, J.
Cochrane, J.H.
Cockburn, A.
Codd, R.B.
Codourey, J.
Coe, S.J.
Coffey, L.
Cohen, A.A.
Cohn-Haft, M.
Colas, J.
Cole, A.C.
Colebrook-Robjent, J.F.R.
Coleman, J.D.
Collar, N.J.
Collier, C.
Collinge, W.E.
Collins, C.T.
Collins, P.W.
Collins, S.J.K.
Collinson, J.M.
Collinson, M.
Collopy, M.W.
Colorio, G.
Colwell, M.A.
Comet, T.A.
Congreve, W.M.
Conkova, E.
Connelly, J.W.
Conner, R.N.
Connop, S.
Connor, M.
Connor, R.J.
Connor, R.N.
Conrad, A.
Conrad, B.
Conrads, K.
Consul, C.
Conteras, F.J.
Conti, L.A.
Contini, M.
Conway, C.
Conway, G.J.
Cook, A.
Cook, A.S.
Cook, G.
Cook, J.
Cook, J.P.
Cook, W.E.
Cooke, C.H.
Coombs, C.J.
Cooney, C.R.
Cooper, A.
Cooper, J.E.
Cooper, J.H.
Cooper, L.
Coraluppi, A.
Corballis, M.C.
Cordeaux, W.W.
Corelett, R.T.
Cornelius, L.W.
Cornell, H.N.
Cornwell, G.W.
Corny, P.J.
Corona, C.V.
Correia, S.P.
Corrington, J.D.
Corroto, M.
Corry, C.B.
Corsetti, G.
Cortés-Avizanda, A.
Corti, U.A.
Corvillo, M.
Cory, C.B.
Costy, F.
Cotgreave, P.
Cottam, C.
Cottee-Jones, H.E.W.
Cotter, R.C.
Cotterman, V.
Couch, D.N.
Coues, E.
Couloux, A.
Court, E.J.
Courtois, F.
Coutts, D.
Covas, R.
Coverley, H.W.
Cowan, P.J.
Coward, T.A.
Cowdy, J.B.
Cowdy, S.
Cowin, W.S.
Cox, J.A.
Cox, J.J.
Cox, R.
Cox, W.A.
Coy-Otero, A.
Crabtree, M.B.
Crabtree, R.L.
Cracraft, J.
Crafton, J.C.
Craig, D.P.
Craig, J.L.
Craig, R.J.
Craig, S.B.
Craighead, D.
Craighead, F.C., Jr.
Crain-Michielsen, N.
Cram, E.B.
Cramp, S.
Cranfield, M.R.
Crawford, G.H.S.
Crawford, H.S.
Crawford, R.E.
Crawford, R.L.
Crayon, J.J.
Creekmore, T.
Cresswell, W.
Creutz, G.
Cribb, T.H.
Criddle, N.
Criglington, M.J.
Crins, W.J.
Crise, B.
Cristol, D.A.
Critchlow, R.
Crochet, P.-A.
Crocker, D.R.
Crockett, C.
Crocq, C.
Croitor, R.
Crook, C.
Crook, J.H.
Crook, S.
Cropp, C.B.
Crosby, M.J.
Crosby, N.A.
Cross, A.
Cross, D.J.
Cross, T.F.
Crossin, R.S.
Crossland, A.
Crousaz, G. de
Crowe, T.M.
Croze, H.
Cruaud, C.
Cruickshank, A.D.
Cruickshank, R.H.
Crump, W.B.
Cruz Schneider, M.P.
Cruz, A.
Cruz, A., Jr.
Csallner, K.
Csermely, D.
CsernavĂŒlgyi, L.
Csiki, E.
Csillag, A.
Csörgey, T.
Cuccia, J.
Cucco, M.
Cuevas, E.
Cuevas, J.A.
Cugnasse, J.-M.
Cui, J.
Cullen, J.M.
Cullen, J.P.
Cumming, W.D.
Cunningham, A.H.
Cunningham, S.J.
Currie, A.J.
Currier, E.S.
Curry, P.J.
Curry, R.L.
Curry, W.J.
Curry-Lindahl, K.
Cursano, B.
Curtis, D.J.
Cushing, J.E., Jr.
Cuvier, G.
Cyprich, D.
Czapulak, A.
Czarnecka, J.
Czarnecki, Z.
Czechowski, P.
Czuchnoswki, R.
CzyĆŒ, S.
D'Abreu, E.A.
D'Alessandri, P.
D'Auria, D.E.
d'Orbigny, A.D.
d'Silva, C.
D'Souza, D.
da Fonseca, R.R.
da Rosa, A.T.
da Silva, A.
da Silva, E.
Dabert, J.
Dabrowska, B.
Dabrowski, Z.
Dadesa, A.
Dadour, I.
Dahlgren, S.S.
Dahlmann, S.
Daimaru, H.
Dakwale, S.
Dalabiras, Z.
Dalal, P. A.
Dalem, A.A.G.R.
Dales, M.
Dalix, J.-F.
Dall, S.R.X.
Dalla-Liberra, L.
Dallinger, R.
Dallmann, K.
Dally, J.M.
Dalmon, J.
Dalvi, S.
Damery, R.
Dames, T.J.
Dan, A.
Danchin, E.
Dancker, P.
Danford, C.G.
Danforth, S.T.
Dang, H.R.
Daniels, M.J.
Daniels, R.
Daniels, R.R.J.
Danielsen, F.
Dannenberg, R.
Danon, M.
Dar, J.A.
Dar, N.I.
Dar, S.A.
Darcus, S.J.
Dare, P.J.
Darke, T.O.
Darleyhill, S.
Darlington, A.
Darolova, A.
Das, D.
Das, I.
Das, J.P.
Das, K.M.
Das, R.K.
Das, S.K.
Dash, N.
Dashevsky, B.A.
Dathe, H.
Datta, A.
Datta, M.M.
Datta, S.
Datta, T.
DĂ€ubl, B.
Daudin, F.M.
Daunicht, W.D.
Daut, C.
Daut, K.
Davalos, L.M.
Davenport, D.L.
Davenport, J.
Davenport, J.L.
David, A.
David, J.P.
David, R.E.
Davidar, P.
Davidson, J.
Davidson, J.A.G.
Davidson, P.
Davidson, P.J.
Davies, C.
Davies, C.W.N.
Davies, G.B.
Davies, N.B.
Davies, S.
Davies, S.A.
Davies, S.J.J.F.
DĂĄvila, J.A.
Davis, A.
Davis, B.
Davis, D.E.
Davis, G.W.
Davis, J.E.
Davis, L.I.
Davis, M.
Davis, P.E.
Davis, R.A.
Davis, S.
Davis, T.A.
Davis, T.A.W.
Davis, W.B.
Davison, G.W.H.
Davison, M.
Dawson, A.
Dawson, D.A.
Dawson, E.W.
Dawson, J.W.
Dawson, R.D.
Dawson, R.W.
Dawson, W.L.
Day, J.F.
Day, K.R.
Day, N.
De Bernardi, F.
de Castro, J.
de Castro, M.
de Crousaz, G.
de Crousaz, P.
De Jong, W.H.
de Kaleniczenko, J.
de Knijff, P.
de Kort, S.R.
de L. Brooke, M.
de la Cruz, C.
de la Puente, J.
de La Touche, J.D.
de Lafresnaye, F.A.A.
De Lillo, E.
de Lope, F.
de Luca, A.
de Lumley, H.
de Luna, S.S.
De Meijere, J.L.F.
de Montbéliard, P.G.
de Neve, L.
De Pietri, V.L.
de Reyna, L.A.
de Sanctis, A.
de Santo, T.L.
de Selys-Longhamps, M.E.
De Silva, P.H.D.H.
de Sparre, L.E.G.
de Villalobos, A.E.
De Vree, F.
De Vries, T.S.J.
de Wolf, J.
de Zilva, T.S.U.
De, G.
De-Yanes, G.S.
Deal, W.
Dean, W.R.J.
Deane, C.D.
Dear, E.
Deas, T.
Debata, S.
DeBenedictis, P.A.
Debnath, R.
Debout, G.
Debus, S.J.S.
DeCandido, R.
Decken, J.G. von der
Decker, D.G.
Decker, F.R.
Deckert, G.
Deerasingha, D.A.C.I.
Defilippo, F.
DeGange, A.R.
Degen, E.
Degen, G.
Degraaf, R.M.
Dehao, L.
Deignan, H.G.
Dekeyser, P.L.
Dekker, R.W.R.J.
del Hoyo, J.
Del Marmol, P.
del Rio, C.M.
Delacour, J.
Delafosse, W.
Delaney, K.S.
DeLap, J.
DeLap, J.H.
Delaveleye, R.
Deleris, P.
Delessert, A.
Delestrade, A.
Delfino, M.
Delibes, M.
Dellelegn, Y.
Delme Radcliffe, H.
Delmee, E.
Delmotte, C.
Delvaux, J.
Demandt, C.
Demant, H.
DeMarco, L.
DeMartini, J.R
Dementiev, G.P.
Demetriades, K.H.
Dendaletche, D.
Deng, W.
Denker, E.
Denneman, W.D.
Dennison, M.D.
Deramond, M.
Derivot, J.
Derrickson, S.R.
Derryberry, E.
Derryberry, E.P.
Deryabin, P.G.
Desai, A.
Desbrosse, R.
Desfayes, M.
Deshmukh, V.
Deshpande, P.
Desmettre, P.
Desportes, J.-P.
Desportes, J.P.
Despott, G.
Desy, G.E.
Detmers, A.
Detmers, E.
Dettmer, R.
Deubel, V.
Deutsche Ornithologen-Gesellschaft
Deutscher Jagdschutz-Verband
Dev, A.N.
Dev, K.
Devasahayam, A.
Devasahayam, S.
Deventer, S.A.
Devi, A.
Devilliers, P.
Devito, K.
Devkar, R.
Dewar, D.
Dewitte, T.
Dexter, N.
Dezfuli, B.S.
Dhadhal, J.
Dhadwal, D.
Dhage, K.P.
Dhamankar, A.
Dharmakumarsinhji, K.S.
Dharmaputra, G.
Dhileepan, K.
Dhiman, S.P.
Dhindsa, M.S.
Dhinsa, S.
Di Labio, B.M.
Dial, K.P.
Diamond, J.
Diamond, J.M.
DĂaz RamĂrez,L.G.
Diaz, M.T.
Dibernardo, A.
Dice, L.R.
Dick, H.
Dick, J.A.
Dick, T.A.
Dickinson E.C.
Dickinson, A.
Dickinson, E.C.
Dickman, C.R.
Dickson, A.P.
Dickson, R.C.
Diederich, F.
Dielissen, B.
Dierker, W.
Dierkes, F.
Dierschke, J.
Diesselhorst, G.
Dietrich, J.
Dietrich, J.H.
DIez-MĂ©ndez, D.
Dijksen, A.J.
Dijksen, W.
Dijkstra, C.
Dilawar, M.
Dimcheff, D.E.
Diminno, R.L.
Dimitrov, D.
Dimitrova, Z.M.
Dinets, V.
Ding, P.
Ding, T.S.
Dingle, T.J.
Dingler, M.
Dinsmore, J.J.
Disher, P.
Dissanaike, A.S.
Dissanayake, Duminda S.B.
Ditscherlein, E.
Dittberner, H.
Dittberner, W.
Dittmann, D.L.
Dittrich, W.
Dix, M.J.
Dixit, A.K.
Dixit, D.
Dixon, A.
Dixon, C.
Dixon, J.B.
Djenanian, R.
Dmowski, K.
Doak, D.F.
Dobbrick, L.
Dobbrick, W.
Dobbrick. L.
Dobbs, A.
Dobicki, W.
Dobkin, D.S.
Dobrovolski, B.V.
Dobrowolski, K.A.
Doby, J.M.
Dod, F.H.
Dodia, J.F.
Dodsworth, P.L.T.
Dodsworth, P.T.L.
Doerr, E.D.
Doerr, V.A.J.
Dohms, K.M.
Dolata, P.T.
Dolbeer, R.A.
Dolbik, M.S.
Dolejska, M.
Dolenec, Z.
Dolinski, A.C.
Dollfus, R.P.
Dolman, P.M.
Domaniewski, J. von
Domaniewsky, J.
Domashecsky, S.V.
Dombrovskii, V.
Dombrovskii, V.C.
Dombrowski, A.
Donahue, J.P.
Donald, C.H.
Donald, P.F.
Donath, H.
Donato, D.B.
Donazar, J.A.
Doncev, S.
Dondero, F.
Donika, I.S.
Donnelly, R.
Doolittle, E.A.
Dorda, D.
Dörenkamp, J.
Dorfman, E.J.
Dorka, V.
Dorn, J.L.
Dornbusch, M.
Dornieden-Greve, R.
Dorrestein, G.M.
Dorst, J.
Dos Santos, J.R.
Doszhanov, T.N.
Dotsenko, T.K.
Dott, H.E.M.
Dottori, M.
Douet, V.
Doumandji, S.
DovÄ, A.
Dove, C.J.
Dover, J.W.
Dowsett, R.J.
Dowsett-Lemaire, F.
Drachmann, J.
Drack, G.
Draghi, A.
Drake, C.F.T.
Drebot, M.
Drecnkhahn, D.
Dreifke, R.
Dreschel, T.W.
Dresser, H.E.
Drever, M.C.
Dreweti, D.R.
Drews, A.
Dreyfuss, G.
Drijvers, R.
Driskell, A.C.
Droege, G.
Drokin, D.A.
Dronen, N.O.
Drost, R.
Drouin, T.E.
Drozdowski, S.
Druker, B.B.
Drummond, H.M.
Drury, M.R.
Druzyaka, A.V.
Drzeniecka-Osiadacz, A.
Du Bus, B.-A.L.
du Cane Godman, F.
Du Guesclin, P.
Du, B.
Du, X.-J.
Dubay, S.A.
Dubey, J.P.
Dubinina, M.N.
Dubke, K.H.
DuBois, A.D.
Dubois, A.J.C.
DĂŒcker, G.
Duckworth, J.W.
Duckworth, W.D.
Dudek, M.
DuduĆ, L.
Duff, D.G.
Dufour, V.
Dugan, D.
Dugas-Ford, J.
Dugatkin, L.A.
Duggal, C.L.
Duhan, G.U.U.B.
Dulisz, B.
Dunajewski, A.
Dunant, F.
Duncan, B.
Duncan, L.
Duncan, R.B.
Dungel, J.
Dunipace, L.
Dunk, J.R.
Dunlop, E.B.
Dunman, P.M.
Dunn, P.M.
Dunn, P.O.
Dunnet, G.M.
Dupond, C.
Dupond, C:
Durand, S.
Durand, S.E.
DuĆ, U.
Dusbabek, F.
Dusek, R.J.
Dusi, J.L.
Dutoit, V.
Dutson, G.
Dutson, G.C.L.
Dutta, B.B.
Dutta, P.K.
Dutta, S.K.
DĂŒttmann, H.
Duvall, F.P.
Dvorak, J.
Dvorak, M.
Dwaraknath, A.
Dwenger, R.
Dwight, G.S.
Dwiputra, D.
Dwyer, J.F.
Dwyer, N.C.
Dybbro, T.
Dybowski, B.
Dymond, J.N.
Dymond, N.
Dyrcz, A.
Dzharkenov, A.F.
Eades, R.A.
Eadie, J.M.
Eah, J.Y.
Eakle, W.L.
Eames, E.H.
Eames, J.C.
Earnes, J.C.
East, M.
Easterbee, N.
Easterbrook, T.G.
Eates, K.R.
Eaton, J.A.
Eaton, M.D.
Ebel, G.D.
Ebels, E.B.
Eber, G.
Echols, K.L.
Eck, S.
Ecke, S.
Eckhoff, P.
Eckstein, C.
Eddleman, W.R.
Eddowes, M.
Eden, S.F.
Edenius, L.
Edgar, A.T.
Edlinger, A.V.
Edwards, C.L.
Edwards, E.
Edwards, E.E.
Edwards, H.E.
Edwards, S.V.
Eggers, J.
Eggers, S.
Eggert, B.
Egstad, K.F.
Eguchi, K.
Eguren, E. de
Ehrenberg, C.G.
Ehrengruber, M.U.
Eichler, W.
EichstÀdt, H.
EichstÀdt, W.
Eidner, R.
Eidson, M.
Eifrig, G.
Eigelis, Y.K.
Eikamp, H.
Eike, H.
Eimes, J.A.
Eisenreich, W.
Eisermann, K.
Eisfeld, D.
Eising, C.M.
Eislöffel, F.
Ejgelis, J.K.
Ekblom, R.
Ekiert, T.
Ekman, A.
Ekman, J.
El-Hamamy, M.M.
El-Zorgani, E.L.
Eldere, J. van
Elgmork, K.
Elgood, J.H.
Elizabeth, M.J.
Elkins, N.
Elle, O.
Ellegren, H.
Ellenberg, H.
Elliffe, D.
Elliffe, D.M.
Elliot, R.D.
Elliott, A.
Elliott, J.E.
Elliott, W.W.
Ellis, A.E.
Ellis, D.H.
Ellis, J.M.S.
Ellis, M.H.
Ellis, P.M.
Ellstrand, N.C.
Elmqvist, T.
ElĂłsegui, I.
Elphick, D.G.
Elst, D. van der
Elton, C.
Elvestad, K.
Elvy, R.J.
Elwes, H.J.
Elze, D.L.
Embody, G.C.
Emde, F.
Emeis, W.
Emelyanova, E.Y.
Emerson, K.C.
Emery, N.J.
Emery, N.L.
Emlen, J.T.
Emlen, J.T. Jr.
Emmert, E.
Emmet, A.M.
Emms, S.K.
Emslie, S.D.
Ena, V.
Enawgaw, C.
Encinas-Grandes, A.
Engel, E.
Engel, K.A.
Enggist-DĂŒblin, P.
EnglÀnder, W.
Engler, G.
Enigk, K.
Enne, V.I.
Eo, S.H.
Epars, M.
Epping, O.
Epple, W.
Erard, C.
Erdbrink, D.P.
Erdelyi, K.
Erdmann, F.
Erdmann, G.
Erdmann, G:
Erez, A.
Erfmann, M.
Erftemeijer, P.
Erftemeijer, P.L.A.
Erhard, R.
Erickson, A.
Ericson, P.G.P.
Erikddon, M.
Eriksen, H.
Eriksen, J.
Eriksson, L.
Erikstad, K.E.
Erkamo, V.
Erlinger, G.
Ernest, H.B.
Ernst, C.H.
Ernst, C.M.
Erpino, M.J.
Erpinom, M.J.
Ertel, R.
Erz, W.
Escalante, A.A.
Escalona-Segura, G.
Espinosa de los Monteros, A.
Espmark, Y.
Esque, T.C.
Esselstyn, J.A.
Estbergs, J.
Esterberg, L.K.
Esterhuizen, J.R.
Estrada-Franco, J.G.
Estrada-Pena, A.
et al.
Etchécopar, R.D.
Etienne, K.L.
Eutermoser, A.
Evans, A.H.
Evans, I.B.
Evans, J.W.
Evans, K.
Evans, M.A.
Evans, M.I.
Evans, T.D.
Evans, W.
Eve, R.
Evenden, F.G.
Everding, S.E.
Everett, A.H.
Evershed, S.
Eversmann, E.F.
Evseeva, T.I.
Ewart, A.
Ewbank, D.
Ewell, C.
Ewins, P.J.
Ewnetu, M.
Eyckerman, R.
Ezradanam, V.
Fabian, N.
Fabre, P.-H.
Fackelmann, C.
Faegre, S.
Fain, A.
Fairbairn, S.
Faircloth, B.C.
Fairman, N.P.
Faithfull, I.
Falcon-Lezama, J.A.
Falkingham, C.
Falla, R.A.
Fallet, M.
Fallon, S.M.
Falter, A.
Fames, J.C.
Fan, Y.
Fancy, S.G.
Fang, S.-B.
Fang, Y.
Fankhauser, T.
Farabaugh, S.
Farabaugh, S.M.
Farago, S.
Farfan-Ale, J.A.
Fargallo, J.A.
Farias, M.
Farinha, J.C.
Farkas, T.
Farley, L.
Farley, S.
Farley, S.D.
Farnesi, R.M.
Farooq, M.
Farooqui, J.
Farré, M.
Farrow, S.
Farsky, O.
Fasola, M.
Fatma, S.
Faudiziah, A.
Faust, E.C.
Faust, G.
Favarger, J.
Feare, C.J.
Fedjuschin, A.V.
Fedorenko, I.A.
Fedorov, E.D.
Fedorov, V.G.
Fedorova, T.N.
Fedriani, J.M.
Fedyanina, T.F.
Feenstra, H.
Feeroz, M.M.
Feher-Elston, C.
Feilden, H.W.
Feinstein, J.
Feldman, C.R.
Feldmann, R.
Feldmann, U.
Felix, K.
Felix, L.
Fell, P.J.
Fell-Smith, F.J.
Fellowes, J.R.
Fellstrom, C.
Felton, C.L.
Fennell, C.M.
Fenton, L.L.
Ferguson, R.
Ferguson-Lees, I.J.
Fergusson, E.J.
Fergusson, H.S.
Fermum, H.
Fernandes, A.M.
FernĂĄndez, A.
FernĂĄndez, O.S.
Fernandez, R.L.
FernĂĄndez-Juricic, E.
Fernandez-Salas, I.
Fernando, S.W.
Ferns, P.N.
Ferreira, P.C.
Ferrer, M.
Ferrer, X.
Ferretti, M.P.
Ferri, E.
Ferriere, R.
Ferro, I.
Ferte, H.
Festa, E.
Festetics, J.
Feucht, O.
Feuen, H.R.
Feuerriegel, K.
Feulner, G.R.
Feulner, J.
Fiebig, J.
Fiedler, W.
Field, F.
Field, R.D.
Fielding, A.H.
Fike, J.A.
Filippova, N.A.
Filonov, K.P.
Finken, H.
Finn, F.
Finney, S.K.
Finsch, O.
Fintha, I.
Fiore, I.
Firth, F.
Fischer von Waldheim, G.
Fischer, C.E.C.
Fischer, J.W.
Fischer, K.
Fischer, S.
Fischer, W.
Fischer-Sigwart, H.
Fisher, A.K.
Fisher, C.T.
Fisher, D.
Fisher, H.I.
Fisher, J.
Fisher, T.
Fishpool, L.D.C.
Fisk, E.J.
Fitch, W.T.
Fite, K.V.
Fitter, R.S.R.
Fitzner, R.E.
Fitzpatrick, J.W.
Fitzpatrick, S.
Fitzsimons, J.A.
Fitzwater, W.D.
Fjeld, E.
Fjeld, P.E.
FjeldsÄ, J.
Flade, M.
Flak, J.
Flake, L.D.
Flamand, A.
Fleck, D.C.
Fleischer, A.L. Jr.
Fleischer, R.C.
Fleischer, T.L.
Fleisher, E.
Fleming, R.L.
Fleming, R.L., Jr.
Fletcher, J.
Fletcher, M.R.
Fleur, T.S.L.
Fleury, B.E.
Fleury, Z.
Flint, P.R.
Flintoff, R.J.
Fliszkiewicz, M.
Floericke, C.
Florence, L.
Flores-Flores, L.F.
Florescu, B.I.
Flöricke, C.
Flössner, D.
Flousek, J.
Flower, S.S.
Focardi, S.
Focke, E.
Fog, M.
Foger, M.
Foggin, J.M.
Fok, K.W.
Folk, C.
Folkedal, S.
Fonseca, D.M.
Forbes, H.O.
Forbes, S.L.
Forbes, W.A.
Forbush, E.H.
Fordham, R.A.
Fordham, W.H.
Forero, M.G.
Formica, M.
Formon, A.
Formosof, A.N.
Formosov, A.N.
Forrest, H.E.
Forrester, D.J.
Forrester, R.I.
Forristal, P.D.
Forsman, D.
Förstel, A.
Förster, D.
Forster, G.H.
Forsythe, D.M.
Fossi, M.C.
FossĂžy, F.
Foster, G.N.
Foster, J.T.
Foster, R.T.
Fotedar, D.N.
Fotso, R.
Fouarge, J.
Fouchier, R.A.M.
Foulkes, R.
Fouquet, M.
Fournier, J.Y.
Fowler, W.W.
Fowles, A.
Fox, E.A.
Fox, E.A.S.
Fox, G.A.
Fox, P.S.
Foysal, M.
FrÀdrich, E.
Frahnert, S.
Fraissinet, M.
Franchimont, J.
Francis, A.M.
Francis, C.M.
Francis, H.F.
Francis, I.S.
Frank, F.
Frank, F.W.
Frank, H.
Frank, R.
Franke, E.
Franke, T.
Frankhauser, T.
Fransson, T.
Frantova, D.
Franz, J.
Fraser, D.J.H.
Fraser, D.L.
Fraser, O.N.
Frechet, G.
Frede, M.
Frederick, P.C.
Frederiksen, M.
Freeman, J.
Fremuth, W.
Fresneda, I.
Freud, L.
Fricker, A.
Frickhinger, H.W.
Friedland, A.
Friedman, E.
Friedmann, H.
Friedmann, V.S.
Friedrich, W.
Frieling, H.
Frikke, J.
Frings, H.
Frings, M.
Fritsch, G.
Fritts, T.H.
Fritz, J.
Froelich, S.
Frome, N.F.
Frömming, E.
Frost, M.D.
Frothingham, T.E.
Frugie, S.
Frugis, S.
Fry, C.H.
Fu, X.
Fuchs, E.
Fuchs, J.
Fuchs, W.
Fujii, T.
Fujimaki, Y.
Fujimoto, K.
Fujioka, M.
Fujiwara, K.
Fukamatsu, N.
Fukatsu, H.
Fukiharu, T.
Fukui, A.
Fukui, D.
Fukui, E.
Fukui, N.
Fukui, T.
Fukushi, H.
Fulgione, D.
Fuller, G.A.
Fuller, R.J.
Fuller, R.M.
Fulton, H.T.
Fumagalli, L.
Furnas, B.J.
Furness, R.W.
Furphy, J.S.
Furuya, I.
Fusco, G.
Futehally, S.
Futehally, Z.
GabaldĂłn, T.
GĂ€bler, H.
Gabriel, P.O.
Gabriel, R.
Gabriel-Martinez, J.
Gabrion, C.
Gadadhar, S.
Gadeau de Kerville, H.
Gadella, T.W.J.
Gadella-Faddegon, M.M.
Gadgil, M.
Gagarina, T.A.
Gagsch, L.
Gaibani, P.
Gaikwad, P.M.
Gajdon, G.K.
Gajon, A.
Gala, M.
Galbraith, I.C.J.
Galbraith, M.
Galbreath, E.C.
Galdikas, B.M.F.
Gale, G.A.
Galef, B.G.
Galimberti, A.
Galkina, I.V.
Galkov, V.P.
Gall, W.
Gallai, G.
Galletti, G.
Gallo, A.
Galushin, V.M.
Gamagae, S.J.
Gamauf, A.
Gambel, W.
Gamble, P.H.
Ganapathy, G.
Ganapathy, N.
Gandhi, S.S:
Ganesant, N.S.
Ganesh, T.
Ganguli, U.
Ganja, I.M.
Ganpule, R.
Gantlett, S.
Ganzhorn, J.U.
Gao, L.
Gao, W.
Gao, X.M.
GarcĂa Dory, M.A.
GarcĂa, E.
Garcia-Baquero, M.J.
Garcia-Moreno, J.
Garcia-Rejon, J.E.
Garde, P.
Gardiner, C.H.
Garg, D.K.
Gargioni, A.
Garling, M.
Garner, M.M.
Garnett, R.O.B.
Garnot, P.
Garrad, L.S.
Garrett, B.
Garrido G., E.
Garrido, O.H.
Garrod, D.A.E.
Garson, P.J.
Garthe, S.
Garthwaite, P.F.
Garvin, M.C.
GarzĂłn-Heydt, J.
Gaskell, J.
Gasow, H.
Gast, F.
Gaston, A.J.
Gaston, K.J.
Gates, R.
Gates, S.
Gatesy, J.
Gatter, W.
Gattiker, E.
Gattiker, L.
Gatur, A.
Gaudschau, M.D.
Gaunt, M.W.
Gauntlett, F.M.
Gaur, B.S.
Gautier, R.
Gautom, R.K.
Gavali, D.
Gavrilov, V.M.
Gawas, H.
Gawas, S.
Gay, T.
Gayou, D.C.
Gazda, R.J.
Gebauer, A.
Gebhard, C.
Gebhard, E.
Gebhardt, E.
Gebhardt, L.
Gebremedhim, B.
Gebremedhin, B.
Gedeon, K.
Geffen, E.
Geh, G.
Gehring, T.M.
Geir, A.
Geisbert, T.W.
Geiter, O.
Gelang, M.
Gelati, A.
Gelei, J.
Genchi, C.
Gené, J.
Gengler, J.
Genov, P.V.
Genov, T.
Gent, C.J.
Gentry, A.F.
Gentz, K.
Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, I.
Georg, P.V.
George, J.C.
George, K.
George, N.J.
George, R.S.
George, S.J.
George, S.V.
George, T.L.
George, W.G.
Georgiev, B.B.
Georgiev, K.
Gerard, S.
Gerber, R.
Gering, E.
German, A.A.
Gern, L.
Geroudet, P.
Gerrit, S.M.
GerĂ, W.
Gerstell, A.T.
Gesche, P.
Gessner, C.
Getz, W.M.
Geyer, A.
Geyr von Schweppenburg, H.F.
Geyr, H. Baron von
Geyr, H. von Schweppenburg
Ghalambor, C.K.
Ghatak, S.
Ghazi, R.R.
Ghidini, A.
Ghigi, A.
Ghorpadé, K.
Ghorpade, K.D.
Ghose, K.C.
Ghosh, A.
Ghosh, B.
Ghosh, I.
Ghosh, K.
Ghosh, S.
Ghosh, T.K.
Ghosh-Harihar, M.
Giannakopoulos, A.
Giannetti, F.
Giannoulis, A.
Giban, J.
Gibbons, D.
Gibbs, H.L.
Gibbs, S.E.
Gibbs, W.M.
Gibson, A.
Gibson, B.M.
Gibson, W.C.
Giczi, F.
Gidley, J.
Giebel, C.
Giebing, M.
Giffen, J.G.
Gifford, R.
Gigantesco, P.
Giglioli, E.
Giglioli, H.H.
Gil, D.J.A.
Gilam, A.S.
Gilbert, M.T.P.
Gilchrist, H.G.
Gill, B.J.
Gill, E.H.N.
Gill, E.L.
Gill, F.B.
Gill, N.T.
Gill, P.A.
Gilliard, E.T.
Gillingham, M.P.
Gilot, B.
Ginn, H.B.
Gionfriddo, J.P.
Giovanni, P.D.E.
Girtanner, A.
Girtanner, C.
Gjerde, B.
Gjershaug, J.O.
Gladkov, N.A.
Gladstone, D.E.
Glahn, J.F.
Glandt, D.
Glascock, L.G.
Glaser, A.
Glass, B.P.
Glause, J.
Glayre, D.
Glenn, T.C.
Gliemann, L.
Glock, R.D.
Gloor, G.
GlĂŒnder, G.
Glutz von Blotzheim, U.N.
Glynn, W.F.
Gmelin, G.S.
Gnielka, R.
Gnisci, R.
Gobbo, D.
Goblet, C.
Gochfeld, M.
Gode, N.
Godel, M.
Godinez, A.
Godley, B.J.
Godman, E.M.
Godman, F.
Godman, F.D.
Godman, P.
GodĆyn, P.
Goebel, J.
Goens, H. van
Goertz, J.W.
Goes, F.
Goetz, J.E.
Goetz, W.H.J.
Gogoi, L.
Gohier, M.
Gokula, V.
Goldberg, T.L.
Goldstein, J.M.
Gole, C.
Gole, P.
Golemanski, V.
Golimowski, J.
Gollop, N.
Golomb, E.
Golovavova, E.N.
Golubeva, T.V.
GomerÄiÄ, T.
Gomez, J.M.
Gomez, M.P.I.
Gon, S.M. III.
Goncalves, P.
Gong, G.
GonzĂĄlez, A.V.
Gonzalez, B.
Gonzalez, E.G.
GonzĂĄlez, H.
Gonzalez-Hein, G.
GonzĂĄlez-Salazar, C.
Gooch, S.
Good, A.I.
Good, E.E.
Goodale, E.
Goodbody, S.R.
Goodburn, S.F.
Goodchild, P.
Goodfellow, W.
Goodhue, I.
Goodwin, D.
Goodwin, O.
Goodwin, W.
Goodyear, A.J.
Gopnik, A.
Göransson, G.
Gordon, C.E.
Gore, M.E.J.
Gorenzel, W.P.
Gorgass, W.
Gorman, G.
Görner, M.
Goroshko, O.A.
Gorska, E.
Gorski, W.
Gorton, E.
Goryo, M.
Gosney, D.
Gosper, C.R.
Gosse, P.H.
Goswami, K.G.
Goswami, R.
Goswami, V.P.
Gothe, J.
Götmark, F.
Goto, M.
Gottmann, A.
Gough, S.J.
Gould, J.
Gould, K.L.
Gould, P.J.
Gould, W.R.
Gould-Beierle, K.
Gourmelon, F.
Govindakrishan, P.H.
Govindaraj, K.
Gowen, F.C.
Goymann, W.
GoĆawski, A.
GoĆdyn, B.
Graber, D.M.
Graber, J.W.
Graber, R.R.
Grabher-Meyer, A.
Grabherr, M.G.
Grabinski, W.
Grabovsky, V.I.
Grace, E.S.
Graczyk, T.K.
Graf, R.
Graham, E.
Graham, G.C.
Graham, J.D.P.
Grahn, M.
Gram, I.
Gramet, P.
Gramlich, R.
GrÀnitz, R.
Grant, C.H.B.
Grant, H.B.
Grant, K.
Grant, M.
Grant, M.C.
Grant, P.J.
Grantham, M.J.
Graulich, D.M.
GraumĂŒller, V.
Graves, G.
Graves, G.R.
Gray, E.M.
Gray, G.R.
Gray, J.E.
Gray, L.
Gray, R.
Gray, R.A.H.
Gray, R.D.
Gray, T.N.E.
Green, J.
Green, M.J.B.
Green, P.
Green, P.T.
Green, R.E.
Greenhalgh, M.
Greenlaw, J.S.
Greenway, J.C.
Greenway, J.C., Jr.
Greenwold, M.J.
Greger, H.
Gregory, P.
Gregory, R.D.
Greig, A.
Grell, M.B.
Grempe, G.
Greschik, E.
Greve, K.
Grewal, B.
Grewal, J.S.
Grewal, S.S.
Grichik, V.
Grickschat, A.
Griesser, M.
Griffin, D.
Griffin, L.R.
Griffiths, D.
Griffiths, R.
Grim, T.
Grimes, L.G.
Grimes, S.A.
Grimm, E.
Grimm, F.
Grimm, H.
Grimm, R.
Grimmett, R.
Grindley, M.
Grinnell, J.
Griscom, L.
Grispo, M.T.
Gröbbels, F.
Grobe, D.W.
Grobler, J.H.
Grodzinski, U.
Grodzinski, Z.
Groebbels, F.
Groen, N.M.
Grolleau, G.
Gromadzka, J.
Gromadzki, M.
Gromashevsky, V.L.
Grondahl, L.
Groom, D.W.
GroĂ, R.
Groschaft, J.
GröĂler, K.
Gross, A.O.
Gross, W.B.
Grössler, K.
Grote, H.
Grote, M.
Groth, J.G.
Groupe d'Etudes ornithologiques de NeuchĂątel (GEON)
Grout, D.J.
Grove, D.I.
Grubb, T.C., Jr.
Grubb, T.G.
Grubh, R.B.
GrĂŒll, A.
Grummt, W.
GrĂŒnkorn, T.
Gruson, E.S.
GrĂžnvold, J.
Guan, J.Z.
Guards, S.F.
Guarino, J.L.
Gubler, D.J.
Guerher, H.A.
Guerin, B.
Guerrero, R.
Guerriat, H.
Guerzou, A.
Guerzou, M.
Guevara, D.L.
Guevara-Benitez, D.C.
Gugerli, F.
Guha, B.
Guha, B.C.
Guichard, G.
Guilday, J.E.
Guillemard, F.H.H.
Guillot, G.
Guillou, J.J.
Guindon, C.F.
Guiness, H.
Guiton, P.E.
Guittre, C.
Gulati, R.
Gullberg, A.
Gullick, T.M.
Gulnaz, A.
Gunathilagaraj, K.
Gunawardana, S.
Gundlach, J.
Gunston, D.
GĂŒnther, R.
GĂŒnthĂŒrkĂŒn, O.
Gunturkun, O.
Gunz, P.
Guo, Y.M.
Gupta, B.K.
Gupta, K.
Gupta, M.
Gupta, N.
Gupta, N.K.
Gupta, S.
Gupta, S.K.
Gupta, S.N.S.
Gupta, S.P.
Gupta, S.S.
Gupta, V.
Gupte, A.P.
Guraya, S.S.
Gurney, G.H.
Gurney, J.H.
Guruprasad, P.
Gurusarni, V.
Gusev, V.M.
Gutierrez-Palomino, P.N.
Gutknecht, P.
Gutskovskaya, G.F.
Guzel, T.
Gwahaba, J.J.
Gwiazda, E.
Gwinner, E.
Gyldenstolpe, N.
Gyllin, R.
Gysel, S.
Gyuranecz, M.
Ha, J.C.
Ha, R.R.
Haafke, J.
Haagner, A.C.
Haartman, L. von
Haas, F.
Haas, G.
Haase, B.L.
Haase, J.
Haberer, A.
Habib, B.
Hackett, S.J.
Hadjisterkotis, E.
Haegen, W.M.V.
Haemig, P.D.
Haenschel, J.
Haenschke, W.
Haensel, J.
Haftorn, S.
Hagan III., J.M.
Hagan, M.
Hagemeijer, J.M.
Hagen, A.F.
Hagen, F.
Hagihara, M.
Hagman, S.
Hagnier, C.
Hahn, T.P.
Hahn, V.
Haig, S.M.
Hailman, J.P.
Hainard, R.
Hajek, V.
Hajela, K.P.
HĂ„land, A.
Hale, A.M.
Halff, R.A.C.
Halkka, O.
Hall, B.P.
Hall, G.A.
Hall, L.M.C.
Hall, R.
Hall, R.A.
Hall, S.M.
Hall-Karlsson, S.
Haller, W.
Halley, D.J.
Halliday, D.
Halouzka, J.
Halton, D.W.
Ham Kyu-Whang
Hamaguchi, T.
Hamann, A.
Hamao, S.
Hamel, E.D.
Hamer, G.L.
Hamilton, E.
Hamilton, J.F.
Hamilton, P.B.
Hammer, S.
Hammer, W.
Hammerschmidt, K.
Hammond, J.
Hamon, J.H.
Hampe, H.
Hamr, J.
Han, K.L.
Han, L.-X.
Hanak, F.
Handcock, M.S.
Handel, C.M.
Handeland, K.
Handrinos, G.
Hanebury, L.R.
Hanke, R.
Hanks, L.M.
Hanley, T.A.
Hannecart, F.
Hannon, S.J.
Hanoteau, J.
Hanrahan, J.P.
HĂ€nsel, F.
Hansell, M.
Hansen, B.
Hansen, H.
Hansen, L.G.
Hansen, R.W.
Hanson, J.
Hansson, B.
Hansson, J.Ă.
Hanstein, U.
Hara, E.
Harada, S.
Harbison, C.W.
Harbourne, J.F.
Hardy, A.R.
Hardy, E.
Hardy, J.W.
Hardy, W.B.
Hardy, W.J.
Hargrave, L.L.
Haring, E.
Harington, H.H.
Harlé, E.
HĂ€rlid, A.
Harlow, R.C.
Harlow, R.F.
Harmata, W.
HĂ€rms, M.
Harper, E.J.
Harper, F.
Harper, J.L.
Harr, B.
Harries, P.
Harriman, A.E.
Harrington, F.H.
Harris, A.H.
Harris, E.A.
Harrison, C.
Harrison, C.J.O.
Harrison, G.
Harrison, J.J.
Harrison, J.M.
Harrison, L.
Harrity, P.
Harrop, H.M.
Harshman, J.
Hart, P.J.
Hart, P.J.B.
Hartert, E.
Harthardottir, M.
Hartland, J.C.
Hartlaub, G.
Hartley, P.H.T.
Hartley, W.J.
Hartlieb, R.
Hartmann, K.
Harvey, D.
Harvey, G.H.
Harvey, M.
Harvey, N.C.
Harvey, W.G.
Harvie-Brown, J.A.
Harwin, R.M.
Hasan, S.A.
Hasegawa, T.
Hasegawa, Y.
Hashim, N.
Hashimoto, N.
Hashimoto, T.
Haskell, D.G.
Hasslinger, M.-A.
Hastad, O.
Hatch, D.
Hatch, M.I.
Hatchwell, B.J.
Haubold, B.
Hauer, B.
Hauge, F.
Haupt, H.
Hauri, R.
Hauser, D.C.
Hauser, M.D.
Hausmann, F.
Haussler, D.
Havelka, P.
Haverschmidt, F.
Haviland, M.D.
Havlin, J.
Hawker, R.McD.
Hawks, S.J.
Haworth, P.F.
Hawtin, A.
Hayama, S.
Hayashi, M.
Hayashi, T.
Hayashida, M.
Haycock, K.
Haydock, J.
Hayes, G.
Hayes, R.D.
Haymann, R.W.
Hayward, D.
Hayward, G.D.
Hayworth, A.M.
Hazarika, R.
Hazelwood, A.
Hazra, A.D.
Healy, S.D.
Hearne, L.J.
Heathcote, R.J.P.
Heather, B.D.
Hebert, P.D.
Heckenroth, H.
Heckmann, R.A.
Hedemann, H. von
Hedenstrom, A.
Hedges, S.
Hedrich, W.
Hedrick, P.W.
Hedrick, T.L.
Heeb, P.
Heegaard, M.
Heer, E.
Heidemann, J.
Heidemann, W.A.
Heidmann, W.A.
Heike, F.
Heim des Balsac, H.
Heim, A.
HeimdeBalsac, H.
Heine, G.
Heinen, M.
Heinen, W.
Heinonen, M.
Heinrich, A.
Heinrich, B.
Heinrich, G.
Heinroth, M.
Heinroth, O.
Heise, G.
Heiser, F.
Heiss, R.S.
Heitkamp, M.
Heitkamp, U.
Hejlicek, K.
Helb, H.-W.
Helbig, A.J.
Heled, J.
Helgen, L.
Hell, P.
Hellack, J.J.
Helle, P.
Hellebrekers, W.P.J.
Hellenthal, R.A.
Heller, F.
Hellmayr, C.E.
Helm-Bychowski, K.
Helme, A.E.
Hemanth, J.
Hemelrijk, C.K.
Hemery, G.
Hemprich, F.W.
Henderson, C.R.
Henderson, D.
Henderson, G.
Henderson, I.G.
Henderson, M.
Hendricks, L.D.
Hendricks, P.
Henn, M.R.
Hennache, A.
Hennemann, W.
Hennicke, C.R.
Hennig, V.
Henning, R.
Henny, C.J.
Henriksen, K.
Henry, A.J.
Henry, G.M.
Henshaw, H.W.
Henss, E.
Henty, C.J.
Henze, O.
Hepinstall-Cymerman, J.
Hepp, K.
Herberg, M.
Herbert, S.
Herdam, H.
Hereth, A.
Hermann, A.
Hermann, G.
HernĂĄndez, A.
HernĂĄndez, D.L.
Hernandez, E.C.
HernĂĄndez, R.M.
Hernandez-Rodriguez, S.
Herniou, E.
Herranz, J.
Herremans, M.
Herricj, F.H.
Herringshaw, D.
Herrmann, A.
Herroelen, P.
Hertz, M.
Herzog, M.
Hess, A.
Hesse, E.
HetmaĆski, T.
Hettler, D.
Heuer, J.
Heup, J.
Hewetson, C.E.
Hewett, H.
Hewitson, W.C.
Hewson, C.M.
Hewson, R.
Heyder, R.
Heymer, A.
Heyne, K.H.
Heynen, D.
Hibbert-Ware, A.
Hibler, C.P.
Hickling, R.A.O.
Hickman, G.L.
Hicks, E.A.
Hicks, R.K.
Hidalgo de Trucios, S.J.
Hidalgo, H.
Hidalgo, S.J.
Higashiguchi, J.M.
Higgins, J.C.
Higgins, P.J.
Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenca Infection Route Elucidation Team
Higuchi, A.
Higuchi, H.
Hildebrandt, H.
Hildenbrand, J.
Hile, A.G.
Hilgartner, W.B.
Hilgert, C.
Hill, B.A.G.
Hill, D.
Hill, F.W.G.
Hill, L.A.
Hill, M.
Hill, R.
Hilprecht, A.
Hilty, S.L.
Himmatsinhji, M.H.
Himmatsinhji, M.K.
Hinde, S.L.
Hingston, R.W.G.
Hinnerichs, C.
Hinten, S.
Hirai, K.
Hiraiwa-Hasegawa, M.
Hiraldo, F.
Hirano, T.
Hirayama, H.
Hiren, S.
Hiroyoshi, H.
Hitchcock, W.B.
Hix, G.E.
Ho, S.Y.W.
Hoare, D.J.
Hobbs, J.N.
Hochachka, W.M.
Hochberg, M.E.
Hocke, H.
Hodny, Z.
Hoeck, P.E.A
Hoeppli, R.
Hoerschelmann, H.
Hoesch, W.
Hofer, J.
Hoffmann, A.
Hoffmann, B.
Hoffmann, F.G.
Hoffmann, M.
Hoffmann, O.
Hoffmann, P.-L.
Hoffmann-Krayer, E.
Hofle, U.
Hofmann, M.M.
Höft, H.
Höglund, J.
Hogstad, O.
Högstedt, G.
Hohlt, H.
Hoi, H.
Höijer, I.
Hokkaido Institute of Environmental Science & Japan Sciences
Höland, J.
Holdaway, R.N.
Holdsworth, E.W.H.
Holechek, J.L.
Holgersen, H.
Holldack, K.
Hollis, C.
Holman, J.A.
Holmer, M.R.N.
Holmes, D.A.
Holmes, P.R.
Holstad, G.
Holt, B.G.
Hölt, G.
Holtmeier, F.-K.
Holupirek, H.
Holyoak, D.T.
Holz, W.
Holzer, T.
Holzhaider, J.C.
Hölzinger, J.
Holzworth, J.M.
Home, A.
Homeyer, von
Honda, M.
Hong, L.X.
Hong, Y.
Hoogstraal, H.
Hooper, D.F.
Hooper, D.M.
Hooper, R.G.
Hope, S.
Hopkins, D.A.
Hopkins, G.H.E.
Hopkins, O.S.
Hoppitt, W.
Hoppitt, W.J.E.
Hopwood, C.
Hopwood, J.C.
Hordowski, J.
Hori, H.
Hori, M.
Höricht, W.
Hormann, M.
Horn, D.J.
Hornberger, F.
Horne, J.A.
Horridge, G.A.
Horsbrugh, C.B.
Horsburgh, G.J.
Horsch, F.
Horsfield, T.
Horst, F.
Horton, N.
Horvatek, D.
Hose, C.
Höser, N.
Hoshizaki, S.
Hosking, E.J.
Hosono, T.
Hostetter, R.D.
Hostettmann, H.P.
Hothem, R.L.
Hotorzycka, J.
Hou, L.
Houde, P.
Hough, G.
Hough, G.E.
Houston, A.I.
Houston, C.S.
Houston, D.
Houston, D.C.
Houszka, M.
Hovorka, J.
Howald, G.R.
Howard, H.
Howard, J.T.
Howe, M.A.
Howell, J.
Howse, P.E.
Hraste, A.
Hromada, M.
Hruby, J.
Hsia, G.
Hsu, C.Y.
Hsu, H.F.
Hu, G.L.
Hu, H.
Hu, J.
Huang, J.
Huang, Q.
Huang, Y.
Huang, Z.
HubĂĄlek, Z.
Hubatsch, K.
Hubbard, H.W.
Hubenthal, W.
Huber, B.
Huber, J.
Huber, L.
HĂŒbner, A.
HĂŒbner, G.
Hubregtse, V.
Hudde, H.
Huddleston, C.J.
Hudec, K.
Hudson, C.
Hudson, D.M.
Hudson, R.
Hué, F.
Huerta-Cepas, J.
Huey, L.M.
Hugg, T.
Hughes, C.R.
Hughes, E.C.
Huguenin, C.
Huguenin, M.
Hugues, A.
Huhta, E.
Huhtamo, E.
Hukui, N.
Hulten, M.
Hulton, M.
Hulzebosch, M.
Humair, P.F.
Humbert-Droz, B.
Hume, A.
Hume, A.O.
Hume, A.T.
Hume, J.P.
Humphries, E.M.
Hund, K.
Hundessa, T.
Hung, L.M.
Hunt, C.J.
Hunt, G.L. Jr.
Hunt, G.R.
Hunter, R.S.
Hunziker-LĂŒthy, G.
HĂŒppop, K.
HĂŒppop, O.
HĂŒrkamp, J.
Hurlbur, H.S.
Hurlbut, H.S.
Hurley, M.M.
Hurrell, A.G.
Hurrell, H.G.
Hurvitz, P.
Husain, K.Z.
Husain, M.A.
Husain, M.M.
Husar, S.L.
Husband, S.
Husby, M.
Hussain, I.
Hussain, M.S.
Hussain, S.A.
Hustler, K.
Hutchings, M.R.
Hutchison, W.M.
Hutson, H.O.W.
Hutt, H.F.
Hutt, M.B.
Hutton, K.
Hwang, Y.
Hyatt, J.H.
Hyde-Parker, T.
Hyla, W.
Hylton, C.G.
Hytönen, O.
Hyun, J.O.
HyytiÀ, E.
Iacovakis, C.
Iams, G.
Iannazzi, R.
Ibåñez-Ălamo, J.D.
Ibarra, M.E.
Ibragimov, R.M.
Idris, M.
Idris, M.D.
Ienistea, M.A.
Iezhova, T.
Igalffy, K.
Ignatiuk, J.B.
Iigo, M.
Ikawa, Y.
Ikeda, S.
Ikenaga, H.
Ilani, G.
Ilenko, A.I.
Iliev, M.
Iliszko, L.
Illig, K.
Illyas, O.
Ilyas, O.
Imada, T.
Imai, K.
Imam, A.R.H.
Imam, B.
Imanishi, S.
Imms, A.D.
Imre, R.
InÀbnit, H.
Indrawan, M.
Indykiewicz, P.
Infante, O.
Inger, R.
Ingersoll, A.W.
Inglet, F.
Inglis, B.
Inglis, C.M.
Ingole, V.
Ingram, C.
Innes, K.E.
Inoue, T.
Inoue-Murayama, M.
Inskipp, C.
Inskipp, T.
Inskipp, T.P.
Ip, H.S.
Irby, H.
Irby, L.H.
Irestedt, M.
Irishio, W.
Irons, D.B.
Irsch, W.
Irwin, B.
Irwin, K.
Iseki, N.
Iselin, H.
Isenmann, P.
Ishida, K.
Ishida, M.
Ishigaki, K.
Ishtiaq, F.
Iskova, N.I.
Islam, M.A.
Islam, M.Z.
Ismar, S.M.H.
Issaly, J.-C.
Issel, W.
IsselbÀcher, K.
IsselbÀcher, T.
Itao, K.
Ito, K.
Ito, S.
Iton, A.
Ivanauskas, T.
Ivanov, S.V.
Ivanova, N.V.
Ivanowsky, V.
Ivkovic, I.S.
Iwami, Y.
Iwasa, M.A.
Iwata, H.
Ixa, M.
Iyer, M.K.
Izawa, E.
Izawa, E.-I.
Jaari, S.
Jablonski, B.
Jabouille, P.
JĂ€ckel, A.J.
Jackson, A.
Jackson, D.R.
Jackson, F.J.
Jackson, M.C.A.
Jackson, P.
Jackson, R.V.
Jacob, D.
Jacob, J.
Jacobi, A.
Jacobi, J.D.
Jacobi, R.
Jacobs, I.F.
Jacobsen, E.M.
Jacoby, H.
Jacquat, B.
Jadczyk, P.
Jadeja, R.
Jadeja, S.
Jadhav, A.
Jaeger, E.C.
Jaeschke, G.
Jagdish, R.
Jahn, H.
Jain, A.
Jain, A.P.
Jain, M.
Jaiswal, G.P.
Jakabi, J.E.
Jakobi, W.E.
Jakobsen, O.
Jakovac, M.
Jakovlev, L.N.
Jakubiec, Z.
Jakubik, J.
Jamal, N.
Jamdar, K.
Jamdar, N.
James, F.C.
James, H.F.
James, P.C.
James, R.
Jameson, S.
JĂ€mmrich, S.
Janaus, M.
Janes, S.W.
Janetzki, M.
JĂ€nicke, B.
Janicki, Z.
Janiszewski, T.
Janitschek, B.
Janke, A.
JĂĄnossy, D.
Janout, V.
Jansén, A.-L.
Jansen, C.C.
Jansen, J.
Jansen, J.J.F.J.
Janss, G.F.E.
Janssen, D.L.
Jansson, D.S.
Januddin, B.
Januszewski, M.C.
Jaquier, S.
Jardine, D.
Jardine, D.C.
Jarry, G.
Jarvi, S.I.
JĂ€rvi, T.
Jarvie, S.
Jarvis, A.M.
Jarvis, E.D.
Jat, M.U.
Javed, S.
Jayakar, S.D.
Jayakody, J.A.H.U.
Jayanth, M.S.
Jayapal, R.
Jayapal, V.R.
Jayathangaraj, M.G.
Jayatheerthan, S.
Jayson, E.A.
Jeanmonod, J.
Jebram, J.
Jedrzejewska, B.
JÄdrzejewski, S.
Jedrzejewski, W.
Jefferson, B.
Jehan, M.
Jehl, J.R., Jr.
Jelenski, J.
Jelic, A.
Jellison, W.L.
Jena, J.
Jenkins, A.R.
Jenkins, C.D.
Jenkins, F.A., Jr
Jenkins, J.M.
Jenkinson, M.A.
Jenner, B.
Jenner, H.E.
Jenni, L.
Jennings, M.C.
Jenny, A.L.
Jensen, J.-K.
Jensen, J.K.
Jensen, S.E.
Jenson, T.A.
Jeong, O.-M.
Jepson, P.
Jerdon, T.C.
Jerome, C.A.
Jerzak, G.
Jerzak, L.
Jespersen, P.
Jesse, W.
Jessnitz, J.
Jessnitz, R.
Jessop, R.
Jeter, W.C.
Jewett, S.G.
Jhala, Y.V.
Jian, F.
Jian, H.P.
Jiang, Z.
Jiguet, F.
Jimenez, G.A.
Jimenez, M.D.
Jimenez-Millan, F.
Jiménez-Våzquez, O.
Jiminez, M.D.
Jin, L.
Jing, C.L.
Jing, Y.
Jirku, M.
Jirsij, J.
Jirsik, J.
Jöbges, M.
Jobin, A.
Jochums, F.
Jögi, A.
Joh, S.J.
Johansen, H.
Johansson, K.E.
Johansson, L.
Johansson, M.
Johansson, N.G.
Johansson, U.S.
John, A.W.G.
John, M.C.
John, S.
Jöhnk, H.
Johns, A.D.
Johnsen, A.
Johnsingh, A.J.T.
Johnson, C.
Johnson, D.
Johnson, D.L.
Johnson, J.
Johnson, J.A.
Johnson, K.L.
Johnson, K.M.
Johnson, K.P.
Johnson, M.
Johnson, N.
Johnson, N.K.
Johnson, R.
Johnson, R.J.
Johnson, W.
Johnson, W.C.
Johnson, W.E.
Johnsson, K.
Johnston, C.S.
Johnston, D.W.
Johnston, J.
Johnston, J.J.
Johnston, R.E.
Johnston, R.F.
Johnston, S.
Johri, L.N.
Jokimaki, J.
Jollet, A.
Jollie, M.
Jones, A.E.
Jones, D.M.
Jones, D.N.
Jones, I.B.
Jones, J.E.
Jones, K.
Jones, K.H.
Jones, M.
Jones, M.A.
Jones, M.J.
Jones, P.
Jones, R.E.
Jones, S.
Jones, S.E.I
Jones, T.B.
Jönnson, A.
Jordania, R.
Jordanija, R.G.
Jörgensen, H.I.
Jose, P.V.
Jose, T.V.
Joshi, A.
Joshi, G.
Joshi, K.
Joshi, N.
Joshi, P.S.
Joshi, T.
Joshua, J.
Jost, K.-D.
Jouard, H.
Joubert, B.
Jourdain, F.C.R.
Jourdain, F.C:R.
Joyeux, C.
JĂłzefik, M.
Judd, D.D.
Juillard, M.
Jukema, J.
Julliard, R.
Jullien, R.
Jumber, J.
Jun, W.
Jung, E.
Jung, N.
Junge, G.C.A.
Jungers, P.
Jupiter, T.A.
JĂŒrgens, M.-E.
Juricic-FernĂĄndez, E.
Jurisevic, M.A.
JĂžnsson, K.A.
Kaatz, C.
Kabat, P.
Kaboli, M.
Kacelnik, A.
Kaczensky, P.
Kaczmarek, S.
Kaden, V.
Kading, R.C.
Kadlec, J.A.
Kadlec, O.
Kadochnikov, N.P.
Kaigorodoff, D.V.
Kairullaev, K.K.
Kaisanlahti, J.M.L.
Kaiser, G.W.
Kaiser, M.
Kaiser, W.
Kajimoto, T.
Kakei, Y.
Kakizawa, R.
Kalai, M.A.
Kalam, A.
Kalchreuter, H.
Kalden, G.
Kale II., H.W.
Kalia, R.
Kalinowski, R.S.
Kalita, J.
Kalitsch, L. von
Kalivodova, E.
KĂ€llander, H.
Kalmbach, E.R.
Kalmin, O.B.
KalotĂĄs, Z.
Kalra, I.S.
Kalra, M.
Kalsi, R.S.
Kalyakin, M.V.
Kalyakin, V.N.
Kamata, N.
Kamburova, N.T.
Kameda, K.
Kamel, A.M.
Kamigaichi, H.
Kamil, A.C.
KamiĆski, P.
Kamio, A.C.
Kamis, A.B.
Kamner, A.
Kampp, K.
Kanai, Y.
Kane, C.P.
Kaneko, K.
Kaneko, K.I.
Kang, H.-M.
Kang, M.I.
Kangur, V.
Kankane, P.L.
Kannan, P.
Kannan, R.
Kano, C.
Kanoje, R.S.
Kanwar, U.
Kaphalia, B.S.
Kapler, O.
Kapoor, V.C.
Kapperud, G.
Kar, C.S.
Kar, S.
Karasawa, K.
Karel, R.
Karlsson, T.
Karmarkar, R.
Karnda, S.
Karolewski, K.
Karpiskova, R.
Karpovich, V.N.
Karten, H.
Karthikeyan, S.
Karunarathna, D.M.S.S.
Kasambe, R.
Kasdekar, F.
Kashida, Y.
Kashiwagi, K.
Kasle, V.
Kasparek, M.
Kasparsone, Z.V.
Kasprzykowski, Z.
KĂ€stner, B.
Kasuya, T.
Kasybekov, E.S.
Katakura, R.
Katara, R.
Katiandagho, D.S.
Katju, D.
Kato, Y.
Katoch, R.C.
Katoh, K.
Katona, L.
Katsube, Y.
Katti, M.
Katti, M.V.
Katzir, G.
Katzner, T.E.
Kauffman, E.B.
Kaup, J.J.
Kaur, S.
Kaur-Toor, J.
Kavanagh, B.
Kavanagh, B.P.
Kawa, P.
Kawabata, S.
Kawachi, H.
Kawaguchi, H.
Kawaguchi, K.
Kawaji, N.
Kawashima, J.Y.
Kaya, H.K.
Kayang, B.B.
Kaye, D.
Kazama, T.
Kazmierczak, K.
Ke, D.
Ke, Y.
Kearns, A.M.
Kearns, L.J.
Keawcharoen, J.
Kechele, W.
Kedia, D.K.
Keil, W.
Keim, P.
Kelham, H.R.
Kelkar, V.N.
Kell, W.G.
Keller, V.
Kellogg, P.P.
Kellogg, V.L.
KellomÀki, E.
Kelly, A.
Kelly, D.M.
Kelly, J.P.
Kelly, T.C.
Kelly, W.
Kelm, H.
Kelm, H.-J.
Kelsall, H.J.
Kelsey, F.D.
Kelsh, R.N.
Kelso, L.
Kemmerer, F.
Kemp, N.
Kempenaers, B.
Kemppainen, J.
Kemppainen, O.
Kendall, B.E.
Kendall, C.J.
Kendall, S.J.
Kendeigh, S.C.
Kennedy, J.D.
Kennedy, J.N.
Kennett, P.H.
Kenny, J.
Kenward, B.
Kepler, C.B.
KerÀnen, S.
Kerautret, L.
Kerbiriou, C.
Kerr, J.G.
Kerr, K.C.
Kershaw, J.C.
Kerst, A.J.
Kertell, K.
KĂ©ry, M.
Kesharwani, R.
Kessler, E.
Ketmaier, V.
Kettle, P.R.
Keuleers, S.
Keurs, W.J.
Keurs, W.T.
Keve, A.
Keyes, C.
Keyi, J.
Khachar, S.S.
Khacher, L.
Khafagy, A.A.
Khan, A.
Khan, A.A.
Khan, D.
Khan, H.A.
Khan, I.
Khan, J.A.
Khan, K.M.
Khan, M.A.R.
Khan, M.M.H.
Khan, N.
Khan, R.
Khanpara, P.
Khanum, Z.
Kharat, S.
Khassan, G.K.
Khati, D.V.S.
Khobkhet, O.
Khode, M.
Khokhlova, I.G.
Kibbe, D.P.
Kibler, L.F.
Kieny, M.P.
Kijne, M.
Kilgore, D.L., Jr.
Kilham, L.
Kilpatrick, A.M.
Kim, C.-B.
Kim, C.B.
Kim, C.H.
Kim, E.-Y.
Kim, E.Y.
Kim, H.
Kim, H.J.
Kim, J.H.
Kim, J.S.
Kim, K.-W.
Kim, M.-C.
Kim, M.C.
Kim, Y.J.
Kimball, R.T.
King, B.
King, B.F.
King, R.C.H.M.
King, S.N.D.
Kingston, J.R.
Kinloch, A.P.
Kinnear, N.B.
Kinnear, P.
Kinzelbach, R.
Kinzelbach, R.K.
Kipp, A.F.
Kiran Kumar, H.K.
Kirazli, C.
Kirchner, H.
Kirchner, H.A.
Kireeva, S.T.
Kirikov, S.V.
Kirillova, N.S.
Kirk, E.L.
Kirk, J.
Kirkconnell, A.
Kirn, A.J.
Kirsch, K.-W.
Kirwan, G.M.
Kispert, D.
Kiss, B.J.
Kiss, J.B.
Kistyakovskii, A.B.
Kitajima, N.
Kitowski, I.
Kitron, U
Kiuchi, K.
Kiziewicz, B.
Klafs, G.
Klajber, K.
Klandorf, H.
Klapste, J.
Klapste, P.
Klaus, S.
Klebb, W.
Kleen, V.M.
Klein, N.K.
Kleiner, A.
Kleiner, E.
Kleinert, A.
Kleinschmidt, A.
Kleinschmidt, H.
Kleinschmidt, O.
Klejnotowski, Z.
Klicka, J.
Klickia, J.
Kliebe, K.
Klimov, P.B.
Klinz, E.
Klockenhoff, H.
Klockenhoff, H.F.
Klomp, H.
Kloot, T.
Kloss, C.B.
Kluijver, H.N.
Klump, B.C.
Klump, G.
Kluz, Z.
Knabe, G.
Knaebe, B.
Knaus, P.
Knauthe, K.
Knecht, S.
Kneis, P.
Kneutzen, J.
Knick, S.T.
Knief, W.
Knight, F.
Knight, H.A.L.
Knight, R.L.
Knight, T.
Knittle, C.E.
Knoke, T.
Knoll, M.
Knolle, F.
Knopf, B.A.
Knopf, F.L.
Knopfli, W.
Knops, J.M.H.
Knorr, F.
Knorre, D. von
Knötzsch, G.
Knowles, L.L.
Knox, A.G.
Knudsen, K.
Knupp, A.M.
KnĂŒwer, H.
Kobayashi, K.
Kobayashi, M.
Kobayashi, S.
Kobayashi, Y.
Koblik, E.A.
Koby, F.E.
Koch, A.
Koch, K.
Koch, K.L.
Köcher, W.
Kochert, M.N.
Kocijan, I.
Köck, U.-V.
Koeda, T.
Koelink, R.
Koelz, W.
Koelz, W.N.
Koenig, A.
Koenig, W.D.
Koepfli, K.-P.
Koersveld, E.V.
Kohila, T.
Kohl, S.
Köhler, K.-H.
Köhler, O.
Kohmura, N.
Kohts, A.G.
Koim-Puchowska, B.
Koistinen, J.
Koivula, K.
Kokhanov, V.D.
Kokko, H.
Kolbe, E.J.
Kolbe, H.
Kolbe, U.
Kolbe, W.
Koli, K.B.
Kollibay, P.R.
Kollmann, J.
Kolodziejczyk, A.
Kolpuke, M.N.
Kolthoff, K.
Komar, N.
Komeda, S.
Komers, P.E.
Konarzewski, M.
Kondo, N.
Kondo, T.
Kondratenko, O.V.
König, A.
König, C.
König, D.
König, H.
Königstedt, D.
Koning, F.J.
Kono, I.
Kono, R.
Konstantinov, V.M.
Kooiker, G.
Koop, B.
Koparde, P.
Kopeny, M.T.
Kopij, G.
Kopman, H.H.
Köppen, U.
Kopsch, H.
Korbut, V.V.
Korenek, M.
Kormos, T.
Kornyushin, V.V.
Korodi GĂĄl, L.
Korolev, V.K.
Kosamah, S.
Koshkin, M.A.
Kosicki, J.Z.
KosiĆski, Z.
Kostelec, Ä.L.
Köster, A.
Kotagama, S.W.
Kotani, Y.
Kotlarz, B.
Kotler, B.P.
Kotrschal, K.
Kotsch, B.
Koubek, P.
Kouki, J.
Koul, S.C.
Kouyama, K.
Kouyeas, V.
Kovacevic, J.
Kovacic, H.
Kovtun, M.F.
Kovtunov, A.I.
Kowalski, H.
Kozak, B.
Kozlova, E.V.
Kozlowski, P.
Krach, K.E.
Krakauer, A.H.
KrĂĄlovĂĄ, T.
Krambrich, A.
Kramer, G.
Kramer, H.
Kramer, L.D.
Krampitz, H.
KramshĂžu, E.
Kranz, E.
Kraskicki, K.
Krasnicki, K.
Krasnolobova, T.A.
Kratz, K.
KrÀtzig, H.
Krause, D.
Krauss, A.
Krauss, D.A.
Krauss, F.
Krebs, B.L.
Krebs, J.R.
Krechetov, Y.N.
Kreczmer, B.
Kreizinger, Z.
Kretschmer, E.Fr.
KretzĂłi, M.
Kreuziger, J.
Krigsvoll, P.
Krikova, I.M.
Krishna, M.B.
Krishna, S.
Krishna-Ayyar, P.N.
Krishna-Murthi, C.R.
Krishna-Murti, C.R.
Krishnadoss, D.
Krishnan, K.
Kristan, W.B.
Kristiansen, J.N.
Kristin, A.
Krivitzkij, I.A.
Kröber, T.
Krogsrud, J.
KrĂłlak, T.
Kroneisl, R.
Kroneisl-Rucner, R.
Kropotkin, P.
Kroymann, B.
Krueger, O.
Krug, A.
KrĂŒger, O.
KrĂŒger, T.
Krumpal, M.
Krushinsky, L.V.
KrĂŒss, P.
Kryukov, A.
Kryukov, A.P.
Kryukov, S.
KsiÄ ĆŒkiewicz-Parulska, Z.
Kubikova, L.
Kubin, M.
Kubitza, R.J.
KĂŒbler, S.
Kublitskene, O.
Kubo, H.
Kubo, M.
Kubokura, Y.
Kuboshima, E.
Kubota, A.
Kubota, R.
Kubota, S.
Kubykin, R.A.
Kuchai, J.A.
Kuchinke. J.
KĂŒchler, W.
Kuczynski, L.
Kuehler, C.
Kuenzel, W.
Kugelschafter, K.
Kugi, G.
Kuhk, R.
KĂŒhl, U.
Kuhlman, F.
Kuhn, J.
Kuhn, M.
KĂŒhnapfel, O.
KĂŒhnast, O.
Kuhnen, K.
Kujawa, K.
Kulahci, I.G.
Kulakova, A.P.
Kulczycki, A.
Kulemeyer, C.
Kuligin, G.I.
Kumar, A.
Kumar, C.S.
Kumar, G.
Kumar, K.A.
Kumar, P.
Kumar, R.
Kumar, S.
Kumar, S.A.
Kumar, U.H.
Kumar, V.
Kumara, H.N.
Kumarasamy, P.
Kumari, E.
Kumawat, R.K.
Kumerloeve, H.
Kumlien, F.
Kummer, J.
Kummerlöwe, H.
Kunisue, T.
Kunito, T.
Kunkel, P.
Kuntz, R.E.
Kunysz, P.
Kunze, G.
Kupko, S.
Kuprian, A.
Kurbanov, M.N.
Kurdyukov, A.B.
Kurella, H.
Kurki, S.
Kurmankulov, A.B.
Kuro-o, M.
Kuroda, N.
Kuroda, N. jun.
Kuroda, N.H.
Kurosawa, R.
Kurotschkin, E.N.
Kurt, F.
Kurup, D.N.
Kurushima, J.D.
Kusayama, T.
Kuschel, M.
Kushwaha, R.K.S.
Kutkiene, L.
Kuwabara, K.
Kuzmenko, L.P.
Kuzmenko, V.Y.
KuĆșniak, S.
Kuzu, S.
Kvinnesalnd, A.
Kwok, H.K.
Kwok, O.C.H.
Kwon, J.-H.
Kwon, J.-S.
Kwon, J.H.
Kygouliene, V.
Kyguoliene, V.
Kyi, K.K.
KylÀnpÀÀ, J.
Kyossev, B.
Laage, E.A.
Laaksonen, H.
Labille, A.
Labisky, R.F.
Labitte, A.
Lack, D.
Lacki, M.J.
Lackovic, M.
Lad, P.
Ladendorf, B.
Laffargue, B.
Lagade, V.M.
Lagrou, K.
Laheu, H.
Lahir, Y.K.
Lahkar, B.P.
Lahkar, D.
Lahn, A.G.
Lahtinen, R.
Lainer, H.
Laiolo, P.
Laird, M.
Lakhanov, Z.L.
Lakhe, A.D.
Lal, A.K.
Lal, H.
Lal, M.B.
Laland, K.N.
Lamba, B.S.
Lambert, C.
Lambert, D.M.
Lambert, F.
Lambert, F.R.
Lambert, G.
Lambert, K.
Lambie, D.
Lambinet, V.
Lambrecht, K.
Lamm, D.W.
LĂ€mmert, A.
Lampman, R.
Lamprey, H.F.
Lan, J.
Lan, Y.
Lance, B.K.
Lanciotti, R.
Lanciotti, R.S.
Landesregierung Baden-WĂŒrttemberg
Landman, D.
Lane, S.J.
Lang, E.M.
Lang, G.
Langbehn, H.
Lange, C.H.
Lange, E.
Lange, R.
Langen, T.A.
Langevin, S.
Langevin, S.A.
Langgemach, T.
Langner, C.H.
Languet, B.
Lanner, R.M.
Lansdown, P.G.
Lantz, H.
LĂ€nyi, J.K.
LaPersonne, V.S.
Larcombe, A.
Lari, F.A.
Lari, L.
Larkin, D.M.
Larkin, J.L.
Larsen, K.H.
Larsen, T.
Lasley, G.W.
LĂĄszlĂł, D.
Latham, J.
Latif, N.
Latkowski, M.
Latta, B.C.
Latta, K.N.
Latta, S.
Latta, S.C.
Latzel, G.
Lau, M.W.-N.
Laubhan, M.L.
Laubmann, A.
Laudet, F.
Lauermann, H.
Laughlin, S.B.
Laughrin, L.
Laugier de Chartrouse, M.
Laurence, E.P.
Laurent, G.
Laurent, S.
Lauro, B.
Lauven, D.
Laven, H.
Laville, H.
Lavkumar, K.S.
Lavoipierre, M.M.J.
Law, S.C.
Lawrence, E.S.
Lawrence, G.N.
Lawrence, L. de K.
Lawton, M.F.
Lawton, R.O.
Laxmi Narayana, B.
Lay, G.T.
Layard, E.L.
Layard, E.L.C.
Layne, J.M.
Le Goupils, M.
Le Manh, H.
le Souëf, D.
le Viol, I.
Le, M.H.
Le, V.H.
Lea, D.
Leach, E.P.
Leach, W.E.
Leader, P.J.
Leadley, J.
Lebedyanskaya, M.
Lebeurier, E.
Lebreton, P.
Lechner, F.
Leckie, F.M.
Leclerc, D.
Lecocq, J.P.
Lecocq, S.
LeCroy, M.
Ledig, D.B.
Lee, C.
Lee, C.C.
Lee, D.-H.
Lee, D.W.
Lee, E.K.
Lee, H.
Lee, H.-J.
Lee, J.
Lee, J.-B.
Lee, K.S.
Lee, P.F.
Lee, S.
Lee, S.-I.
Lee, S.I.
Lee, S.L.
Lee, S.M.
Lee, W.S.
Lee, Y.-J.
Lee, Y.J.
Leech, D.I.
Leeladavid, P.
Lees, A.
Lees, A.H.
Leever, H.
Lefebvre, L.
Lefranc, N.
Legg, E.W.
Legge, W.V.
Legrand, B.
Lehikoinen, E.
Lehmann, E.
Lehmann, G.
Lehmann, R.
Lehner, P.N.
Lehnherr, W.
Lei, F.
Lei, F.-M.
Lei, F.M.
Leibl, F.
Leidenberger, C.
Leighton, F.A.
Leiker, D.L.
Leitch, A.F.
Lekakul, K.
Lemaitre, J.P.
Lemke, W.
Lemoine, A.
Lemon, M.
Lemus, J.A.
Lenehan, J.J.
Lennon, N.J.
Lens, L.
Lenz, M.
Leonard, H.
Leonardi, G.
Leone, V.G.
Leonov, S.
Leonzio, C.
LĂ©piney, J. de
Lepschi, B.J.
Lepthien, L.V.
Leshem, Y.
Leshev, C.
Lesmana, D.
Lesson, R.P.
Lester, C.D.
Letnic, M.
Letocart, Y.
Leurs, W.
Leuzinger, H.
Levaillant, F.
Levell, D.
LeverkĂŒhn, P.
Levitan, T.A.
Levy, C.
Lewicka, M.M.
Lewis, A.
Lewis, A.D.
Lewis, C.F.
Lewis, F.
Lewis, G.
Lewis, M.L.
Ley, A.J.
Li Cauli, S.
Li, B.
Li, C.
Li, D.
Li, H.
Li, J.
Li, L.
Li, M.H.
Li, N.
Li, Q.
Li, Q.W.
Li, S.
Li, S.-H.
Li, W.
Li, X.
Li, X.-H.
Li, X.-Y.
Li, Y.
Li, Z.
Lian, J.
Liang, W.
Lichtenstein, H.
Liebe, K.T.
Lieberman, A.
Lieberman, A.A.
Liebers, D.
Liebezeit, J.R.
Liedel, K.
Liekefedt, B.
Lifjeld, J.T.
Ligon, J.D.
Ligon, J.S.
Lijtmaer, D.A.
Lilford, T.L.P.
Lillandt, B.-G.
Lim, H.C.
Limper, U.
Lin, Y.G.
Lincoln, G.A.
Lind, G.
Lindballe, P.
Lindemann, W.
Linden, P.J. van der
Lindgren, E.
Lindgren, F.
Lindholm, A.K.
Lindner, H.
Lindow, B.
Lindsale, J.M.
Lindsay, R.
Linhart, Y.B.
Link, R.
Linn, M.J.
Linneai, C. (Linnaeus, C.)
Linsenmair, M.
Linsley, M.D.
Lintia, D.
Linz, G.M.
Lipkind, M.
Lippert, J.
Lister, G.
Lister, M.D.
Lister, R.
Literak, I.
Lithner, S.
Little, A.E.
Little, B.
Little, D.I.
Littledale, H.
Littlefield, C.D.
Littlewood, D.T.
Litzbarski, B.
Litzbarski, H.
Liu N.
Liu, B.
Liu, H.
Liu, L.
Liu, N.F.
Liu, S.
Liu, Y.
Liu, Y.K.
Liu-Chi, L.
Livermore, D.M.
Liversidge, R.
Livett, A.J.
Llamas, B.
Llanes, A.
Lloyd, J.H.
Lloyd, L.C.
Lloyd, W.
Lo, L.-C.
Lobkov, E.G.
Loche, V.
Locher, W.
Lockie, J.D.
Lockley, R.M.
Lockyer, N.F.
Loefler, I.J.P.
Loetzke, W.-D.
Logan, A.C.
Logan, B.D.
Logan, C.J.
Lohmann, M.
Lohrer, F.E.
Löhrl, H.
Lok, C.B.P.
Loktev, V.B.
Loman, J.
Loman, L.
Lomas, P.D.R.
Londei, T.
Long, C.
Long, C.A.
Long, J.E.
Long, M.T.
Long, R.E.
Longmore, N.W.
LOngshore, K.
Lönnber, E.
Lönnberg, E.
Looft, V.
Loos, C.
Lopez-Caballero, E.J.
Lopez-Neyra, C.R.
Lopez-Roman, R.
Lord Lovat
Lorek, G.
Lorenz, K.
Lorenz, L. von
Lorenz, T.
Lorenzini, R.
Lorenzo, J.A.
Loretto, M.-C.
Lorgé, P.
Lörhl, H.
Lorincz, I.
Loroño-Pino, M.A.
Lort Phillips, E.
Lott, C.
Lott, E.
Lou, J.F.
Louchart, A.
Loupal, G.
Lovari, S.
Lovatt, J.K.
Love, J.A.
Lovell, P.V.
Lovett, R.
Lovett, V.
Lovette, I.J.
Low, B.S.
Low, R.
Lowe, P.R.
Lowe, W.P.
Lowen, J.C.
Lowndes, D.
Lowndes, D.G.
Lowther, E.H.N.
Loxton, R.G.
Lozovoi, D.I.
Lu, C.-H.
Lu, C.H.
Lu, T.
Lu, X.
LĂŒbcke, W.
Lublin, A.
Luca, E.
Lucas, E.
Lucas, P.
Lucas, S.G.
Lucid, V.J.
Lucientes-Curdi, J.
Lucking, R.S.
Luder, R.
LĂŒdicke, M.
Ludlow, F.
Ludwig, G.V.
Ludwig, H.
Luft, K.
LuginbĂŒel, J.
LuginbĂŒhl, J.
Luginbuhl, J.M.
LĂŒhmann, M.
Lukes, J.
Lumme, J.
Lund, S.E.
Lundberg, A.
Lundberg, J.
Lundborg, K.
Lundin, A.
Lundqvist, H.
Luniak, M.
Luo, S.
Luppi, A.
Lusk, M.
Lusk, M.R.
Luther, D.
Lutsuk, S.N.
Lutz, R.S.
Lvov, D.K.
Lvov, D.N.
Lydekker, B.A.
Lydekker, R.
Lydersen, C.
Lynch, C.
Lynes, H.
LĂžfaldli, L.
Ma, K.P.
Ma, M.
Ma, X.
Maa, T.C.
Maccarone, A.D.
Macchioni, G.
MacDonald, D.
Macdonald, D.W.
Macdonald, K.C.
Macdonald, R.A.
MacDonald, S.M.
MacGillivray, W.
Machado, J.P.
Machida, N.
Machin, A.F.
MacĂas-SĂĄnchez, E.
Mack, A.L.
MĂ€ck, U.
MacKenzie, G.
Mackenzie, J.M.D.
MacKenzie, J.S.
Mackie, C.
Mackinnon, J.
Mackness, M.I.
Macko, J.K.
Mackovjak, D.
MaÄkowiak, S.
Mackrodt, P.
Mackworth-Praed, C.W.
Mackworth-Pread, C.
Maclaren, P.I.R.
Maclean, G.L.
Maclean, S.
MacMillan, B.W.H.
MacMillen, R.E.
Macpherson, A.H.
Macpherson, H.A.
MadarĂĄsz, J.
MadarĂ sz, J. von
Madden, C.F.
Madders, M.
Madge, G.
Madge, S.
MĂ€dlow, W.
Madon, P.
Madsen, J.J.
Madson, J.
Maehr, D.S.
Maetro, J.
Maffioli, B.
Magalhaes, P.
Magerl, C.
Magish, D.P.
Magnani, A.
Magon, V.K.
Magoun, A.J.
Magrath, H.A.F.
Magsalay, P.
Maguire, A.J.
Mahabal, A.
Mahajan, A.
Mahani, S.
Mahata, S.K.
Mahato, S.
Maheswaran, B.
Maheswaran, G.
Mahood, S.P.
Mahr, R.
Mahrt, J.L.
Maioli, G.
Majewska, A.C.
Majstorovic, S.
Majumder, P.P.
Makatsch, W.
Makino, S.
Makino, S.I.
Makohon-Moore, A.P.
Makowski, H.
Malacarne, G.
Malakar, M.C.
Malan, G.
Malchewsky, A.S.
Malcomson, H.T.
Maleso, A.
Maley, J.M.
Malher, F.
Malhere, A.
Malhi, C.S.
Malhotra, S.K.
Maliczak, J.
Malkinson, M.
Mallo, F.N.
Mallo, I.N.
Mallon, D.P.
Mallory, F.F.
Malmberg, T.
Manakadan, R.
Manchi, S.
Mancina, C.A.
Mandal, A.
Mandal, A.K.
Mandalaywala, K.K.
Manduca, R.M.
Manegold, A.
Manen, W. van
Manfredi, M.T.
Mangal, H.
Mangalik, A.
Mangels, R.
Mangipudi, R.S.
Mani, A.M.
Mani, K.
Mani, P.
Manilla, G.
Manimozhi, A.
Manjrekar, N.
Manjunath, P.
Mankin, P.C.
Mann, T.
Manna, B.
Manna, C.K.
Manni, T.
Manohar, B.R.Rajasekaran, M.
Manop M.
Manosa, S.
Mansfeld, K.
Mansfield, Earl of
Manson-Bahr, J.
Manuel, F.
Manvell, R.
Manyanza, D.N.
Maple, T.
Maplestone, P.A.
Mappes, T.
Marathe, S.
Marbot, T.
Marchand, B.
Marchant, J.H.
Marchesi, L.
Marchetti, K.
Marclay, C.
Marcos, J.M.
Marder, J.
Margawati, E.T.
Marhadi, A.
Marie, P.
Maries, C.
Marisova, I.V.
Markaryan, M.
Marki, P.Z.
Markowski, S.
Marks, B.D.
Marks, J.S.
Marks, N.J.
Markulak, D.
Maron, J.L.
Marples, B.J.
Marquez, R.
Marquis of Tweeddale, A.
Marquiss, M.
Marr, N.V.
Marr, V.
Marsden, S.J.
Marsh, J.
Marshall, A.J.
Marshall, A.P.
Marshall, B.E.
Marshall, C.H.T.
Marshall, D.N.
Marshall, G.A.K.
Marshall, J.
Marshall, J.T.
Marshall, T.E.
Marsili, L.
Martens, J.
Marthy, W.
Marti, C.D.
MartĂn, A.
Martin, B.
Martin, C.
Martin, G.R.
Martin, J.
Martin, M.
Martin, M.M.P.
Martin, P.N.
Martin, R.
Martin, T.E.
Martin, T.G.
Martin, V.
MartĂn-GĂĄlvaz, D.
MartĂn-Galvez, D.
Martin-Mateo, M.P.
MartĂn-Platero, A.M.
Martin-Vivaldi, M.
Martinet, F.N.
Martinez, A.
Martinez, J.G.
MartĂnez-Bueno, M.
Martinez-Gomez, F.
Martinez-Meyer, E.
Martinsen, E.S.
Marty, P.
Martyka, R.
Maruyama, S.
Maruyama, T
Maruyama, T.
Marx, J.T.
MĂ€rz, R.
Marzluff, C.S.
Marzluff, J.M.
Masaitis, A.I.
Masala, F.
Masala, Y.
Masarey, A.
Mase, M.
Masefield, J.R.B.
Masegi, T.
Maser, C.
Mashru, A.
Maslov, D.A.
Mason, C.F.
Mason, D.R.
Mason, I.J.
Mason, R.W.
Mason, V.
Masood, F.
Massa, B.
Massart, F.
Massart, M.
Massei, G.
Massen, J.J.M.
Massey, G.
Massey, J.G.
Massey, M.E.
Massi, A.
Massiah, E.B.
Masson, E.
Massow, S.
Masterson, A.N.B.
Mastrovic, A.
Masuda, B.M.
Masunaga, S.
Masutani-Noda, T.
Matejka, M.
Mathew, D.N.
Mathew, K.L.
Mathew, M.J.
Mathews, G.M.
Mathur, K.M.
Mathur, V.B.
Matley, J.K.
Matos, S.
Matschie, P.
Matskasi, I.
Matsubara, H.
Matsuda, M.
Matsuno, K.
Matsuo, J.
Matsuo, T.
Matsuoka, H.
Matsuoka, S.M.
Matt, D.
Mattes, H.
Matthew, W.H.
Matthews, J.
Matthews, S.
Matthews, T.J.
Matthey, Y.
Mattingley, W.A.
Mattsson, R.
Mattu, V.K.
Matukiewicz, J.
Matula, F.
Matus, R.
Matusow, L.
Matveenko, B.L.
Matvejev, S.D.
Matz, W.
Matzinger, T.
Maule, A.G.
Maumary, L.
Maurel, C.
Maurer, A.
Maurer, G.
MĂ€urer, P.
Mawson, P.M.
Maxfield, B.
Maximilian, Prinz z. Wied-Neuwied
Maxwell II., G.R.
Mayaud, N.
Mayer, W.
Mayo, C.
Mayo, D.R.
Mayr, C.
Mayr, E.
Maza, F.A.
Mazgajski, T.D.
Mbidde, J.
McAllan, I.A.W.
McAllen, I.A.W.
McCanch, N.
McCann, C.
McCarthy, E.M.
McChesney, D.S.
McClure, H.E.
McConnell, R.G.M.
McCormack, J.
McCormack, J.E.
McCracken, D.I.
McCracken, K.G.
McCullagh, E.P.
McCulloch, E.M.
McDonald, D.B.
McDonald, J.C.
Mcdonald, L.L.
McDonald, R.A.
McFarland, K.P.
McFarlane, J.
McGhie, H.
McGill, L.
McGillivray, W.B.
McGowan, K.J.
McGown, V.
McGRaw, K.J.
McGregor, P.J.C.
Mcgregor, R.C.
McGrew, W.C.
Mchugh, N.
McIlhenny, E.A.
McIlraith, B.
McIlroy, D.W.
McIntosh, C.E.
McIntosh, D.B.
McKay, C.R.
McKean, M.
McKelvie, J.N.
McKendry, W.G.
McKilligan, N.G.
McKinley, J.O.
McKinstry, M.C.
McLachlan, G.R.
McLaren, C.M.
McLaren, I.A.
McLean, I.G.
McLean, R.
McLean, R.G.
McLennan, J.A.
Mcllraith, B.
McManus, R.
McMeeking, J.M.
McMillan, M.
McNair, D.B.
McNamara, K.
McNamara, T.
McNamara, T.S.
McNaught, G.
McPherson, S.
McWilliam, J.M.
Mead, C.J.
Meade-Waldo, E.G.
Meade-Waldo, E.G.B.
Mearns, B.
Mearns, R.
Mears, A.
Mebs, T.
Mech, L.D.
Meck, E.R.
Medina, F.J.
Medina, F.M.
Medina, F.S.
Medina, L.
Medina, R.
Mednis, A.
Meece, J.K.
Meek, P.
Meena, B.S.
Mees, G.F.
Meesenburg, P.
Meeus, H.
Meger, D.E.
Mehlhorn, J.
Mehta, H.S.
Mei, M.
Mei, X.Y.
Meidell, O.
Meidinger, R.R.
Meier, C.
Meier, H.
Meier, M.
Meijer, A.W.J.
Meilvang, D.
Meinershagen, W.A.
Meinertzhagen, R.
Meiniger, P.L.
Meiniger, T.
Meininger, P.
Meininger, P.L.
Meise, W.
Meissner, W.
Mejia, D.A.
Meklenburtsev, R.N.
Melado, F.
Melcher, R.
Melchior, E.
Melchior, G.
Melde, M.
Mell, J.J.
Mellanby, R.J.
Mello, C.V.
Mellor, R.
Melo, M.
Meltzoff, A.
Melville, D.S.
Mendel, H.
Mendelssohn, H.
Mendonça, E.P.
Menk, G.
Mennechez, G.
Menon, A.
Mentgen, E.MPeltzer, R.
Menzbier, M.
Menzel, C.
Menzel, H.
Meppayur, S.
Merckx, R.
Meredith, R.W.
Meriggi, A.
Merikallio, E.
Merila, J.
Merino, S.
Merkel, F.R.
Merkushev, A.V.
Mérö, T.O.
Merrett, C.
Merriam, C.
Merrill, J.C.
Merzinger, E.
Merzweiler, A.
Mesterton-Gibbons, M.
Mestry, P.
Metcalf Collection (North Carolina State University)
Metcalf, Z.P.
Metcalfe, N.B.
Metha, H.S.
Mettrick, D.F.
Metz, E.
Meunier, K.
Mey, E.
Meyer de Schauensee, R.
Meyer, A.B.
Meyer, C.
Meyer, F.
Meyer, J.
Meyer, R.M.
Meyer, W.
Meyer-Ravenstein, D.
Meyere, J.L.F.
Mezzavilla, F.
Micevski, B.
Michael, G.A.
Michaelis, H.J.
Michalak, W.
Michalczuk, J.
Michel, J.
Michels, H.
Michener, J.R.
Mickleburgh, S.P.
Mickoleit, G.
Midford, P.E.
Miglia, K.J.
Mikes, C.
Mikes, M.
Mikhailov, K.E.
Mikkelsen, P.M.
Miklosi, A.
Mikolasch, S.
Miksik, I.
Mikus, N.
Milagros P., M.
Milbled, J.
Milchev, B.
Mildenberger, H.
Milensky, C.
Miles, H.W.
Miles, P.M.
Milius, S.
Millard, W.S.
Millener, P.R.
Miller, A.H.
Miller, L.H.
Miller, M.E.
Miller, M.L.
Miller, R.
Miller, R.F.
Miller, W.
Millet, P.
Millin, D.J.
Millspaugh, J.J.
Milne-Edwards, A.
Milone, M.
Milton, G.R.
Milton, S.J.
Min, M.S.
Minaka, N.
Mindell, D.
Mindell, D.P.
Mineau, P.
Minegishi, N.
Minezawa, M.
Mingjian, Y.
Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food
Minoshima, S.
Minton, J.
Mioduszewska, B.
Mioko, K.
Mioko, K.Sugita, S.
Mira, A.
Mirarab, S.
Mirski, P.
Mishina, T.V.
Mishra, A
Mishra, A.
Mishra, C.
Mishra, P.N.
Mishra, R.M.
Mishra, S.R.
Miskovsky, J.C.
Misra, D.
Misra, S.
Mistry, N.M.
Mitani, A.
Mitchel, R.M.
Mitchell, C. J.
Mitchell, D.
Mitchell, J.
Mitchell, K.J.
Mitchell, M.
Mitchell, M.C.
Mitchell, P.
Mitchell, R.H.
Mitra, A.
Mitra, S.C.
Mitra, S.S.
Mitrophanow, P.
Mitschke, A.
Mitsumori, K.
Mittal, O.P.
Mittmann, H.-W.
Miwa, M.
Miyagawa, Y.
Miyaki, C.Y.
Miyamoto, K.
Miyaoka, R.
Miyazawa, Y.
Mizera, T.
Mizuno, F.
Mizuno, K.
Mizutani, M.
MlĂkovskĂœ, J.
MME Nomenclator BizottsĂĄg
Möbert, F.
Mochizuki, K.
Möckel, R.
Model, N.
Mödlinger, P.
Moeber, F.
Moeller, J.
Moesgaard, L.
Moestl, E.
Moffat, C.B.
Moffett, A.T.
Moggridge, J.T.
Moghe, M.A.
Mohan, D.
Mohan, K.
Mohapatra, K.K.
Mohna, S.S.
Mohnot, S.M.
Mohnson, G.
Mohr, R.
Moksnes, A.
Mokwa, K.
Moldvai, M.
Mole, J.
Molina, C.
Molina-Morales, M.
Molinari, P.
Moll, G.
Moller-Anders, P.
Moltoni, E.
Mombarg, S.
Momiyama, T.T.
Monaghan P.
Monaghan, P.
Monahan, W.B.
Monath, T.P.
Moncrieff, R.
Monga, S.G.
Mönke, R.
Monkkonen, M.
Monroe, B.L., Jr.
Montagnes, D.J.S.
Montagnese, C.M.
Montague, C.L.
Montague, W.H.
Montell, H.
Montell, J.
Montevecchi, W.A.
Montgomerie, R.
Montier, D.J.
Moody, C.J.A.
Moordervliet, M.
Moore, H.J.
Moore, J.E.
Moore, P.G.
Moore, R.T.
Moore, W.S.
Mooring, M.S.
Mor, N.
Morales-Betoulle, M.E.
Morari, J.B.
Moravec, J.
Morbach, J.
Morcombe, M.
More, A.G.
More, N.K.
Moreau, R.E.
Moreira, F.
Moreno, J.
Morgado, R.
Morgan, D.O.
Morgan, K.H.
Morgan, P.A.
Morgan, R.
Morgan-Davies, A.M.
Morgenroth, C.
Mori, D.
Mori, S.
Moriguchi, H.
Mörike, K.D.
Morimando, F.
Morinha, F.
Morioka, H.
Morishita, E.
Morita, C.
Morita, M.
Moritsch, M.Q.
Moritz, L.
Moriyama, H.
Morlion, M.L.
Moroccan Rare Birds Committee
Morozov, N.S.
Morozow, G.F.
Morris, F.O.
Morris, H.M.
Morris, P.J.
Morris, R.O.
Morrison, C.M.
Morrison, M.L.
Morrison, S.A.
Morrissey, M.B.
Morrone, J.J.
Mortensen, A.
Morton, J.M.
Mosandl, R.
Mosansky, A.
Mosbech, A.
Mosby, H.S.
Moss, R.
Mostashari, F.
Mostini, L.
Motavkin, P.A.
Mouillard, B.
Moul, I.E.
Mountainspring, S.
Mountfort, G.
Mountfourt, G.
Mourer-Chauviré, C.
Mourier, T.
Mouritz, L.B.
Movsesyan, S.O.
Moxey, P.A.
Moyer, B.R.
Moyer, J.T.
Moyle, R.G.
Mudge, G.P.
Mueller, J.M.
Mueller, T.
Muhammad, B.P.
Muhammad, S.
MĂŒhlen, W.
Muillie, W.C.
Mukherjee, R.
Mukherjee, R.P.
Mukherjee, S.
Mulay, S.V.
Muley, D.V.
Mulhearn, C.
Mullarney, K.
MĂŒller, A.
MĂŒller, G.
Muller, I.
MĂŒller, O.
MĂŒller, P.
MĂŒller, S.
MĂŒller, T.
MĂŒller, W.
MĂŒller-Schneider, P.
MĂŒller-Using, D.
Mulsow, R.
Mulyawati, D.
Mumme, R.L.
MĂŒnch, C.
MĂŒnch, D.
Munch, K.
Mundkur, T.
Mundy, N.I.
Mundy, P.J.
Mungroo, Y.
Muni, N.
Munk, M.
Munkejord, A.
Munn, P.W.
Munns, G.F.A.
Muñoz-Pulido, R.
Munro, I.C.
Munsterhjelm, R.
Munteanu, A.M.
Murai, E.
Murakami, M.
Murakami, T.
Murata, K.
Murayama, S.
Murphy, E.C.
Murr, F.
Murray, B.W.
Murray, J.A.
Murta-Neves, F.
Murthy, K.L.N.
Murthy, S.
Murthy, T.S.N.
Murton, R.K.
Musher, L.J.
Musilek, J.
Musselman, T.E.
Mustafaev, G.T.
Musters, K.
Musters, K.J.M.
Muthana, K.D.
Muthuraman, M.
Muzika, Y.
Muzzall, P.M.
Myczko, L.
Myczko, Ć.
Myers, A.A.
Myers, S.
Myers, S.D.
Mykra, S.
Mylne, C.K.
Myrberget, S.
MĂžller, A.P.
MĂžller, A.P.
Nabholz, B.
Nada, S.
Naef-Daenzer, B.
Naefdaenzer, F.
Nagano, M.
Nagarajan, R.
Nagaraju, S.
Nagel, W.O.
Nageswara-Rao, Y.
Nagle, W.
NagĂłrski, P.
Nagulu, V.
Nagy, E.
Nagy, J.
Nahid, M.I.
Naik, R.M.
Naik, S.N.
Naing, T.Z.
Nair, G.K.
Nair, M.V.
Nair, S.G.
Naithani, A.
Nakai, T.
Nakamura, E.
Nakamura, H.
Nakamura, K.
Nakamura, M.
Nakamura, S.
Nakamura, T.
Nakanishi, H.
Nakanishi, J.
Nale, R.N.
Nam, H.-Y.
Nam, H.Y.
Nam, S.I.
Nama, H.S.
Nameer P.O.
Nameer, P.I.
Nameer, P.O.
Namgail, T.
Nanda, B.C.
Nandy, P.K.
Nankinov, D.
Nansey, J.
Naoroji, R.
Naoroji, R.K.
Narang, J.
Narang, M.L.
Narasimha-Rao, L.
Naravanaswamv, V.
Narayan, J.
Narayanan, E.
Narayanan, T.B.
Nardo, A.
Naresh, B.V.
Nareshwar, E.K.
Narit, L.
Narula, N.
Narusawa, T.
Narusue, M.
Narwade, S.
Nash, A.D.
Nash, J.K.
Nash, P.B.
Nash, S.V.
Nasir, P.
Nass, W.
Nastasescu, G.
Natalini, S.
Natarajan, C.
Natarajan, V.
Nath, N.K.
Nath, P.
Nath, P.R.
Nathan, S.P.F.
Naturschutzverband OsnabrĂŒck e.V.
Nau, B.S.
Naumann, J.A.
Naurois, R. de
Navaneethan, B.
Navarrete, I.
Navarro, A.
Navarro, B.A.
Navarro, N.
Navarro, S.J.
Navarro-Lopez, R.
Navarro-SigĂŒenza, A.G.
Navascures, I.
Nawrotzky, N.N.
Nayak, K.G.
Nayak, P.
Nayar, G.
Nayar, R.C.
Naylor, S.
Neatherlin, E.
Neatherlin, E.A.
Neave, S.A.
Nechaev, V.A.
Nedou, H.
Needham, A.L.
Neelakantan, K.K.
Neelanarayanan, P.
Neginhal, S.G.
Nehrling, H.
Neill, S.R.
Neitzsch, G.
Nelson, A.L.
Nelson, E.W.
Nelson, R.
Nelson, R.K.
Nelson, T.
Nemeth, E.
NĂ©meth, F.
Nemeth, N.
Nero, R.W.
Nessing, R.
Nesslinger, C.
Neubauer, E.
Neubauer, F.
Neubaur, T.
Neubeck, K.
Neuhaus-Steinmetz, U.
Neumann, J.
Neumann, O.
Neumann, W.
Neuschl, J.
Neuschulz, E.L.
Nevin, W.S.
Neweklowsky, H.
Newnham, A.T.H.
Newsome, J.
Newstead, R.
Newton, A.
Newton, A.V.
Newton, E.
Newton, E.T.
Newton, I.
Newton, J.
Newton, P.N.
Newton, R.G.
Newton, S.F.
Nezval, J.
Nguyen, C.
Nguyen, L.P.
Nicholas, G.P.
Nichols, D.G.
Nichols, E.G.
Nicholson, B.D.
Nicholson, E.M.
Nicholson, F.
Nicht, M.
Nickel, H.
Nicolai, B.
Nicolakakis, N.
Nicolaus, L.K.
Nicoll, M.J.
Nidegger, J.
Niebuhr, O.
Nieder, A.
Niederhauser, J.M.
NiedersĂ€chsische Landesstelle fĂŒr Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege
NiederstÀtter, H.
Niedl, W.
Niedrach, R.J.
Niehuis, M.
Nielsen, O.K.
Nielsen, P.H.
Nielsen, S.W.
Niem, H.
Niethammer, G.
Nihei, Y.
Nijman, V.
Nikitchenko, N.T.
Nikodemusz, E.
Nikolski, V.V.
Nikolskii, S.N.
Nikula, A.
Nikylin, Y.G.
Nilakanta, S.V.
Nilon, C.H.
Nilsson, B.
Nilsson, L.
Nilsson, M.A.
Nilsson, S.
Nilsson, S.G.
Nims, P.J.
Ning, C.
Nirasawa, K.
Nisbet, I.C.T.
Nishi, H.
Nishimura, K.
Nishimura, M.
Nishiumi, I.
Nishizawa, K.
Nisser, J.
Nitescu, E.
Nithyananda, V.
Nitin, S.
Nitsche, G.
Nitzsch, C.L.
No, D.B.
Noack, H.
Noble, D.G.
Noble, H.
Noda, T.
Noë, R.
Nogales, M.
Nohe, E.
Nol, E.
Noor, Y.R.
Noppornpanth, S.
Nordin, M.
Nordström, G.
Norimura, R.
Norma-Rashid, Y.
Norman, G.J.
Norman, J.A.
Normann, F.
Norris, R.A.
North, A.J.
North, M.E.W.
Norton, E.F.
Norton, R.L.
Noske, R.
Notini, G.
Nottmeyer-Linden, K.
Nouri, L.O.
Novak, R.
Novak, R.J.
Novakova, E.
Novarino, W.
Novikov, G.A.
Nowak, E.
Nowak, R.
Nowakowski, J.J.
Nowicki, W.
Ntikodemusz, E.
Nuechterlein, G.L.
Nugent, P.
Nukina, M.
NĂŒlle, W.
Nur, N.
Nurdini, L.
NĂŒrnberger, F.
Nussbaum, R.A.
Nutt, D.C.
Nuttall, T.
Nuytemans, H.
NyĂĄri, Ă.
Nystrand, M.
O â Connor, J.K.
O' Brien, M.
O'Brien, E.L.
O'Connor, B.M.
O'Donel, H.V.
O'Donoghue, P.D.
O'Halloran, J.
O'Kiely, P.
O'Neill, R.W.
O'Sullivan, O.
Oates, E.W.
Oba, T.
Oberhofer, H.C.
Oberholser, H.C.
ObornĂk, M.
Obst, J.
Obukhov, I.L.
Ochi, K.
Odai, M.
Odati, S.
Ădeen, A.
Ădeen, H.
Odening, K.
Odolevsky, Y.I.
Odsjo, T.
Oehme, H.
Oelhafen-Gandolla, M.
Oelke, H.
Oeser, R.
Office of the Gene Technology Regulator
Ogata, T.
Ogawa, M.
Oggier, P.A.
Ogilvie, C.M.
Ogilvie-Grant, W.R.
Ogorodnikova, L.
Ohashi, R.
Ohlson, J.I.
Ohno, Y.
Ohrning, B.
Oistad, O.
Okada, Y.
Okamatsu, M.
Okamoto, H.
Okamoto, M.
Okill, J.D.
Ăkologischer Jagdverband
Okoniewski, J.C.
Oksnebjerg, B.
Okulewicz, A.
Okuyama, M.
Olea, P.P.
Olendorff, R.R.
Oleyar, M.D.
Oliver, P.J.
Oliver, W.R.B.
Oliveri, R.L.
Ollenback, O.C.
Ollinmaki, P.
Olph-Galliard, L.
Olphe-Galliard, L.
Olsanik, V.
Olsen, A.
Olsen, G.H.
Olsen, H.
Olsen, I.
Olsen, O.W.
Olsen, S.C.
Olson, D.J.
Olson, N.E.
Olson, P.D.
Olson, S.L.
Olsson, C.
Olsson, H.
Olsson, U.
Olstad, O.
Omaliss, K.
Omland, K.E.
Oñate, M.
Oniki, Y.
Ono, K.
Onodera, H.
Ooberauer, E.
Ooberholzer, H.C.
Oodemans, A.C.
Oolhafen-Gandotla, M.
Oolkers, F.
Oomori, S.
Oort, E.D.
Oortwijn, R.G.M.
Opazo, J.C.
Opermanis, O.
Ophoven, E.
Opitz, H.
Oppermann, R.
Opraviloca, V.
Opree, R.
Oraveerakul, K.
Orell, M.
Orenstein, R.
Oring, L.W.
Orlando, L.
Ornaghi, F.
Ornithologische Arbeitsgemeinschaft Berlin West (OAG)
Ort, A.L.
Ortlieb, R.
Ortman, B.
Ortvad, T.E.
OrĆowski, G.
Osacar-Jimenez, J.J.
Osborn, W.
Osborne, K.
Osborne, P.
Osborne, P.E.
Osborne, T.O.
Oscilata, E.N.R.
Osgood, W.H.
Oshiro, I.
Oshmarin, P.G.
Osieck, E.R.
Osmaston, A.E.
Osmaston, B.B.
Osmolovskaja, B.I.
Osmolovskaja, V.I.
Osorio, M.R.
Ostashchenko, A.N.
Ostbye, E.
Osterhaus, A.D.M.E
Ostlund, E.
Ostojic, L.
Osvath, H.
Osvath, M.
Otis, B.
Otis, D.L.
Otsuka, Y.
Otten, K.
Ottens, G.
Otto, H.-J.
Otto, R.D.
Otto, W.
Otto, W.-D.
Ottonelli, R.
Ottow, J.
Ouchi, M.
Ovenden, G.N.
Ovenden, H.C.
Owen, D.A.L.
Owen, D.F.
Owen, J.H.
Owen, R.
Owner, D.
Oyler-McCance, S.
Oyler-McCance, S.J.
OâBrien, R.C.
OâBrien, S.
OâBrien, S.J.
OâCallaghan, M.J.A.
OâRourke, C.
Paccaud, O.
Pacheco, F.
Pacheco, M.A.
Pack, A.A.
Padate, G.
Padial, J.M.
Paek, W.K.
Paessler, R.
Paessler, W.
Page, R.D.
Pagel, M.
Paggi, L.
Pain, D.
Pain, S.
Paine, J.H.
Paine, R.T.
PakuĆa, B.
Pal, D.
Palei, N.C.
Palestrini, C.
Paliwal, R.
Pallas, P.S.
Paller, K.
Pallotti, E.
Palmer, E.
Palmer, S.R.
Palmgren, P.
Palmquist, I.
Paloheimo, J.E.
Palomares, F.
Palomino, J.J.
Palot, M.J.
Paludan, K.
Pampush, G.J.
Pan, H.
Pan, T.K.
Pandav, B.
Panday, D.J.
Pande, S.
Pandey, K.C.
Pandey, R.
Pandey, S.
Pandiyan, J.
Panek, M.
Panella, N.A.
Pang, A.W.C.
Pang, B.
Panicker, K.N.
Panigrahy, B.
Pankaj, J.
Pannach, D.
Pannach, G.
Panshin, A.
Panzarin, L.
Papadopoulos, B.
Pape, M.A.
Pape-Moller, A.
Paperna, I.
Papp, M.
Paquereau, M.M.
Paracuellos, M.
Paralkar, U.
Paralkar, V.K.
Parasharya, B.M.
Parejo, D.
Parekh, V.
Parida, A.
Parihar, S.B.S.
Paris, P.
Park, J.W.
Park, S.-Y.
Parker, G.H.
Parker, H.
Parker, K.
Parker, M.
Parker, M.T.
Parker, P.G.
Parkin, D.
Parkin, D.T.
Parmalee, D.F.
Parmalee, J.M.
Parmalee, P.W.
Parmigiani, E.
Parmigiani, S.
Parnell, J.F.
Parodi, R.
Parquin, P.
Parr, A.J.
Parr, C.S.
Parr, R.
Parreño, F.F.
Parrinder, E.R.
Parrish, J.K.
Parrot, C.
Parrott, S.
Parry, I.
Parshad, R.K.
Parshad, V.R.
Parslow, J.L.F.
Parson, W.
Parsons, A.J.
Part, T.
Partridge, L.
Pas, A.
Pasha, M.K.S.
Pasinelli, G.
Paspalev, G.
Pasquet, E.
Pasquinelly, F.
Pass, A.
Pastoret, P.P.
Pastukhov, B.
PaĆĄukonis, A.
Patel, C.
Patel, S.
Pathak, R.
Patil, A.S.
Patkai, I.
Patnaik, M.M.
Patnaik, S.C.
Pattanarangsan, R.
Patterson, I.J.
Paul, L.M.
Paulsen, I.
Paulsen, M.
Paulson, D.
Paulstich, D.
Pavel, V.
Pavelka, M.A.
Pavia, M.
Pavlak, M.
Pavlov, A.
Pavlov, P.
Pawar, S.
Pawar, S.B.
Pawashe, A.
Pawelec, M.
Pax, F.
Paxinos, G.
Payevsky, V.A.
Paynter, R.A., Jr.
Payungporn, S.
Paz-Ramirez, P.
Paz-y-Miño, G.
Peacock, M.A.
Peake, E.
Peale, T.R.
Pearce-Higgins, J.W.
Pearson, C.E.
Pearson, H.J.
Pearson, J.T.
Pearson, T.
Pearson, T.G.
Pease, A.E.
Pechlaner, H.
Peck, M.K.
Pecoraro, S.
Peczely, P.
Pedersen, K.T.
Pedersen, R.O.
Pednekar, S.
Peeraer, A.M.
Peet, W.V.
Peetermans, W.E.
Pegoraro, K.
Peh, K.S.H.
Peirce, M.A.
Peitzheimer, J.
Peitzmeier, J.
Pellait, J.
Pelle, I.
Pelloni, C.
Peluc, S.I.
Pelzeln, A. von
Pembebton, J.R.
Pemberton, R.T.
Peña, C.
Penard, T.E.
pence, J.B.
Peng, C.
Peng, J.T.
Penhallurick, R.D.
Penn, D.C.
Pennekamp, A.
Penny, M.J.
Penteriani, V.
Penttinen, A.
Penzhorn, B.L.
Pepler, G.R.M.
Peppe, J.H.H.
Pepper, J.W.
Peralta-SĂĄnchez, J.M.
Percival, A.B.
Perdeck, A.C
Perdeck, A.C.
Pereda, A.
Perelman, P.
Peresani, M.
PĂ©rez, E.
PĂ©rez, J.
PĂ©rez, V.
PĂ©rez-Contreras, T.
Perez-Mutul, J.
Peris, S.
Perkel, D.J.
Perkins, R.C.L.
Perkins, S.L.
Perreau, G.A.
Perrin, E.
Perrins, C.M.
Perrucci, S.
Perry, R.
Perseca, T.
Persson, O.
Perumal, R.S.
Pesendorfer, M.B.
Pesik, L.
Pesko, K.N.
Peter, D.
Peter, H.-U.
Peter, J.
Peter, J.M.
Peter, L.
Peterjohn, P.G.
Peters, H.S.
Peters, J.L.
Petersen, B.
Petersen, K.
Peterson, A.T.
Peterson, C.A.
Peterson, R.O.
Peterson, R.T.
Pethes, G.
Petke, J.
Petonke, W.
Petrie, G.W.
Petrochenko, V.I.
Petrova, E.N.
Petrova, K.
Petrovska, L.
Petrusenko, A.A.
Petter, A.
Pettersson, Ă .
Petty, E.E.
Peus, F.
Pezzo, F.
Pfeifer, J.-J.
Pfeifer, R.
Pfeifer, S.
Pfennig, H.G.
Pfenning, A.
Pfister, O.
Pfister, U.
Pfister-Gfeller, U.
Pflanz, A.
Pflugbeil, A.
Phadke, V.R.
Phelps, F.M.
Phelps, W.H.
Philip, V.M.
Philipson, W.R.
Phillipps, K.
Phillips, A.
Phillips, A.R.
Phillips, B.T.
Phillips, G.E.
Phillips, J.D.
Phillips, K.
Phillips, W.W.A.
Phoebe, K.
Piatt, J.F.
Pichurin, A.G.
Pickens, A.L.
Pickess, B.P.
Picozzi, N.
Piechocki, R.
Piekarski, R.
Pielowski, Z.
Pierce, L.
Pierce, L.C.
Pierro, A.
Pierson, J.
Piertney, S.B.
Piesker, O.
Pieterse, S.M.
Pietrowiak, J.
Pietsch, J.
Pika, S.
Pikula, J.
Pilard, P.
Pilcher, C.W.T.
Pilgrim, J.
Pilgrim, J.D.
Pillai, R.M.
Pillard, B.
Pilon, J.L.
Pimento, R.J.
Pimm, S.L.
Pimplapure, A.
Ping, D.
Ping, J.
Pinheiro, M.
Pinowska, B.
Pinowski, J.
Pinsker, W.
Pinto, O.
Pita, R.
Pitelka, F.A.
Pitlik, T.
Pittaway, R.
Pittie, A.
Pivar, G.
Pizzey, G.
Plath, L.
Pleasance, B.
Plentovich, S.
Pleshak, T.B.
Plessen, V. von
Pliginskii, V.G.
Plonkowska, M.
Plotkin, H.
Plowright, R.C.
Plum, N.
Poche, R.
Podkovyrkin, B.A.
Poelstra, J.
Poelstra, J.W.
Poezhaeva, A.E.
Poglayen, G.
Pogossianz, H.
Pohl, B.
Pohlmeyer, K.
Pointer, M.A.
Pokorny, P.
Polakowski, M.
PolechoĆski, R.
Pollard, E.H.B.
Pöllet, K.
Pollok, B.
Polunin, O.
Pölzl, K.
Pomerantzev, D.V.
Pomiankowski, A.
Poncy, R.
Pönisch, S.
Ponz, A.
Poole, C.M.
Poole, E.L.
Poon, S.K.
Poopalachelvam, M.
Poovorawan, Y.
Popham, H.L.
Popp, J.W.
Porath, E.
Pörner, H.
Porter, R.E.R.
Porter, S.
Portis, A.
Porto, M.
Portugal, S.J.
Pospelov, S.M.
Pospielov, V.
Possingham, H.P.
Post, W.
Pot, W.
Potti, J.
Potts, R.T.
Potts, W.K.
Povinelli, D.J.
Powell, A.N.
Powell, D.
Powell, P.
Powell, R.D.
Powell, R.W.
Powers, A.
Powys, T.L.
Prabakaran, P.
Prabhakar, M.
Pradeepa, V.
Prakas, P.
Prakash, V.
Prakoso, D.
Pramod, P.
Prang, A.
Pranty, B.
Prasad, D.
Prasad, H.
Prasad, J.N.
Prasad, R.
Prasad, V.G.
Prasanna, M.
Prasanna, P.M.
Prashanth, N.S.
Prat, F.
Prater, S.H.
Prather, I.D.
Pratt, H.D.
Pratt, T.K.
Praus, L.
Praveen J.
Praveen, J.
Pravosudov, V.V.
Prayitno, W.
Praz, J.-C.
Praz, J.C.
Presse- und Informationsstelle der Landesregierung Schleswig-Holstein
Prestel, D.
Prestel, U.
Preusser, K.J.
Price, P.
Price, R.D.
Price, T.
Price, T.D.
Priddel, D.
Prieme, A.
Priestley, C.F.
Prilipov, A.G.
Prill, H.
Primmer, C.R.
Primrose, J.B.
Prince, M.
Prinzinger, R.
Prior, C.M.
Prior, H.
Prior, N.
Pritchard, J.S.
Proctor, R.
Projan, S.J.
Projecto-Garcia, J.
Prokop, P.
Prokopenko, S.P.
Promberger, C.
PromerovĂĄ, M.
Prosdocimi, F.
Protopopova, E.V.
Proud, D.
Prtenko, L.A.
Pruett, C.L.
Prukner-RadovÄiÄ, E.
Prum, R.O.
Prychitko, T.M.
Pryer, H.
Prys-Jones, R.P.
Prytherch, J.
Przewalski, N.
Przybycin, M.
Przygodda, W.
Ptaszyk, J.
Ptuschenke, E.S.
Ptuschenko, E.
Puchstein, K.
Puel, M.
Pugacewicz, E.
PĂŒhringer, N.
Pulido, J.P.
Pulliainen, E.
Pumaniega, G.C.
Pumaniega, M.G.
Pundir, D.S.
Purchas, T.P.G.
Purger, J.J.
Purray, F.J.
Putnam, M.S.
Putra, D.D.
Putzig, P.
PĂŒwert, A.
Pycraft, W.P.
Pyle, R.L.
Qi, M.
Qiau, S.T.
Qu, Y.
Quadrelli, G.
Quaisser, C.
Quantz, B.
Quelennec, T.
QuerengÀsser, A.
Quesnel, J.J.
Quick, M.P.
Quinn, J.S.
Quiring, D.T.
Quittenden, T.
Qureshi, I.Z.
Raab, R.
Rabenak, S.
Rabitsch, A.
Rabor, D.S.
Raboud, C.
Raby, C.R.
Racey, R.A.
Rachel, M.
Racine, C.H.
Racz, B.
Radde, G.
Radig, K.
Radu, D.
Raevel, P.
Raevski, V.G.
Raffles, T.S.
Rafinesque, C.S.
Rafoss, T.
Raha, B.
Raharjaningtrah, W.
Rahbek, C.
Rahmad, R.
Rahman, A.
Rahman, M.K.
Rahman, S.
Rahmani, A.R.
Rahmann, H.
Rahmann, M.
Rai, N.D.
Raidal, S.R.
Raii, J.
Raim, A.
Raim, A.J.
Raiser, E.
Raitt, R.J.
Raj, H.
Raj, V.M.
Raja, N.A.
Raja, V.S.
Rajagopalan, P.K.
Rajan, P.
Rajan, S.A.
Rajan, V.J.
Rajaram, A.
Rajaram, M.
Rajaram, M.R.
Rajasarkka, A.
Rajasekhar, B.
Rajathurai, S.
Rajavelu, G.
Rajedran, S.
Rajendran, B.
Rajkumar, S.P.
Rajsky, D.
Raju S.
Raju, A.J.S.
Raju, K.S.R.K.
Raju, S.
Rakestraw, D.L.
Ralph, C.J.
Ram, K.
Rama, M.V.
Rama-Rao, K.V.
Ramalingam, K.
Ramamoorthi, M.S.
Raman, M.
Ramesh, C.
Rammner, C.
Ramos, C.
Ramos, R.
Ramsay, E.P.
Ramsay, L.N.G.
Ramsay, R.G.W.
Ramsbotham, R.H.
Ramsey, F.L.
Ramzan, M.
Rana, B.D.
Rana, G.
Rana, R.S.
Rana, S.A.
Ranade, S.
Ranasinghe, I.
Ranawana, K.B.
Rand, A.L.
Randeson, J.
Randi, E.
Randler, C.
Rando, J.C.
Raney, P.
Ranftl, H.
Rangaiah, K.
Rangaswami, S.
Range, F.
Rank, D.N.
Ranner, A.
Rao, B.H.K.
Rao, B.V.
Rao, M.A.
Rao, P.
Rao, P.S.
Rao, S.P.
Rao, T.B.
Rao, T.R.
Rao, T.S.B.
Rao, V.V.
Rao, Y.N.
Raol, L.
Raol, L.M.
Raote, N.
Raphael, B.L.
Raphael, M.G.
Rapin, P.
Rappe, A.
Rappole, J.H.
Rashid, S.M.A.
Raskevic, N.A.
Rasmussen, E.S.
Rasmussen, P.A.F.
Rasmussen, P.C.
Rasmussen, S.R.
Raspail, X.
Rasschaert, D.
Rassi, P.
Rastetter, V.
Raszewski, A.
Ratajczak, J.
Ratcliff, F.R.
Ratcliffe, D.A.
Ratcliffe, R.D.
Rath, B.P.
Rathinasabapathy, B.
Rathod, J.
Rathore, G.S.
Ratnathicam, A.R.
Ratnayake, C.P.
Ratti, J.T.
Rattray, R.H.
Rau, S.
Raue, M.
Rausch, R.
Raut, S.K.
Rautenstrauch, K.R.
Rauzon, M.J.
Raven, J.
Ravi, V.
Ravikumar, M.V.
Ravin, S.
Ravindran, P.K.
Raviola, M.
Rawat, G.S.
Ray, D.
Ray, D.A.
Raylor, R.M.
Rayner, J.M.V.
Razumovsky, K.
Read, J.
Read, J.L.
Real, P.G.
Reaume, T.J.
Reber, S.A.
Reckin, J.
Recuerda, P.
Red'kin, Y.A.
Reddy, K.R.
Reddy, S.
Reddy, V.R.
Redkin, Y.A.
Redman, P.S.
Redondo, A.J.
Redondo, T.
Redpath, S.
Redpath, S.M.
Redwanz, M.
Reebs, S.G.
Reed, K.D.
Reed, L.M.
Reed, N.
Reed, R.N.
Reed, T.M.
Reese, J.G.
Reese, K.P.
Refsum, T.
Regehr, H.M.
Regnier, R
Regnier, R.
RehkÀmper, G.
Reichart, G.
Reiche, A.S.
Reichelt, B.
Reichenbach, L.
Reichenow, A.
Reichert, J.F.
Reichholf, J.H.
Reiczigel, J.
Reid, C.
Reid, F.A.
Reid, J.B.
Reid, J.M.
Reid, K.
Reid, M.E.
Reid, R.
Reid, R.J.
Reid, R.T.
Reid, S.G.
Reilley, P.N.
Reimann, S.
Reindl, M.
Reineke, R.
Reiner, A.
Reinhardt, J.
Reino, L.
Reinsch, H.
Reinsch, H.H.
Reisen, W.K.
Reiser, O.
Reitsma, L.
Rejt, L.
RĂ©kĂĄsi, J.
Rekepalli, B.
Rema, J.
Ren, Q.-M.
Renault-Miskovsky, J.
Rendahl, H.
Rendall, P.
Rennie, W.
Rensch, B.
Rensel, J.
Rensel, M.A.
Renssen, T.A.
Renzoni, A.
Reppas, G P.
Restani, M.
Rettig, K.
Rewell, R.E.
Rey, E.
Reynard, G.B.
Reynolds, C.E.
Reynolds, C.M.
Reynolds, J.D.
Reynolds, M.D.
Reynolds, P.S.
Reynolds, S.J.
Reyrink, L.
Rheindt, F.E.
Rheinwald, G.
Rhim, S.J.
Rhitashwa, R.
Rhoads, S.N.
Rhyan, J.C.
Ribas, C.C.
Ribaut, J.-P.
Rice, N.H.
Richards, D.B.
Richards, G.L.
Richards, M.L.
Richards, P.R.
Richardson, H.
Richardson, H.E.
Richardson, H.M.
Richardson, K.C.
Richardson, M.D.
Richardson, S.C.
Richardson, W.S.
Richarz, K.
Richmond, C.W.
Richner, H.
Richter, E.
Richter, H.
Rickett, C.B.
Ricklefs, R.E.
Rideout, B.A.
Ridgway, R.
Ridout, R.
Riedel, W.
Rietschel, G.
Riggenbach, C.
Riggenbach, H.E.
Rijpma, U.
Riley, J.
Rimmer, C.C.
Rinck, J.
Rindal, E.
Ringia, A.m.
Ringleben, H.
Ringler, M.
Rinnhofer, G.
Rintoul, L.J.
Riols, C.
Riordan, T., Humphrey, T.J.
Ripley, S.D.
Rippa, D.
Rippon, G.
Risch, M.
Ritchie, S.A.
Ritter, M.W.
Rittinghaus, H.
Ritzema-Bos, J.
Rivas, M.V.
Riviere, B.B.
Riviert, B.
Rizk, F.
Rizzolli, F.
Robbins, C.S.
Robbrecht, G.
Robel, D.
Robert, M.
Robert, M.C.
Roberts, C.
Roberts, J.D.
Roberts, P.
Roberts, P.J.
Roberts, T.J.
Robertson, A.
Robertson, G.J.
Robertson, H.A.
Robichaud, W.G.
Robien, P.
Robin, N.
Robin, V.V.
Robinette, R.L.
Robinson, D.
Robinson, H.C.
Robison, T.L.
Robson, C.
Robson, C.R.
Robson, R.
Robson, R.W.
Roccaforte, P.
Roch, S.
Rochard, J.B.A.
Roche, C.
Rockenbauch, D.
Rockstroh, A.
Rockwell, C.
Rodenburg, S.
Röder, G.
Rodewald, A.D.
Rodrigues, P.R.
Rodriguez, C.F.
RodrĂguez, D.
RodrĂguez, L.F.
RodrĂguez, P.
RodrĂguez, Y.R.
RodrĂguez-GironĂ©s, M.A.
Rodway, M.
Rodway, M.S.
Roebuch, A.
Roebuck, A.
Roebuck, B.D.
Roehrig, J.T.
Röell, A.
Roer, H.
Rofstad, G.
Rogacheva, H.
Rogers, A.
Rogers, H.M., Jr.
Rogers, K.G.
Rogerson, J.P.
Roggemann, W.
Rohitashwa, R.
Rohloff, P.
Rohwe, S.
Rohweder, D. A.
Rohwer, S.
Rohwer, S.A.
Rokitansky, G.
Roland, J.
Rolando, A.
Roldan, M.
Rolfe, R.
Rolland, B.
Rolls, J.C.
RomĂĄn, R.A.
Romandini, M.
Romanov, M.N.
Romanowski, J.
Romashchenko, A.D.
Römer, U.
Romito, T.
Roncalli, G.
Rondeau, A.
Rondelaud, D.
Rook, L.
Rookmaaker, L.C.
Roos, S.
Rooseimaa, U.
Roosmeimaa, U.
RootsmÀe, L.
Roppe, J.A.
Rörig, G.
Rosado-Paredes, E.
Rosef, O.
Roselaar, C.S.
Roselaar, K.
Rosen, M.
Rosenberger, W.
Rosendaal, C.W.C.
Rosenius, P.
Rosenstiel, P.
Roseveare, W.L.
Rosicky, B.
Rosin, Z.M.
Roskell, J.
Roslik, G.V.
Rösner, S.
Ross, B.
Ross, C.A.
Ross, R.C.
Rossbach, R.
Rossini, G.
Rossow, P.D.
Rost, F.
Rotenberry, J.T.
Roth, G.
Roth, J.E.
Röther, K.
RothgÀnger, H.
Röthing, H.
Rothschild, M.
Rothschild, N.C.
Rothschild, W.
Rothschild, W. von
Rothstein, S.I.
Roulin, A.
Roulin, B.
Roulin, H.
Round, P.D.
Rousset, A.
Rout, S.D.
Routasuo, P.
Roux, P.
Rovelli, C.
Rovinsky, F.
Rowley, I.
Roy, B.
Roy, P.
Roy, R.N.
Roychowdhury, L.
Royle, J.A.
Royle, J.F.
Rozendaal, F.G.
Rozsa, L.
Rubenstein, D.I.
Rubio Recio, J.M.
Rucner, D.
Rudat, V.
Rudat, W.
Rudolph, B.U.
RĂŒeg, P.
Rufus, K.C.
Ruge, K.
Ruitenbeek, W.
Ruiter, L.C. de
Ruiz, M.O.
Ruiz, X.
Ruiz-RodrĂguez, M.
Rullman, S.
Rumiha, Z.
RĂŒppell, W.
Rush, S.A.
Rusiecki, S.
Russell, G.J.
Russell, R.C.
Rust, R.
Rustamov, A.K.
Rustamov, E.A.
Ruthenberg, H.
Ruthke, P.
Rutkowska, M.A.
Rutledge, R.
Rutledge, R.B.
Rutschke, E.
Ruttledge, R.F.
RĂŒttler, V.
Rutz, C.
Ryabov, V.F.
Ryabtev, I.A.
Ryall, C.
Ryan, P.
Ryasavy, B.
Ryden, N.
Ryder, O.A.
Ryder, T.B.
Rydzewski, W.
Ryll, B.
Rysavy, B.
Ryskov, A.P.
Ryslavy, T.
Rytkönen, S.
Ryves, B.H.
Rzedzicki, J.
Rzehak, E.C.F:
RĂžskaft, E.
Saab, V.A.
Saari, L.
Sabine, J.
Saçarrao, G.F.
Sachteleben, J.
Sachtleben, H.
Sachvie, C.
Sackl, P.
Sadanand, K.B.
Saemann, D.
Sage, B.L.
Sager, H.
Sagne, E.
Sahay, S.N.
Sahay, U.
Sahoo, D.P.
Sahu, H.K.
Sahu, S.
Saiduzzafar, H.
Saikia, P.J.
Saikia, U.
Saini, H.K.
Saini, S.S.
Saini-Harjeet, K.
Saino, A.
Saino, N.
Saint-Lebe, N.
Saint-Perier, R. de
Saito, E.
Saito, I.
Saitoh, T.
Sakai, H.
Sakai, H.F.
Sakai, R.
Sakamoto, T.
Sakhdeo, N.
Sakhiya, S.
Sakoh, T.
Sakthivel, R.
Sakuma, F.
Sala, M.
Salaj, L.
Salamatin, R.V.
Salathé, T.
Salek, M.
Salema, C.A.
Salfeld, D.
Salim, A.
Salmen, H.
Salmon, T.P.
Salomons, H.M.
Salonen, V.
Salsabila, A.
Salvadori, T.
Salvan, J.
Salvati, L.
Salvin, O.
Salwiczek, L.H.
Samaniego, J.A.
Samardzic, D.
Sambovannak, O.
Sambri, V.
Sambyal, D.S.
Samhaber, J.
Samokhvalov, Y.I.
Samorek-Salamonowicz, E.
Samorodoff, A.W.
Samuel, W.M.
SĂĄnchez, A.
SĂĄnchez, B.
Sanchez, J.
Sanchez, J.M.
SĂĄnchez, R.
Sanchez-Alonso, C.
Ć anda, R.
Sanders, B.A.
Sanderson, K.J.
Sandhu, P.S.
Sandilya T.
Sandilyan, S.
Sandring, D.
Sandring, O.
Sandvik, J.
Sangha, H.
Sangha, H.S.
Sangster, G.
Saniga, M.
Sanjay, G.S.
Sankar, K.
Sankaran, R.
Sankhwal, A.
Sant, N.
Santana, J.
Santer, U.
Santhanakrishnan, R.
Santharam, V.
Santisteban, L.
Santos Dos Junior, J.
Santos Junior, M.A.
Santos, M.
Santos, N.
Sapthagirish, M.K.
Sar, C.K.
Sara, M.
Saranraj, S.
Saravanan, S.
Saravanand, M.
Sargatal, J.
Sargo, R.
Sarim, D.
Sartbaev, S.K.
Sarwar, M.M.
Sasaki, K.
Sashikumar, C.
Sassi, M.
Sasvari, L.
Sasvari-Schafer, L.
Sathasivam, K.
Satheesan, S.M.
Sathyakumar, S.
Sathyanarayana, M.C.
Sati, J.P.
Sato, E.
Sato, F.
Sato, Y.
Satpute, S.
Satta, Y.
Sauer, F.
Sauerbier, W.
Saunders, D.
Saunders, H.
Saunders, K.
Saunders, M.A.
Saunders, T.
Saunier, A.
Sauvage, A.
Savage, C.
Savage, D.E.
Savage, E.U.
Savage, H.M.
Savarie, P.J.
Savitskij, B.P.
Sawada, I.
Sawant, D.
Sawyer, R.H.
Saxena, A.K.
Saxena, K.C.
Saxena, M.M.
Saxena, R.
Saxena, V.K.
Sayyed, A.
Scammell, C.
Scarlett, R.J.
Scarpignato, A.L.
Scarton, F.
Scatizzi, L.
Schabram, W.J.
Schacht, H.
Schaefer, J.M.
Schaefer, T.
SchÀfer, E.
Schafer, E.W. (Jr.)
Schall, J.J.
Schalow, H.
Schaming, T.D.
Schantz, T. von
Scharf, C.
Scharlau, D.
Scharon, J.
Scharringa, K.J.G.
Schaub, R.
Schauer, J.H.
Schauer, J.H.S.
Schaumburg, K.
Scheid, C.
Schelcher, R.
Schelde, O.
Schellekens, M.
Schenk, H.
Schenk, J.
Scheres, W.
Scherhag, R.
Scherner, E.R.
Scherret, J.H.
Scherzinger, W.
Scheven, J.
Schick, H.
Schicker, J.
Schiebel, G.
Schiefer, T.J.
Schierer, A.
Schiermann, G.
Schierup, M.
Schiestl, M.
Schifferli, A.
Schifferli, L.
Schiffner, D.
Schiffner, G.
Schikler, P.
Schildmacher, H.
Schilhabel, M.
Schill, H.P.
Schindel, D.E.
Schindler, S.
Schindler, U.
Schindler, W.
Schinz, H.R.
Schinz, J.
Schlang, S.
Schlegel, H.
Schlegel, J.
Schlegel, R.
Schlegel, S.
Schleger, M.
Schleucher, E.
Schlierke, H.
Schlinger, B.
Schloegl, C.
Schlögel, N.
Schlögl, C.
Schlott, M.
Schlottke, L.
Schluter, D.
Schmid, H.
Schmidt, B.
Schmidt, E.
Schmidt, F.-U.
Schmidt, G.
Schmidt, G.A.J.
Schmidt, G.D.
Schmidt, H.J.
Schmidt, J.
Schmidt, K.
Schmidt, N.M.
Schmidt, O.
Schmidt-Chanasit, J.
Schmidt-Koenig, K.
Schmiegelow, F.K.A.
Schmitt, B.
Schmitt, N.
Schmitt, R.
Schmitz, J.
Schmitz, L.
Schmolz, M.
Schnebel, G.
Schneider, F.
Schneider, M.C.
Schneiter, P.
Schnell, G.D.
Schnetter, W.
Schnitnikov, V.
Schnitzlein, W.M.
Schnurre, O.
Schodde, R.
Schoech, S.J.
Schoenbaum, M.A.
Schoenle, L.A.
Schoenwetter, J.
Schoepp, R.J.
Scholz, M.
Schölzel, H.
Schomburgk, R.H.
Schönbeck, H.
Schonert, H.
SchönfuĂ, G.
Schönwetter, M.
Schoof, E.
Schöpf, H.
Schoppers, J.
Schouls, L.M.
Schramm, A.
Schreiner, J.F.
Schrenzel, M.D.
Schröder, P.
Schroeder, M.A.
Schroeter, W.
Schropfer, L.
SchrĂžder-Nielsen, A.
Schubert, H.J.
Schubert, M.
Schubert, P.
SchĂŒcking, A.
Schuh, J.
Schulenberg, T.S.
Schultz-Soltau, J.
Schulz, J.
Schulz, W.
Schulze, B.
Schulze-Hagen, K.
Schumacher, C.L.
Schurakow, A.I.
Schuster, A.
Schuster, L.
Schuster, R.
Schuster, S.
Schutenko, E.W.
SchĂŒtt, E.
SchĂŒtt, R.
SchĂŒtz, E.
SchĂŒz, D.
SchĂŒz, E.
Schwab, C.
Schwab, W.
Schwabl, I.
Schwammber, K.
Schwan, M.W.
Schwartz, M.
Schwarz, A.
Schwarz, E.A.
Schwarz, J.
Schwarz, L.
Schwarze, E.
Schwarzenbach, F.H.
Schwegman, J.
Schweizerische Avifaunistische Kommission
Schwendener, U.
Schwenske, S.
Schwetsow, A.A.
Sciglibaglio, P.
Scivoletti, N.
Sclater, P.L.
Sclater, W.
Sclater, W.L.
Sclater, W.M.
Scofield, P.
Scofield, R.P.
Scott, A.
Scott, D.A.
Scott, J.M.
Scott, R.E.
Scott, W.E.D.
Scrivner, L.H.
Scully, J.
Seals, C.A.
Sealy, S.G.
Searcy, Y.M.
Searight, E.E.G.L.
Sebbeare, E.O.
Secomb, D.
Seebohm, H.
Seed, A.M.
Seel, D.C.
Seelig, K.-J.
Seelig, K.J.
Seemann, W.
Segagni, D.
Segelbacher, G.
Segui, B.
Segura, M.
Seilern, J., Graf von
Seilkopf, H.
Seitz, J.
Seixas, F.
sekar, M.
Sekhar, P.S.R.
Seki, T.
Sekimoto, T.
Sekour, M.
Sell, H.
Sell, M.
Sellin, D.
Selous, E.
Selous, F.C.
Selva, N.
Selvakumar, R.
Selvan, K.M.
Semenov, S.M.
Semmler, W.
Sen, A.B.
Sen, S.
Sen, S.K.
Sen, S.N.
Senger, C.
Sengupta, S.
Sengupta, S.N.
Sennitt, M.V.
Senthilkumar, K.
Senthilmurugan, B.
Seoh, R.K.H.
Sepil, I.
Septon, F.
Sergeeva, T.P.
Sergiacomi, U.
Sergio, F.
Sermet, E.
Serrao, J.S.
Serventy, D.L.
Service, R.
Seth, T.D.
Seth-Smithi, L.M.
Setsuda, K.
Seumer, F.
Sevastyanov, V.D.
Severinghaus, L.
Severtzow, N.A.
Seveyka, J.J.
Seward, N.W.
Sexton, C.
Sey, O.
Seys, J.
Shafeeg, A.
Shah, N.K.
Shah, S.R.
Shahabuddin, G.
Shaharabany, M.
Shahrokh, M.G.
Shahzad, R.
Shaikenov, B.
Shaikh, D.A.
Shaldybin, L.S.
Shalmon, B.
Shanbhag, A.P.
Shang, Y.
Shank, C.C.
Shankar, K.
Shanmugam, A.M.
Shannon, G.R.
Shapiro, B.
Sharland, M.
Sharland, R.E.
Sharma, A.
Sharma, A.K.
Sharma, C.K.
Sharma, D.
Sharma, G.
Sharma, I.
Sharma, I.K.
Sharma, K.K.
Sharma, L.
Sharma, M.
Sharma, N.
Sharma, P.
Sharma, R.M.
Sharma, S.
Sharma, S.K.
Sharma, T.R.
Sharma, U.P.
Sharma, V.
Sharma, V.N.
Sharp, J.M.
Sharp, P.J.
Sharpe, R.B.
Sharpilo, L.D.
Sharppilo, V.P.
Sharrock, J.T.R.
Shatkovska, O.V.
Shatkovsky, Y.V.
Shaw, C.
Shaw, R.C.
Shaw, T.H.
Shawkey, M.D.
Shawl, T.
Shchelkanov, M.Y.
Shchepski, J.B.
Sheikher, C.
Sheldon, B.
Sheldon, F.H.
Shelke, S.
Shelke, V.
Shelley, E.L.
Shelley, G.E.
Shelokov, A.
Shelton, LC.
Shepherd, C.
Shepherd, D.A.
Shepherd, J.D.
Sherry, T.W.
Sherwood, B.
Shestopalov, A.M.
Shettleworth, S.J.
Shetty, K.R.S.
Shibata, Y.
Shick, C.S.
Shields, M.A.
Shihmanter, E.
Shikhobalova, N.P.
Shimadzu, H.
Shimizu, T.
Shimura, R.
Shinde, G.B.
Shing, L.K.
Shinondo, C.J.
Shirafuji, T.
Shirota, K.
Shirota, Y.
Shiu, H.J.
Shivanarayan, N.
Shivanarayanan, N.
Shivanarayena, N.
Shivaprakash, A.
Shivrajkumar, Y.S.
Shlikas, A.V.
Shloikas, A.
Shobrak, M.
Shoemaker, L.G.
Shore, C.
Shore, R.
Short, L.L.
Shortridge, G.C.
Showler, D.
Showler, D.A.
Shrivastava, S.C.
Shufeldt, R.W.
Shukakov, A.I.
Shukla, S.K.
Shurakov, A.I.
Shuttleworth, C.M.
Shvetsov, A.A.
Shyama, S.K.
Shyamal, L.
Siang, C.
Sibley, C.G.
Sibley, M.D.
Sibree, J. Jr.
Sicheritz-Ponten, T.
Sick, H.
Siddarth, S.
Siddharth, S.
Siddiqi, I.
Siddiqui, A.A.
Sidhu, A.K.
Siebenrock, K.-H.
Sieber, H.
Siebern, W.
Siebold, F.
Siefferman, L.
Siefke, A.
Siegel-Causey, D.
Siegert, R.
Siegner, J.
Sieracki, P.
Sieste, F.
Sieving, K.E.
Sikha, D.
Sikorska, M.
Silaeva, O.L.
Sillett, T.S.
Siltamaki, E.
Silva-Iturriza, A.M.
Silvano, F.
Silvius, M.J.
Sim, I.
Sima, M.J.
Simeonov, S.D.
Simes, M.
Simmons, G.D.
Simmons, K.E.L.
Simmons, R.M.
Simms, E.
Simon, J.
Simon, U.
Simons, D.
Simons, P.
Simpson, G.
Simpson, L.
Simpson, V.R.
Simpson, W.H.
Sims, R.W.
Sinambela, S.A.
Singh, A.
Singh, A.J.T.
Singh, A.P.
Singh, B.
Singh, J.
Singh, J.P.
Singh, K.S.
Singh, M.
Singh, M.P.
Singh, N.
Singh, P.
Singh, P.J.
Singh, R.
Singh, S.
Singh, S.K.
Singh, T.C.N.
Singha, H.
Sinha, A.
Sinha, N.
Sinha, R.K.
Sinha, S.K.
Sinhahikim, A.
Sinniah, B.
Sipos, P.
Ć ir, Ć t.
Sitasuwan, N.
Sivakumar, S.
Sivasubramaniyam, K.
Siwak, P.
Skarphédinsson, K.H.
Skead, C.J.
Skiba, R.
Skilling, D.
Skinner, M.A.
Skipnes, K.
Sklepkovych, B.
Skoracki, M.
SkĂłrka, P.
Skov, H.
Skovgaard, P.
Skryabin, K.I.
Skryleva, L.F.
Skrylkov, A.I.
Skutch, A.F.
Slack, R.D.
Slade, L.
Sladen, A.G.L.
Slager, D.L.
Slagsvold, T.
Slater, H.H.
Slater, P.J.B.
Slavov, G.
Slavsky, A.A.
Slee, J.
Sleijser, A.J.
Slikas, B.
Small, T.W.
Smalley, M.
Smeds, L.
Smedshaug, C.A.
Smeka, M.
Smiddy, P.
Smidt, J.
Smirensky, S.M.
Smirnova, A.A.
Smirnow, O.P.
Smith, A.C.
Smith, A.T.
Smith, D.W.
Smith, F.R.
Smith, G.E.
Smith, G.E.J.
Smith, H.C.
Smith, H.W.
Smith, J.
Smith, J.N.M.
Smith, K.D.
Smith, K.G.
Smith, M.Q.
Smith, R.B.
Smith, R.M.M.
Smith, R.N.
Smith, R.T.
Smith, S.C.R.
Smith, T.B.
Smith, T.G.
Smith, V.A.
Smith, V.S.
Smitley, D.R.
Smogorzhevskaya, L.A.
Smola, J.
Smolker, R.
Smulders, T.V.
Smythies, B.E.
Snell, M.
Snouckaert van Schauburg, R.C.
Snow, L.
Soares, A.A.
Soares, T.
Sobolew, D.V.
Sobrero, L.
Sodhi, N.S.
Sogaard, P.
Soh, M.C.K.
Soha, J.A.
Soikkeli, M.
Sojka, K.
Sokolova, T.I.
Sokolowa, T.I.
Solanki, C.
Solarczyk, P.
Soler, J.J.
Soler, M.
Soler-Cruz, M.D.
Solis, E.
Solis, W.
Solomatin, A.O.
Solomon, S.
Solomons, C.C.
Solt, S.
Soma, M.
Somadikarta, S.
Soman, P.W.
Soman, W.V.
Someya, S.
Sömmer, P.
Sonawane, V.D.
Sondell, J.
Sonerud, G.A.
Sonesson, L.K.
Song, C.-S.
Song, G.
Song, S.
Soni, R.G.
Soniya, V.P.
Sood, M.L.
Sood, R.
Soos, L.
Sophoan, S.
Sorbi, S.
Sorci, G.
Sorenson, M.D.
Sorhage, F.
Sorm, F.
Sorokin, V.I.
Sos ,E.
Sossinka, R.
Soti, J.
Soubieux, D.
Soud, R.
Sousa, L.
Southern, J.P.
Souttou, K.
Sovis, B.
Sow, D.D.
Sowerby, G.B.
Sowerby, J.L.
Spaans, A.L.
Spaar, R.
Spahni, J.-C.
Spalding, D.A.F.
Sparks, T.H.
Spasski, A.A.
Spasskii, A.A.
Spaw, C.D.
Speaker, T.
Speek, B.J.
Speke, J.H.
Speller, C.F.
Spencer, K.G.
Spencer, P.B.
Spencer, R.
Spenner, W.
Sperling, R.M.
Speyer, W.
Spicer, G.S.
Spielman, A.
Spinney, L.
Spiridonova, L.
Spiridonova, L.N.
Spittle, R.J.
Spitzenberger, F.
Spotorno ,A.E.
Spottiswoode, C.N.
Spray, C.J.
Sprehn, C.
Sprenger, A.
Spretke, T.
Springer, K.B.
Springer, M.
Springer, M.S.
Sprötge, M.
Spyrou, V.
Sreenivasan, R.
Sridhar, T.R.
Sridharan, N.
Srihari, K.
Srinivas, D.
Srinivasa, T.S.
Srinivasan, R.
Srinivasan, U.
Srinivasulu, B.
Srinivasulu, C.
Srivastava, A.
Srivastava, V.M.L.
Sruoga, A.
St. Clair, J.J.H.
St. Joseph, A.K.
Stabler, R.M.
Stacey, P.B.
Stachanow, W.S.
Stadler, H.
Stage, J.
Stager, K.E.
Stahlbaum, G.
Stahler, D.R.
Stairmand, D.A.
Stallcup, J.A.
Stallknecht, D.E.
Stamatakis, A.
Stamatov, T.
Stanc, S.
Standley, P.E.
Stanescu, D.
Stanford, C.
Stanford, C.B.
Stanford, J.K.
Stanford, R.
Stanley, P.I.
Starck, J.M.
Stark, H.
Stark, L.M.
Ć tastny, K.
Statius MĂŒller, P.L.
Stattersfield, A.J.
Staude, J.
Stauffer, D.F.
Stavskii, A.V.
Stead, E.F.
Steadman, D.W.
Steele, B.
Steele, K.
Steele, K.E.
Steele, W.K.
Steeman, C.
Steen, O.F.
Steenhof, K.
Steenis, G. van
Steere, J.B.
Steffen, J.
Steffens, R.
Stegemann, K.-D.
Stegmann, B.
Steidel, J.
Stein, F.
Stein, G.
Stein, H.
Stein, J.
Steinacker, G.
Steinbacher, E.
Steinbacher, F.
Steinbacher, G.
Steinbacher, J.
Steiner, G.
Steiner, H.
Steiner, H.M.
Steinfatt, O.
Steinhaus, G.H.
Steinheimer, F.D.
Steiniger, F.
Steinke, G.
Steinlechner, M..
Steiof, K.
Stejneger, L.
Stemmler, K.
Stempniewicz, L.
Stenrue, J.
Stenzler, L.M.
Stepanova, O.N.
Stepanyan, L.S.
Stephan, B.
Stephens, D.W.
StÄpniewski, J.
Sterbetz, I.
Sterelny, K.
Sternberg, H.
Stevanovic, A.
Stevens, H.
Stevens, J.R.
Stevenson, H.M.
Stevenson, K.
Stewart, A.M.
Stewart, B.
Stewart, I.R.K.
Stewart, K.G.
Stewart, M.E.
Stewart, P.F.
Stewart, T.
Stewart, W.
Steyer, H.
Steyn, P.
Stichmann, W.
Stickel, W.
Stickley, A.R.,Jr.
Stiefel, A.
Stiehl, R.B.
Stieve, H.
Still, E.
Stillman, R.A.
Stimm, B.
Stimming, R.
Stirnimann, H.
Stith, B.
Stival, E.
Stix, E.
Stocker, M.
Stöckli, A.
Stockwell, P.J.
Stoeckle, M.Y.
Stoewe, M.
Stoffel, M.J.
Stoican, E.
Stoimenov, K.
Stoj, M.
Stokke, B.G.
Stoliczka, F.
Stone, E.
Stone, R.E.
Stone, W.
Stone, W.B.
Stoner, D.
Stoner, E.A.
Stones, A.J.
Stonor, C.R.
Storch, I.
Storer, R.
Stork, H.-J.
Storm, J.
Storz, J.F
Storz, J.F.
Stouffer, P.C.
Stover, D.M.
Stöwe, M.
Stoyanov, G.
Strache, R.-R.
Strahan, R.
Strahl, S.D.
Strahm, J.
Strahm, L.
Stralberg, D.
Strand, E.
Strandberg, S.
StraĂburg, G.
Straubinger, J.
Straumfors, P.
Strauss, E.
Strauss, E.G.
Stravinski, J.
Straw, R.M.
Strebel, S.
Strehlow, J.
Streit, J.
Stresemann, E.
Strickland, H.E.
Strickland, R.D.
Striedter, G.
Striedter, G.F.
Striegler, R.
Striegler, U.
Strobeck, C.
Ströde, P.
Strom, J.K.
Struck, H.
Strunk, P.
Stuart Baker, E.C.
Stubbe, M.
Stubbs, F.J.
StĂŒbs, J.
Studer-Thierisch, A.
Studnitz, G. von
Stuiber, U.
Stulp, G.
Stumberger, B.
Stumpa, A.
Sturmbauer, C.
Stutchbury, B.J.
Stutterheim, C.J.
Styan, F.W.
Su, W.
Suarez, F.
Suarez, S.
Suarez-Solis, V.
Subba, B.R.
Subedi, T.
Subramaniam, T.R.
Subramanian, A.
Subramanian, S.
Subramanya, S.
Suchanek, O.
Suddaby, D.
Sudendey, F.
Sudhakar, K.V.
Sudharma, D.
Sudilovskaja, A.M.
Sudirga, S.K.
Sugathan, R.
Sugden, L.G.
Sugimoto, T.
Sugita, N.
Sugita, S.
Sugiyama, A.
Suh, A.
Suhonen, J.
Sukopp, H.
Sukumar, R.
Sulimov, A.D.
Sulkava, P.
Sullivan, B.D.
Sulochana, S.
Sultana, A.
Sumiyoshi, T.
Summa, R.
Summers, R.W.
Sun, Y.
Sun, Y.-H.
Sun, Y.H.
Sundar, K.S.G.
Sundararajan, K.S.
Sunderraj, W.S.
Sundström, H.
Sung, H.W.
Sunkel, W.
Surendran, K.K.
Surmacki, A.
Susanthkumar, C.
Sushkin, P.P.
Sussman, A.
Sutcliffe, R.
Suter, W.
Sutherland, W.
Sutherland, W.J.
Sutiak, V.
Sutiakova, I.
Sutter, E.
Sutton, G.M.
Sutton, J.M.
Sutton, R.A.L.
Suyama, D.
Suzuki, H.
Suzuki, K.
Suzuki, R.
Suzuki, S.
SvÀrd, S.
Svihla, A.
Svoboda, K.H.
Swainson, W.
Swales, B.H.
Swanberg, P.O.
Swarth, H.S.
Swarup, C.
Swatschek, I.
Sweet, P.
Sweet, P.R.
Swenik, M.H.
Swenson, K.N.
Swift, K.N.
Swinburne, N.
Swingland, I.R.
Swinhoe, C.
Swinhoe, R.
Switzer, P.V.
Switzer, R.
Swynnerton, C.F.M.
Sydeman, W.J.
Syed, G.
Sykes, P.W. Jr.
Sykes, W.H.
Symens, P.
Sympson, M.F.
Syvertsen, P.O.
Szabo, I.
Szady-Grad, J.J.
Szady-Grad, M.
Szczepanowski, R.
Szczepski, J.B.
Szczepski, M.W.
Szekely, A.D.
Szemere, L.
Szidat, L.
Szipl, G.
Szlivka, L.
Szomjas, G.
Szpir, M.
SzymaĆski, P.
Szymczak, J.T.
SĂžby, E.
SĂžrensen, S.
Taapken, J.
TĂ€ger, U.
Tagiltsev, A.A.
Tagliacozzo, A.
Tahon, J.
Taichun, L.
Taillandier, J.
Taisacan, E.
Tait, W.C.
Tak, P.C.
Taka-Tsukasa, N.
Takagi, K.
Takara, T.
Takashi, M.
Takashima, I.
Takehara, K.
Takeishi, M.
Takenaka, M.
Talbot, T.
Talbot, T.R.
Tallroth, G.
Talmage, M.E.
Talpeanu, M.
Talukdar, B.K.
Talukdar, G.
Tamada, K.
Tamba, M.
Tamemoto, H.
Tamilarasan, P.
Tamm, S.
Tamuly, J.
Tamura, K.
Tanabe, S.
Tanacredi, J.
Tanaka, M.Y.U.
Tanaka, T.
Tandon, A.
Tang, R.F.
Tangren, G.V.
Tangri, A.N.
Tanimoto, A.M.
Tanimura, N.
Taning, A.V.
Tanner, G.W.
Tanner-White, M.
Tantzen, R.
Tanuja, D.H.
Tanveer, S.
Tarantino, C.
Tarasov, V.A.
Tarasow, M.P.
Tarburton, M.K.
Tarr, C.L.
Tarter, R.
Tarvin, K.A.
Tast, J.
Tatner, P.
Tatu, A.
Tatu, K.S.
Taufique, S.K.T.
Taujew, D. G.
Tautz, D.
Taux, K.
Tavares, E.S.
Tavecchia, G.
Taverner, P.H.
Taware, S.S.
Tayal, V.
Taylor, A.H.
Taylor, C.
Taylor, C.R.
Taylor, E.C.
Taylor, F.J.R.
Taylor, G.C.
Taylor, H.
Taylor, J.
Taylor, L.
Taylor, R.H.
Taylor, R.M.
Taylor, W.
Taylor, W.P.
Tazawa, H.
Tchernov, E.
Tebbich, S.
Tebbutt, C.F.
Technology Agency
Tegelström, H.
Tegetmeier, W.B.
Tegner, H.S.
Tehsin, R.H.
Teixeira, R.M.
Tejdeep, K.
Tella, J.L.
Telleria, J.L.
Temme, M.
Temminck, C.J.
Temple, A.
Temple, S.A.
Templeton, J.J.
Tennent, J.
Tennhardt, T.
Tennyson, A.J.D.
Tenora, F.
Tenovuo, R.
Tepavcevic, A.
Tere, A.
Ternovoi, V.A.
Terres, J.K.
Tesh, R.B.
Tessendorf, F.
Tewksbury, J.J.
Tewnion, A.
Thaisz, L.
Thakker, P.S.
Thakur, M.L.
Thakur, S.
Thakur, V.
Thaler, E.
Tharme, A.P.
Thayer, J.A.
Thayer, J.E.
The Midlothian Orn. Club
The Roost Research Group
Theamboonlers, A.
Thejaswi, S.
Theobald (unknown surname)
Therrien, J.E.
Thevenot, M.
Thewlis, R.M.
Thiede, W.
Thiel, H.-J.
Thielcke, G.
Thiemann, T.C.
Thienemann, J.
Thiermeyer, C.
Thim, L.
Thiollay, J.M.
Thirumurthi, S.
Thirumurthy, S.
Thiry, R.
Thiyagesan, K.
Thom, M.
Thomas, A.
Thomas, C.J.
Thomas, G.H.
Thomas, I.
Thomas, R.J.
Thomas, S.K.
Thomas, W.W.
Thompson, G.W.
Thompson, H.M.
Thompson, H.S.
Thompson, N.S.
Thompson, P.M.
Thompson, W.M.
Thomson, D.L.
Thomson, G.M.
Thomson, M.
Thomson, P.
Thondaman, R.V.
Thöni, B.
Thoraval, P.
ThĂłrisson, S.
Thorpe, J.
Thorstensen, S.
Thorstrom, R.
Thorup, K.
Thosar, G.
Threlfall, W.
ThĂŒrler, L.
Thurston, H.
Tian, C.Y.
Ticehurst, C.B.
Ticehurst, N.F.
Tichy, H.
Tideman, S.C.
Tiedemann, R.
Tietze, D.T.
Tigar, B.J.
TikhanskĂŒ, A.D.
Tilak, R.
Tillman, E.A.
Timmins, P.R.
Timmins, R.J.
Timofeeva, A.A.
Timon, D.J.
Timsina, A.
Timsit, O.
Tinbergen, N.
Tingay, R.
Tinulele, I.
Tipper, R.P.
Tischler, F.
Tishechkin, A.
Titenko, A.M.
Titus, R.C.
Tiwari, J.K.
Tizard, R.J.
Tjernberg, M.
Tjorve, E.
Tkach, V.V.
To, H.
Tobalske, B.W.
Tobata, S.
Tobias, J.A.
TobĂłĆka, M.
Todd, K.S., Jr.
Todd, W.E.C.
Tofft, J.
Tokunaga, T.
Toledano, A.
Tolgay, N.
Tomasini, S.
Tomasovicova, O.
Tomback, D.F.
Tome, D.
Tomek, R.
Tomek, T.
Tomek, W.
TomiaĆojc, L.
Tomich, P.Q.
Tomkins, I.R.
Tommeraas, P.J.
Tompa, F.S.
Toms, M.P.
Tomsa, T.
Toomey, M.B.
Toor, H.S.
Töpfer, T.
Topp, C.M.
Tordoff, A.W.
Toriga, M.
Tornick, J.K.
Toropova, V.I.
Toropova, V.T.
Torre, I.
Torregiani, F.
Totake, Y.
Touloudi, A.
Touskova, I.
Tovornik, D.
Towll, H.C.
Townsend, A.K.
Townsend, A.T.
Townzen, J.S.
Toyne, E.P.
Tozer, D.C.
Tozer, R.
Trail, P.W.
Trainor, C.R.
Transehe, N.
Trapnell, D.H.
Trapp, H.
Tratz, E.P.
Trautmann, W.
Trautwein, S.N.
Travassos, P.
Travers, W.L.
Trelfa, G.
Treml, F.
Trenovski, E.
Treplin, S.
Trettau, W.
Tricot, J.
Triggiani, O.
Triglia, D.
Tripathy, D.N.
Tristem, M.
Tristram, C.
Tristram, H.B.
Trizna, M.
Troscianko, J.
Troscianko, K.
Trost, C.H.
Trost, V.H.
Trouvilliez, J.
TrĂŒb, J.
Truett, J.C.
Trujillo, J.
Truong, L. van
Truong, V.L.
Tryanowski, P.
Tryjanowski, P.
Tsacheva, K.
Tscherbina, R.D.
Tschusi zu Schmidhoffen, V. von
Tsengeg, P.
Tsering, C.
Tso-Hsin, C.
Tsubota, T.
Tsuchida, K.
Tsuchiya, K.
Tsukamoto, K.
Tsuyuzaki, S.
Tuajew, T.G.
Tubaro, P.L.
Tuchscherer, K.
Tucker, B.W.
Tucker, T.A.
Tucker, V.R.
Tugarinow, A.
Tuljapurkar, V.
Tuljapurkar, V.B.
Tumova, B.
Tunkkari, P.
Tunstall, M.
Turaga, J.
Turbott, E.G.
Turcek, F.J.
Turell, M.J.
Turle, W.H.
Turlings, T.C.J.
Turner, B.C.
Turner, G.E.S.
Turner, J.
Turner, L.
Turner, P.
Turner, R.L.
Turner, W.
Turvey, S.T.
Turville-Petre, E.O.G.
TurzaĆski, M.
Tutt, H.R.
Tweeddale, A.H.
Tyabji, A.M.
Tyabji, H.N.
Tyabji, N.S.
Tyagi, A.P.
Tye, A.
Tyler, D.
Tyler, S.J.
Tymstra, R.B.
Tyrberg, T.
Tyrell, S.B.
Tytler, R.C.
U.S. Department of the Interior
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Uchida, H.
Uchida, Y.
Uden, N. van
Udolf, J.
Ueda, K.
Uejima, A.M.K.
Ueta, M.
Ufyrkina, O.V.
Ugelvik, M.
Uhart, M.
Uhl, F.
Uimaniemi, L.
Ujfalussy, D.J.
Ujhazy, D.
ul Hassan, M.M.
Ulfstrand, S.
Uloth, W.
Ulrich, H.
Umakanth, B.
Umaniwa, G.
Ummels, J.M.P.
Underhill, L.G.
Underwood, C.F.
Underwood, T.J.
Une, Y.
Unfried, T.M.
Unger, C.
Ungewitter, A.
Uni, S.
Unneberg, P.
Unnikrishnan, M.
Upadhyay, K.
Urban, E.K.
Urban, F.K.
Urban, S.
Urfi, A.J.
Urquiola, A.R.
Ursiny, J.
Ushakova, M.V.
Uspensky, I.
Ussher, H.T.
Utley, J.P.
Uttangi, J.C.
Uttendörfer, O.
utz, C.
Uvizl, M.
Uys, C.J.
Uzcategui, N.Y.
Uzuki, H.
Vaananen, A.
Vacik, R.
Vaghela, U.
Vaheri, A.
Valch, B.S.
Valdes, F.
Valdez, R.
Valencia, J.
Valiakos, G.
VĂ€likangas, L.
Valimaki, K.
Valius, V.
Valka, J.
Valkiunas, G.
Valle, M.T. del
Valle, R.
Vallotton, L.
Valutis, L.
Valutis, L.L.
Valverde, J.A.
Vamparijs, P.
van Balen, B.
van Balen, S.
Van Damme, R.
Van De Pol, I.
Van de Wyngaerde, M.T.
van den Brink, H.
van den Elzen, R.
van den Hurk, A.F.
van den Hurk, F.G.W.
van der Vaart, E.
van der Wal, J.E.M.
van Dijk, A.
van Dijk, A.J.
van Els, P.
van Grouw, H.
van H. Clarke, G.
van Hemert, C.
van Mannen, W.
van Os, B.
van Os, B.L.J.
van Raden, H.
van Rossem, A.J.
van Someren, V.G.L.
van Vuren, D.
Vander Wall, S.B.
Vander, L.B.
Vanderwerf, E.
Vandevyvre, X.
Vanko, R.
Vanroy, J.
Vapalahti, O.
Varagnat, P.
Varga, K.
Vargas Velazquez, A.M.
Varghese, A.P.
Varghese, J.
Varier, D.
Varkala, R.
Varland, D.E.
Varley, Z.K.
Varshavskii, S.N.
Varu, S.N.
Vasic, V.
Vasilev, G.I.
Vasilev, I.
Vasilev, V.A.
Vassall-Adams, P.R.
Vassiliev, E.M.
Vassiliev, I.Y.
Vasudevan, K.
VasvĂĄri, M.
Vaucher, C.
Vaughan, R.E.
Vauk, G.
Vaurie, C.
Veanbles, U.M.
Veh, M.
Vehrencamp, S.L.
Veit, L.
Velecky, A.
Venables, L.S.
Vences, M.
Venema, P.
Vengerov, P.D.
Venkataraman, K.
Venning, F.E.W.
Ventura, T.
Venugopalan, A.T.
Venus, J.
Vera, R.
Verbeek, N.A.M.
Verbelen, F.
Verbrugge, R.
VerCauteren, K.C.
Verdugo, C.
Verein SĂ€chsischer Ornithologen
Verghese, A.
Verhaegen, J.
Verhaert, P.
Verheijen, J.A.J.
Verheugt, W.J.M.
Verheyen, R.
Verhoeye, J.
Verhulst, S.
Verma, A.
Verma, R.
Verma, T.D.
Vermeer, K.
Vermeyen, R.
Vermot, F.
Vermot, M.
Verner, J.
Vernet, J.L.
Vernon, J.D.R.
Vernon, R.
Vernon, W.
Vernouillet, A.
Veromann, H.
Verreaux, J.
Verroken, D.
Verroken, L.
Verstappen, M.
Vertse, A.
Vettorel, M.
Vianden, J.
Vicente, L.
Vickers, W.
Vickery, P.D.
Vidal, A.
Vidal, G.W.
Vieillot, L.J.P.
Viereck, H.
Vieriy Borges, P.A.
Vietinghoff-Riesch, A. von
Vigallon, S.M.
Vignoles, P.
Vigors, N.A.
Vijai, N.
Vijay, M.
Vijay, N.
Vijaya, G.
Vijayalaxmi, K.K.
Vijayan, L.
Vijayan, V.S.
Vijayaraghavan, B.
Vik, R.
Viksne, J.
Vila, M.
Vilches, S.S.
Villa, S.
Villalta, J.F.
Villiers, A.
Vinay, K.
Vinayan, P.A.
Vines, G.
Viney, C.
Vinkler, M.
Vinnere-Pettersson, O.
Vinokur, B.S.
Vinoth, B.
Violani, C.
Virkkala, R.
Vishnudas, C.K.
Vittal, B.S.
Vivek, H.
VlahoviÄ, K.
Vlasin, M.
Vleugel, D.A.
Voelker, G.
Vogel, C.
Vogel, C.J.
Vogel, G.
Vogel, R.L.
Vogelwerkgroep Avifauna West-Nederland
Voges, H.
Vogrin, M.
Vogt, D.
Vogt, T.
Vogt, W.
Voigts, D.K.
Voinstvenski, M.A.
Voinstvenskij, M.A.
Voinstvensku, M.A.
Voisin, C.
Voisin, J.-F.
Voisin, R.
Voitoracek, J.
Vojtek, J.
Vojtkova, L.
Vökler, F.
Volcanezkij, J.
Volet, B.
Volkmann, G.
Volosinovicova, B.
Volpe, K.E.
Volrath, J.P.
Volynets, L.V.
Volz, S.A.
Volz, W.
von Bayern, A.M.P.
von Bayern, Auguste
von Burg, G.
von Heuglin, T.
von Holst, D.
von Homeyer, A.
von Jordans, A.
Vongkhamheng, C.
Vonk, R.
Voous, K.H.
Vora, U.
Vorobiev, K.A.
Voronin, Y.K.
Voronov, N.P.
Voropanov, Y.V.
Vos, A.
Vossbrinck, C.R.
Vosteikov, P.
Votier, S.C.
VotĂœpka, J.
VrĂĄna, J.
Vrezec, A.
Vries, T.G. de
Vroege, C.
Vucetich, J.A.
Vuilleumier, F.
Vullmer, H.
Vuorisalo, T.
Vyas, D.K.
Vyas, R.
Vyas, S.
Vyawahare, P.M.
Vyazovich, Y.A.
Vyshemirsky, O.I.
Wacha, R.S.
Wachsmuth, G.
Wackernagel, H.
Wada, K.
Wadatkar, J.
Waddel, P.
Wade, C.M.
Wadewitz, O.
Wadsworth, P.F.
Waestljung, U.
Waghray, R.
Wagler, J.G.
Wagner, E.D.
Wagner, G.
Wagner, S.
Wahlen, L.
Waismayer, A.
Wait, J.L.
Waite, H.W.
Waite, R.K.
Waite, T.A.
Wakeland, E.K.
Wakelin, D.
Waldeck, K.
Walden, A.V.
Waldhalm, D.G.
Waldron, J.L.
Walford, N.T.
Wali, F.
Walke, L.S.
Walker, C.H.
Walker, D.
Walker, E.D.
Walker, R.N.
Walker, S.
Walker, T.
Walkinshaw, L.H.
Wallace, A.R.
Wallace, J.S.
Wallace, K.
Wallace, R.L.
Waller, R.H.
Wallis, H.M.
Walls, J.
Walls, R.C.
WallschlÀger, D.
Walsdorff, T.
Walsh, M.E.
Walter, G.
Walters, I.N.
Walters, J.
Walters, J.R.
Walters, M.
Walters, M.J.
Walther, H.J.
Waltho, J.P.
Walton, G.L.
Walton, H.A.
Waluszewska-Bubien, A.
Wang, B.
Wang, D.
Wang, E.Y.
Wang, F.
Wang, G.
Wang, H.
Wang, J.
Wang, M.
Wang, N.
Wang, P.Q.
Wang, R.
Wang, W.
Wang, W.,Ma, K.P.
Wang, X.
Wang, X.H.
Wang, Y.
Wang, Y.J.
Wang, Y.P.
Wang, Z.
Wange, P.
Wanless, R.M.
Ward, A.E.
Ward, C.
Ward, E.
Ward, H.L.
Ward, J.H.
Ward, M.D.
Ward, P.
Ward, W.
Wardill, J.C.
Warham, J.
Warncke, K.
Warncke, W.
Warner, M.
Warner, R.E.
Warnes, J.M.
Warnes, M.L.
Warnow, T.
Warot, L.
Warr, T.C.
Warren, A.H.
Warren, B.H.
Warren, E.R.
Warren, O.B.
Warren, R.L.M.
Warren, W.
Warren, W.C.
Warrick, D.R.
Warrier, R.
Wartmann, B.
Wascher, C.A.F.
Wasenius, E.
Washington, D.
Wasilewski, A.
Wasiliewski, A.
Wassenich, V.
Wassiliev, G.A.
Wassiliev, J.A.
Wassiuew, W.I.
Wassmann, R.
Watanabe, A.
Watanabe, H.
Watanabe, M.
Watanabe, M.X.
Watanabe, N.
Watanabe, S.
Watanabe, Y.
Watanuki, Y.
Waterhouse, M.J.
Waterstone, M.J.
Waterton, C.
Wathen, M.L.
Watson, A.
Watson, J.
Watson, W.A.
Watt, A.
Watt, S.
Watt-Pringle, S.
Wattanodorn, S.
Wattola, G.V.
Watts, B.D.
Wauthy, G.
Wayne, A.T.
Wayne, R.K.
Weathers, W.W.
Weaver, S.C.
Webb, C.E.
Webb, C.L.
Webb, R.
Webb, W.C.
Webb-Peploe, C.G.
Webber, G.L.
Webber, T.
Webber, T.A.
Webbler, T.
Weber, B.
Weber, C.C.
Weber, H.
Weber, R.E.
Webster, L.M.I.
Webster, M.T.
Wechsler, B.
Weckstein, J.
Wee, S.H.
Weeldenburg, J.R.
Weesie, P.D.M.
Wegener, U.
WÄgrzynowicz, A.
Wehr, E.E.
Wei, C.A.
Weidinger, K.
Weigel, R.D.
Weigold, H.
Weigold, O.
Weigt, L.A.
Weir, A.A.S.
Weir, A.A.S., Bugnyar, T.
Weir, J.S.
Weir, J.T.
WeiĂ, B.M.
Weisbach, K.
WeiĂgerber, R.
Weisman, Y.
WeiĂmantel, P.
Weiss, J.
Weissensteiner, M.H.
Weissman, J.
Weitz, H.
Welch, H.E.
Well, J.A.
Wellappuliarachi, S.M.
Wells, H.
Wells, J.D.
Wells, J.V.
Wellwood, J.M.
Welty, J.C.
Wen, P.
Wencel, P.
Wendenburg, U.
Wendland, V.
Wenig, J.
Wenkel, F.
Wennerberg, L.
Wenzel, M.A.
Wenzel, R.
Werdoukh, W.
Werner, D.
Werner, J.
Werner, J.C.
Werness, H.B.
Wernicke, P.
Wesley, H.D.
West Nile Virus Avian Mortality Surveillance Group
Westerfrölke, P.
Westerlaken, H.
Westermann, K.
Westernhagen, W. von
Westmore, A.
Weston, T.J.
Westwood, N.J.
Wetherbee, D.K.
Wetmore, A.
Wettstein, O. von
Wever, R.
Wharton, C.B.
Wheeler, C.E.
Whelan, J.
Wheldon, R.W.
Whistler, H.
Whitaker, J.I.S.
Whitaker, L.M.
Whitaker, R.
White, B.N.
White, C.
White, C.B.
White, C.M.
White, C.M.N.
White, J.H.
White, J.P.
White, M.
White, M.F.
White, S.A.
White, W.H.
Whitehead, C.H.T.
Whitehead, J.
Whiteley, J.D.
Whitely, H. (Jr.)
Whiten, A.
Whitfield, D.P.
Whitlock, P.
Whitlock, R.H.
Whitmore, K.
Whitmore, K.D.
Whitney, O.
Whittaker, I.
Whittaker, K.A.
Whittaker, R.J.
Whittell, H.M.
Whittington, P.A.
Whitworth, T.L.
Whymper, S.L.
Wich, S.A.
Wichtricht, P.
Wickens, J.C.
Wickham, P.F.
Wickl, K.H.
Wickramasingha, S.
Widén, P.
Wiebenga, N.H.
Wieczoreck, P.R.
Wied-Neuwied, M.
Wiegant, W.M.
Wiehe, H.
Wielstra, B.
Wiersma, S.T.
Wiesner, J.
Wigman, A.B.
Wikar, D.
Wikelski, M.
Wilamowski, A.
Wilcox, B.R.
Wilcoxen, T.E.
Wild, J.M.
Wild, M.
Wild, S.V.
Wilder, E.D.
Wildner, H.
Wiles, G.J.
Wiley, J.W.
Wilhelm, E.J. Jr.
Wilhelmi, R.M.
Wilkinson, A.
Wilkinson, D.M.
Wilkinson, M.
Wilkinson, R.
Wilkinson, R.J.
Wille, E.
Wille, T.
Willerslev, E.
Willett, G.
Williams, C.H.
Williams, D.
Williams, D.A.
Williams, D.D.
Williams, E.S.
Williams, G.R.
Williams, J.
Williams, M.D.
Williams, N.S.
Williams, R.W.
Williamson, F.S.L.
Williamson, K.
Willis, I.
Willis, I.M.
Willson, M.F.
Willughby, F.
Wilmers, C.C.
Wilson, A.
Wilson, D.
Wilson, J.
Wilson, N.F.T.
Wilson, P.J.
Wilson, R.F.
Wilson, R.K.
Wilson, S.B.
Wilson, T.
Wilson, W.
Wilton, M.L.
WilĆŒak, T.
Wilzeck, C.
Wimpenny, J.H.
Wing, L.
Wingate, D.B.
Winge, H.
Wingstrand, K.G.
Winiecki, A.
Wink, M.
Winkel, W.
Winker, K.
Winkler, D.W.
Winkler, R.
Winn, D.
Winspear, R.
Winterbottom, J.M.
Winterstein, S.R.
Wirthlin, M.
Wisniewski, H.-J.
Witherby, H.F.
Withey, J.
Withey, J.C.
Witt, A.W.
Witt, C.C.
Witt, K.
Witte, C.L.
Wittenberg, G.
Wittenberg, J.
Wobeser, G.
Wodner, D.
Woitkewitsch, A.A.
Wojciechowski, Z.
WĂłjcik, C.
Wolcott, M.
Wolda, G.
Wolf, B.
Wolf, J.B.
Wolf, J.B.W.
Wolf, P.
Wolfe, L.R.
Wolken, K.
Wollaston, A.F.R.
Wolle, J.
Wollfenden, G.E.
Wolsbeck, H.
Wolters, H.E.
Wöltjen, M.
Won Pyong-Oh
Won, P.O.
Wondafrash, M.
Wondafresh, M.
Wong, P.L.
Woo Han Chung
Wood, D.S.
Wood, J.R.
Woodcock, B.J.
Woodcock, M.W.
Woodward, H.
Woodward, J.D.S.
Woodward, R.B.
Woolfenden, G.E.
Woolner, J.D.
Woosnam, R.B.
Wooster, S.L.
Wootton, A.
Wootton, J.T.
Wootton, P.
Wordinger, I.
Work, T.H.
Work, T.M.
Workman, W.H.
Worley, D.E.
Wornsnip, J.V.
Wortelaeres, F.
Worth, C.B.
Worthy, T.H.
WoĆșniak, A.
Wozniakowski, G.J.
Wright, A.H.
Wright, C.
Wright, C.A.
Wright, D.
Wright, E.N.
Wright, J.
Wright, J.O.
Wright, M.D.
Wu, J.
Wu, J.L.
Wu, K.
Wu, L.
Wu, Y.
WĂŒbbenhorst, J.
WuczyĆski, A.
Wunder, M.B.
Wunderle, J.M. Jr.
WĂŒrfels, M.
Wurm, H.
Wurst, B.
WĂŒrttemberg, P.W., Herzog von
WĂŒst, W.
Wyatt, C.W.
WylegaĆa, P.
Wynants, R.
Wynne, J.F.
Wynne-Edwards, V.C.
Wysocki, D.
Wyss, H.
WĆodarczyk, R.
Xia, B.
Xiao, J.
Xiao, L.
Xie, Q.
Xie, Q.K.
Xing, X.
Xiong, Y.
Xiong, Z.
Xu, B.C.
Xu, L.
Xu, M.
Xu, W.
Xuehong, X.
Yabsley, M.J.
Yadav, D.N.
Yagi, T.
Yahner, R.H.
Yahya, H.S.A.
Yakimenko, V.V.
Yakunin, M.P.
Yakushev, M.R.
Yamac, E.
Yamada, E.
Yamada, Y.
Yamadera, A.
Yamadera, E.
Yamagishi, S.
Yamaguchi, S.
Yamaguchi, T.
Yamaguti, S.
Yamahishi, S.
Yamamoto, K.
Yamamoto, Y.
Yamashina, Y.
Yamauchi, A.
Yamauchi, T.
Yanagida, K.
Yanai, T
Yanai, T.
Yanchev, Y.
Yanes, M.
Yang, C.
Yang, D.Y.
Yang, H.
Yang, Q.
Yang, W.
Yang, X.
Yang, Y.
Yang, Z.
Yapp, W.B.
Yaremych, S.A.
Yarrell, W.
Yaseen, A.E.
Yaskov, V.A.
Yasuda, M.
Yasuda, N.
Yates, R.E.
Yatsentyuk, S.P.
Ydenberg, R.
Yeates, G.K.
Yeatman-Berthelot, D.
Yerbury, J.W.
Yin, X.
Yinqi, X.
Yoganand, K.
Yoganand, T.R.K.
Yogesh J.
Yokoyama, G.
Yom-Tov, Y.
Yoneda, K.
Yoo, H.S.
Yosef, N.
Yosef, R.
Yoshiaki, N.
Yoshida, H.
Yoshida, Y.
Yoshimura, H.
Yoshino, T.
Yoshizawa, M.
Young, A.D.
Young, D.
Young, J.G.
Young, J.J.B.
Young, L.S.
Young, S.
Young, Y.S.
Yu, H.
Yu, J.
Yu, T.
Yuan, H.-W.
Yue-Hua, S.
Yukawa, M.
Yun, F.
Yuri, T.
Yurlov, A.K.
Yurlov, K.T.
Yusof, A.
Zabel, J.
Zach, R.
Zacharias, V.J.
Zack, S.
Zafar, S.
Zahavi, A.
Zahler, P.
ZajÄ c, K.
Zang, H.
Zarones, L.
Zarri, A.A.
Zarska, H.
Zarski, J.F.
Zarski, T.P.
Zarudny, N.
Zaumseil, J.
Zavidovych, V.
Zawada, Z.
Zawadzka, A.
Zawadzka, D.
Zawadzka, J.
Zawadzki, G.
Zawadzki, J.
Zbinden, N.
Zborowski, P.
Zbyryt, A.
Zbyryt, M.
Zduniak, P.
Zedlitz, O.
Zee, J.
Zeevalking, H.
Zegula, T.
Zehtindjiev, P.
Zekhnov, M.I.
Zeller, U.
Zellmer, A.J.
Zemlak, T.S.
Zeng, Y.
Zhan, X.
Zhang, F.
Zhang, G.
Zhang, J.
Zhang, L.
Zhang, P.
Zhang, Q.
Zhang, R.
Zhang, Y.
Zhang, Z.
Zhang. J.
Zhao Xiru
Zhao, J.
Zhazyltaeva, T.A.
Zhelyazkova-Paspaleva, A.
Zheng, Q.
Zheng, Z.
Zhihua, J.
Zhong, Z.H.
Zhou, H.
Zhou, L.
Zhou, Q.
Zhou, Z.
Zhukov, B.B.
Zieger, R.
Zim, H.S
Zimerdijk, P.J.
Zimmer, E.
Zimmer, J.T.
Zimmerli, E.
Zimmerman, D.A.
Zimmermann, D.
Zimmermann, H.
Zimmermann, R.
Zinchenko, Y.K.
Zink, G.
Zink, R.M.
Zinovev, A.V.
Zinoveva, I.B.
Zirrer, F.
Ziswiler, V.
Ziyu, W.
Zlotorzycka, J.
ƻmihorski, M.
Zobundzija, M.
Zoladkowski, A.
Zolkos, K.
Zolotykh, S.I.
Zöphel, U.
Zorina, Z.A.
Zornia, Z.A.
Zou, F.
Zsolt, V.
Zuba, J.K.
Zuccon, D.
Zuchowska, E.
Ćœuljevic, A.
Zuniga, J.M.
Zusi, R.L.
Zuxiang, W.
Zverzhanovsky, M.I.
Zwart, P.
Zwickel, F.C.
Zyl, A.J. van
Conservation Programme/Reintroduction
Public opinion
- Mysticism/Sagas/Legends
- Vernacular Names
- Killing of Corvids
-- Proponents
-- Adversaries
- Modelling
- Bird-Ringing/Marking
- Net capturing/Traps
- Radiotracking
- Dummies
- "collar"-method
- Deterrents
- Radar detection
- Inventory/Indexing of orn. collections
- Historical Drawings and Paintings
- Observations on captive birds
- Experimental Infection
- Food supplement
- Stomach analysis
- Histologic analysis
- Pellet analysis
- Fecal analysis
- Blood analysis
- Osteological analysis
- Feather analysis
- Molecular analysis
-- other sequencing
-- Barcoding
-- whole genomes
-- Microsatellite
-- Next generation sequencing
-- Corvids as outgroup
-- Molecular clock/Calibration
-- Proteins
- Wind tunnel
- Thermo Camera
- Audio recording
- Video/Image recording (camera trap)
- CT scans
- Niche modeling
- Literature study
- Survey
Cell biology (Cytology)
Interspecific Concurrence/Coexistence
Intraspecific Concurrence
- Nomenclature
- Description
-- Species description
-- Type specimen (Description)
-- Locus typicus (Description)
- Kinships
- Hybridization
- Evolution/Phylogeny
-- Coevolution with broodparasites
-- Coevolution with plants
Geographical distribution
- First Record
- Status of conservation
- Resettlement
- Survey of Population size
- Observation in general/Expedition
- Population dynamic
- Absence
- Habitat selection
-- Seasonal changes
- Desert/Steppe
- Forest
- Crop land/Meadow
- Mountains
- Intertidal zone/Coast
- Cliffs/Rocks
- Cave
- Estuary/River
- Island
- City/Anthropogen Impact
-- Risks/Disruptions
--- Bird Strike
--- Trade
- Anomalies/Deformations
- Variability
- Sexual differences
- Calling
- Moult/Plumage
- Bones/Skeleton
- Brain
- kinship (in the narrow sense, populations, parents-offspring)
Influence of weather, earth quakes etc.
- Poison/Heavy metals
- Enzymes
- Blood
- Gonads
- Muscles
- Fitness
- life expectancy/Mortality
- Immunocompetence
- Energetic of Flight
- Visual sense
- Olfactory sense
- Regulation of body temperature
- Locomotion
Breeding biology
- Breeding colony
- Solitaire breeding as an exception
- Social Structure
- Bigamy
- Cooperative Breeding
- Second brood
- Parental investment
- Nesting
- Eggs/Incubation
- Diet of/Water for the Young
- Growth/Mortality of the Young/Breeding success
- Food-begging in males/Breeding males
- Using of nests by other animals
- Nests as habitat for fungi
- Broodparasites (e.g.Cuckoo)
- Nutrient density of food
- Interspecific Foraging Communities
- Living in groups (Efficiency)
- Hiding
- Corvids on big herbivors
- Kleptoparasitism
- Food sharing
- Opening of nuts, shells etc.
- Garbage/Garbage dump
- Sand/Pebbles/Stones
- Drinking
- Insectivory (all Arthropods)
- Molluscivory
- Echinodermovory
- Pisicivory
- Predation by Corvids
- Cannibalism
- Scavenging
- Eating dung
- Nectarivory
- Frugivory
- Granivory
- Fungivory
- Corvids as Prey
- Recycling of dead Corvids
- Snow bathing/Sun bathing/Bathing
- Defence/Territoriality
- Mobbing/Attack
- Anting
- Use of tools/Tool manufacture
- Handedness
- Use of feet
- Killing of conspecifics
- Helping disabled conspecifics
- Play/Display
- Grooming
- Differences breeding pairs/non-breeders/juveniles
- Tradition/Social Learning/Recruitment
- Learning in general
- Cognitive behaviour
- Neophobia
- Mutual judgment
- Mirror image
- Vigilance
- Activity
- Roosting/Flocking
- Migration
- Hibernation/Migration pattern
- Age composition of wintering Corvids
- Bacteria
-- Tuberculosis/Paratuberculosis
-- Erysipelas
-- Enteritis
-- Tsutsugamushi disease
-- Leptospirosis
-- Campylobacter spec.
-- Chlamydia spec.
-- Clostridium spec.
-- Coxiella spec.
-- Escherichia coli
-- Listeria spec.
-- Proteus spec.
-- Rickettsia spec.
-- Yersinia spec.
-- Spirochaetes
-- Salmonella spec.
-- Brucella spec.
-- Mycobacterium spec.
-- Brachyspira spec.
-- Helicobacter
-- Vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus (VRE)
- Prions
- Viruses
-- Avian influenza
-- Rabies
-- Pox
-- West-Nile-Virus
-- Newcastle disease virus
-- Baculovirus
-- Omsk haemorrhagic fever virus
-- Marek's disease virus
-- Circovirus
-- Borna disease virus (BVD)
-- Sindbis virus
-- Encephalomyelitis
-- Usutu virus (USUV)
-- Avipoxvirus
-- Retrovirus
-- Highlands J virus (HJV)
-- Orthoreovirus
-- Herpesvirus
-- Avian Influenza Virus (AIV)
- Protozoa
-- Toxoplasmosis
-- Isospora spec.
-- Cryptosporidium spec.
-- Encephalitozoon spec.
-- Giardia spec.
- Endoparasites
-- Blood parasites (Protozoa)
--- Babesians
--- Coccidians
--- Haemoproteus spec.
--- Leucocytozoon spec.
--- Plasmodium spec.
--- Trypanozoma spec.
--- Haemosporidia spec.
--- Microfilaria
-- Tapeworms (Cestoda)
-- Nematodes
-- Flukes (Trematoda)
-- Acanthocephala
- Ektoparasites
-- Biting lice (Mallophaga)
-- Bird-flies (Hippoboscidae)
-- Blowflies (Calliphoridae)
-- Book lice (Liposcelidae)
-- Blackflies (Simuliidae)
-- Bot Flies (Oestridae)
-- Mosquitoes (Culicidae)
-- Flies (Muscidae)
-- Fleas
-- Bedbugs
-- Mites
-- Ticks
-- Lice (Phthiraptera)
Country where study took place:
British Indian Ocean Territory
Cape Verde
Christmas Island
Congo, The Democratic Republic of the
Costa Rica
Cote d'Ivoire
Czech Republic
Dominican Republic
East Timor
El Salvador
Equatorial Guinea
Faroe Islands
French Guiana
Hong Kong
Islamic Republic of Iran
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of
Korea, Republic of
Moldova, Republic of
New Caledonia
New Zealand
No country, Captivated birds
Northern Mariana Islands
Palestinian Territory, Occupied
Papua New Guinea
Puerto Rico
Saint Pierre and Miquelon
Saudi Arabia
Sierra Leone
Solomon Islands
South Africa
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
South Sudan
Sri Lanka
Turks and Caicos Islands
United Arab Emirates
United Kingdom
United States of America
Unknown or unspecified Africa
Unknown or unspecified Asia
Unknown or unspecified Australia and Oceania
Unknown or unspecified country
Unknown or unspecified Europe
Unknown or unspecified Middle and South America
Unknown or unspecified North America
Virgin Islands of the United States
Worldwide study
Abhandlungen und Berichte des Zoologischen und Anthropologisch-Ethnographischen Museums zu Dresden
A BĂ©kĂ©s Megyei mĂșzeumok közlemĂ©nyei
A Rocha Observatory Report
Abhandlungen aus dem Landesmuseum der Provinz Westfalen, Museum fĂŒr Naturkunde
Abhandlungen aus dem WestfĂ€lischen Museum fĂŒr Naturkunde
Abhandlungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft zu Görlitz
Abhandlungen herausgegeben vom Naturwissenschaftlichen Verein zu Bremen
Abhandlungen und Berichte aus dem Museum Heineanum
Abhandlungen und Berichte aus dem Staatlichen Museum fĂŒr Tierkunde in Dresden
Abhandlungen und Berichte des Naturkundemuseums
Abhandlungen und Berichte des Naturkundlichen Museums 'Mauritianum', Altenburg.
Abhandlungen und Verhandlungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins in Hamburg
Acta ... Congr. internat. Orn.
Acta anatomica
Acta biologica montana
Acta botanica Sinica
Acta Ecologica Sinica
Acta ethologica
Acta Facultatis Rerum Naturalium Universitatis Comenianae
Acta geolĂČgica hispĂ nica
Acta morphologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae
Acta morphologica Neerlando-Scandinavica
Acta Musei Macedonici Scientiarum Naturalium
Acta Musei Silesiae Scientiae naturales
Acta naturalia Islandica
Acta Oecologica
Acta ornithoecologica
Acta Ornithologica
Acta palaeontologica Polonica
Acta parasitologica Polonica
Acta physiologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae
Acta protozoologica
Acta Societatis Zoologicae Bohemicae
Acta theriologica
Acta Universitatis Agriculturae
Acta veterinaria Scandinavica
Acta virologica
Acta zoologica Bulgarica
Acta zoologica Cracoviensia
Acta zoologica Fennica
Acta zoologica Sinica
Acta zoologica Taiwanica
Acta zootaxonomica Sinica
Acta zootechnica Universitatis Agriculturae
Advances in applied science research
Advances in environmental biology
Advances in the study of behavior
Africa, birds & birding
African birdlife : a publication by BirdLife South Africa
Agricultural progress
Agriculture of Siberia
Agriculture, ecosystems and environment
Ăllattani közlemĂ©nyek
Allgemeine deutsche naturhistorische Zeitung
Allgemeine Forstzeitschrift (AFZ)
American birds
American Museum novitates
American Scientist
Amtlicher Bericht ĂŒber die Versammlung Deutscher Naturforscher und Ărzte
Anais da Faculdade de CiĂȘncias, Universidade do Porto.
Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii ' Al I Cuza' din Iasi Serie Noua Sectiunea I Biologie Animala
Anales de la Real Academia de Farmacia
Anales del Instituto de la Patagonia
Analytical biochemistry
Andhra Agricultural Journal
Angewandte Ornithologie
Angewandte Parasitologie
Animal Behaviour
Animal cognition
Animal Conservation
Animal learning & behavior
Animal science journal
Ann. Inst. phytopath Benaki
Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist.
Ann. Univ. (Biol. anim.)
Annalen des Kaiserlich Königlichen Naturhistorischen Hofmuseums
Annales de médecine vétérinaire
Annales de parasitologie humaine et comparée
Annales des epiphyties et de phytogénétique
Annales des sciences naturelles. Zoologie
Annales Musée Royal de l'Afrique Centrale
Annales Series historia naturalis
Annales zoologici Fennici
Annales zoologici Societatis Zoologicae Botanicae Fennicae Vanamo
Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale Giacomo Doria
Annali della FacoltĂ di Agraria
Annali della FacoltĂ di Medicina Veterinaria di Pisa
Annals of applied biology
Annals of arid zone
Annals of entomology
Annals of the Entomological Society of America
Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History of New York
Annals of tropical medicine and parasitology
Annotationes ornithologiae orientalis
Annotationes ornithologiae orientalis
Annotationes Zoologicae Japonenses
Annu. Rep. Trent Vallev Bird Waten
Annuaire du Musée Zoologique de l'Académie Impériale des Sciences de Saint Pétersbourg
Annual conference proceedings
Annual Report and Proceedings of the Hertfordshire Natural History Society and Field Club
Annual report of the Geological Institute of Hungary
Annual report: birds in cornwall
Annual review of ecology, evolution, and systematics.
Annual review of psychology
Anzeiger der Ornithologischen Gesellschaft in Bayern
Anzeiger des Vereins ThĂŒringer Ornithologen
Anzeiger fĂŒr SchĂ€dlingskunde, Pflanzenschutz und Umweltschutz
Applied and environmental microbiology
Applied Animal Behaviour Science
Arb. u. Gesundh.
Arbeiten aus der Biologischen Reichsanstalt fĂŒr Land- und Forstwirtschaft
ArbeitsblÀtter zum Naturschutz
Arboric fruit
Arch. Biol. Sei.
Arch. zool. Ital.
Archiv der Freunde der Naturgeschichte in Mecklenburg
Archiv fĂŒr mikroskopische Anatomie
Archiv fĂŒr Naturgeschichte
Archives de biologie
Archives de l'Institut Pasteur du Maroc
Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology
Archives of natural history
Archives of nature conservation and landscape research
Archivum histologicum Japonicum
Arctic and Alpine Research
Arkhiv Anatomii, Gistologii i Embriologii
Arkiv för zoologi
Arquivos de zoologia do Estado de SĂŁo Paulo
Arquivos do Museu Bocage
Atti della Accademia delle Scienze di Torino
Atti I Convegno Ital. Orn. Aulla
Aus der Natur
Australian birds
Australian Birdwatcher
Australian field ornithology
Australian Journal of Ecology
Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture and Animal Husbandry
Australian journal of zoology
Australian wildlife research
Avian biology research
Avian diseases
Avian ecology and behaviour
Avian pathology
Avian Research
Avicultural magazine
Avifauna-Report Sempach
Avifaunistik in Bayern
Avrs. Bandoeng.
Az ErdŽŽo (Az Erdö)
Badisches landwirtschaftliches Wochenblatt
Bangladesh journal of zoology
Bangor occasional paper
Bat research news
BBC wildlife magazine
Bedfordshire naturalist
Bee-Eater and BirdLife Eastern Cape News
Behavioral ecology
Behaviour ecology and sociobiology
Behavioural brain research
Behavioural processes
Beihefte zu den Veröffentlichungen fĂŒr Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege in Baden-WĂŒrttemberg
Beitr. Naturk. Niedersachs.
BeitrÀge zur Avifauna des Bezirkes Suhl
BeitrÀge zur Avifauna Nordrhein-Westfalens
BeitrÀge zur Fortpflanzungsbiologie der Vögel
BeitrÀge zur Jagd- und Wildforschung
BeitrÀge zur Landespflege in Rheinland-Pfalz
BeitrÀge zur Naturkunde in Osthessen
BeitrÀge zur Vogelkunde
Belgian journal of zoology
Berajah : zoographia infinita
Bericht der BeitrÀge zur Vogel- und Insektenwelt im nordwestlichen Ostfriesland
Bericht der Naturhistorischen Gesellschaft Hannover / Beiheft
Bericht des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins fĂŒr Bielefeld und Umgegend
Berichte der Akademie fĂŒr Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege.
Berichte der Eidgenössischen Anstalt fĂŒr das Forstliche Versuchswesen, Birmensdorf
Berichte der Vogelwarte Hiddensee
Berichte des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins fĂŒr Schwaben e.V.
Berichte des Vereins Schlesischer Ornithologen
Berichte zum Vogelschutz
Berichte zur Avifauna des Bezirkes Gera
Berlin-Brandenburger Natur-Magazin
Berliner ornithologischer Bericht
Berliner und MĂŒnchener TierĂ€rztliche Wochenschrift
Biochemical and biophysical research communications
Biochemical pharmacology
Biochemical systematics and ecology
Biodiversity Data Journal
Biodiversity Data Journal
Biodiversity science
Biogeographica: compte rendu des séances de la Société de Biogéographie
Biol. Behav.
BiolĂłgia Bratislava
Biologia Lahore
Biological conservation
Biological journal of the Linnean Society
Biological letters Poznan
Biological survey bulletin (US Department of Agriculture)
Biologische Abhandlungen
Biologische Studien im Kreis Luckau
Biology and environment
Biology bulletin reviews
Biology letters
Bioloski vestnik
Biosphere conservation
Biotechnology & biotechnological equipment
Bird behavior
Bird conservation international
Bird life
Bird notes
Bird numbers
Bird observer (Nunawading)
Bird research
Bird Study
Birding Asia
Birding World
Birds and country
Bjull. Mosk. Obschtsch. Ispyt. Prir., Otd. Biol.
Blue Jay
BMC evolutionary biology
BMC genomics
BMC Research Notes
BMC veterinary research
Bollettino dei Musei di Zoologia e di Anatomia Comparata della Reale UniversitĂ di Torino
Bollettino della Societa Geologica Italiana
Bollettino della Societa Paleontologica Italiana
Bollettino di zoologia
Bonn zoological bulletin
Bonner zoologische BeitrÀge
Boston Journal of Natural History
Brain research
Brain, behavior and evolution
Brandenburgische Umwelt-Berichte
Braunschweigische Heimat
Breconshire Birds
Breconshire Naturalist
British birds
British journal of pharmacology.
British Simuliid Group Bulletin
British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) news
Bull Siberian Ent Bur
Bull. Gull Stud. Grp.
Bull. Soc. imp. Natural. Moscou
Bull. Soc. Sei. Nat. Med. Seine-et-Oise
Bull. Soc. Zool. France
Bulletin / Ornithological Society of the Middle East, OSME
Bulletin de l'Association Française pour l'Etude du Quaternaire
Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'Afrique Noire. Série A
Bulletin de la Murithienne
Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle de la Moselle.
Bulletin de la Société de Pathologie Exotique.
Bulletin de la Société des Amis des Sciences Naturelles de Rouen
Bulletin de la Société des Sciences Naturelles du Maroc
Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France
Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France
Bulletin de la Société Linnéenne de Bordeaux.
Bulletin de la Société Scientifique de Bretagne
Bulletin des recherches agronomiques de Gembloux
Bulletin des sciences naturelles et de géologie
Bulletin des sciences par la Société philomathique de Paris
Bulletin du Centre de Recherches sur les Migrations des MammifĂšres et des Oiseaux
Bulletin du Musée d'Anthropologie Préhistorique de Monaco
Bulletin du Musée Royal d'Histoire Naturelle de Belgique
Bulletin of Applied Ornithology
Bulletin of entomological research
Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology
Bulletin of Gunma Museum of Natural History
Bulletin of National Fisheries Research and Development Agency
Bulletin of the African Bird Club
Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History
Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), Zoology series
Bulletin of the British Oological Association
Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club
Bulletin of the Department of Geological Sciences
Bulletin of the Essex Institute
Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture, Tottori University
Bulletin of the Florida Museum of Natural History
Bulletin of the Herpetological Society of Japan
Bulletin of the Institute of Nature Education in Shiga Heights
Bulletin of the Institute of Scientific Research, Manchoukuo
Bulletin of the Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica
Bulletin of the International Council for Bird Preservation
Bulletin of the Iraq Natural History Museum
Bulletin of the Kitakyushu Museum of Natural History
Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology
Bulletin of the Nagaoka Municipal Science Museum of the Nagoya University
Bulletin of the Nuttall Ornithological Club
Bulletin of the Oklahoma Ornithological Society
Bulletin of the Oriental Bird Club
Bulletin of the Osaka Museum of Natural History
Bulletin of the Peabody Museum of Natural History / Yale University
Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society
Bulletin of the Research Council of Israel, Section B
Bulletin of the Scandinavian Society for Parasitology
Bulletin of the Smithsonian Institution, United States National Museum
Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences
Bulletin of the Texas Ornithological Society.
Bulletin of the Zoological Survey of India
Bulletin on pests of Agriculture and methods of fighting them
Bulletin ornithologique romand
Bulletin scientifique de Bourgogne
Bulletin: Organisation Européenne et Méditerranéenne pour la Protection des Plantes
Bulletins de l'Académie Royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique
ButlletĂ del Grup CatalĂ d'Anellament
BWP update
Byulleten' Moskovskogo Obshchestva Ispytatelei Prirody Otdel Biologicheskii
C.R. Acad. Sei. Moscow
C.R.Int.Ătude prot. Ois. Luxembourg
California birds
Canadian Journal of Zoology
Caribbean journal of science
CCA Ecological Journal
Chinese birds
Chinese journal of applied ecology
Chinese journal of biological control
Chinese journal of zoology
Citologija i genetika
Climatic change
Coburger Heimatkunde und Heimatgeschichte
Colonial waterbirds
Colorado College publication, General Series
Commentationes biologicae
Communications in behavioral biology.
Comparative biochemistry and physiology
Comparative Cognition & Behavior Reviews
Comparative parasitology
Comparative physiology and ecology
Comptes rendus des séances de la Société de Biologie et de ses filiales
Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l'Académie des Sciences
Comptes rendus mensuels des séances de la Classe des Sciences Mathématiques et Naturelles
Conn. Warbler
Conservation biology
Conservation genetics
Conservation genetics resources
Contributions in science Los Angeles
Country life
County Cleveland Bird Report
Cranbrook Institute of Science, Bulletin
CSIRO wildlife research
Current biology
Current science
Danish review of game biology
Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift
Dansk veterinaertidsskrift
Danske fugle
Das Tier
De Levende natuur
De wielewaal
Deer : journal of the British Deer Society
Der Falke
Der ornithologische Beobachter
Der Vogelzug
Der Weidmann
Deutsche Jagd-Zeitung
Deutsche JĂ€ger-Zeitung, das Waidwerk
Deutsche landwirtschaftliche Presse
Deutsche tierÀrztliche Wochenschrift
Deutsche Vogelwelt
Developmental and comparative immunology
Devon bird report
Die deutsche Landwirtschaft
Die Kranke Pflanze
Die Naturwissenschaften
Die Pirsch
Die Schwalbe
Die Vogelwelt
Diversity & Distributions
Doklady Akademii Nauk
Doklady Akademii Nauk Azerbaidzhanskoi SSR
Doklady Akademii Nauk Tadzhikskoi SSR
Doklady biological sciences sections
Doñana : acta vertebrata
Dopovidi AkademiĂŻ Nauk UkraĂŻns'koĂŻ RSR.
Dutch birding
East Africa Natural History Society bulletin
Eberbacher Geschichtsblatt
Eclogae geologicae Helvetiae
Ecological applications
Ecological economics
Ecological engineering
Ecological modelling
Ecological monographs
Ecological research
Ecology letters
Eesti loodus
Ekol. i eksper. parazitol.
Ekologia polska
EkolĂłgia, Bratislava
Ekologija Moskva
Ekoloji dergisi
El Pitirre
Emerging infectious diseases
Emirates bird report
Endangered species technical bulletin
Endangered species update
Entomologica Bari
Entomological review
Entomologicheskie Issledvaniya v Kirgizii
Entomologische Zeitschrift
Entomologist's gazette
Environment and Ecology
Environmental conservation
Environmental management
Environmental microbiology
Environmental pollution
Environmental science and pollution research
Environmental science and technology
Environmental toxicology and chemistry
Epidemiology and infection
Erica (Plzen)
Essex naturalist
Ethology, ecology and evolution
Etlik veteriner mikrobiyoloji dergisi
Etudes quaternaires
European journal of developmental psychology
European journal of wildlife research
Evolutionary ecology
Evolutionary ecology research
Experimental parasitology
FÀglar Sörmland
Farm and Food
Farmer's bulletin
Fauna (Oslo)
Fauna Bohemiae septentrionalis
Fauna Norvegica, Ser. C, Cinclus
Fauna och flora
Fauna und Flora in Rheinland-Pfalz
Fauna, sistematika, biologiya i ekologiya gelmintov i ikh promezhutochnykh
Fauna, taksonomiya i ekologiya na khelminti po ptitsi
Faunistische Abhandlungen des Staatlichen Museums fĂŒr Tierkunde in Dresden
Feedback: The ASAB education newsletter issue
Feuille de contact / Société d'Etudes Ornithologiques "Aves"
Field notes
Field studies
Fin. Jakt-Tidn.
First Rep. econ. Biol.
Flamingo Gujarat
Flora og fauna
Florida Field Naturalist
Florida State Geological Survey Bulletin
Flugblatt, Kaiserliches Gesundheitsamt, Biologische Abtheilung fĂŒr Land- und Forstwirthschaft.
Folia biologica
Folia Facultatis Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Purkynianae Brunensis, Biologia
Folia geobotanica
Folia microbiologica
Folia parasitologica
Folia primatologica
Folia veterinaria
Folia zoologica
Folia zoologica et hydrobiologica
Forest ecology and management.
Forst und Holz
Forstwissenschaftliches Centralblatt vereinigt mit Tharandter forstliches Jahrbuch
Fragmenta entomologica
Fragmenta Faunistica
Friend of nature
Frontiers in human neuroscience
Frontiers in Zoology
Fuhling's Landwirtschftl Zeitung
Functional ecology
Funte Fölgd., Ser. B
Game & wildlife science
Garcia de Orta - Serie de zoologia
Gardeners chronicle and horticultural trade journal
Geelong naturalist
Gefiederte Welt
Gegenbaurs morphologisches Jahrbuch
General and comparative endocrinology
Genome Research
Georgia Journal of Ecological Anthropology
Gesetzblatt fĂŒr Baden-WĂŒrttemberg
Gesunde Pflanzen
Gibier Faune Sauvage
Giornale arcadico di scienze, lettere ed arti
Glamorgan Bird Report
Gli uccelli d'Italia
Global ecology and biogeography
Global ecology and biogeography letters.
Global environmental research
Godisnik na Sofijskija Universitet Sv. Kliment Ochridski, Biologiceski Fakultet
Gortania atti del Museo Friulano di Storia Naturale
Greifvögel und Falknerei
Gwent Bird Report
Haldensleber Vogelkunde-Informationen
Hamburger avifaunistische BeitrÀge
Hastings and East Sussex Naturalist
Headland publ.
Herald of the Sugar Industry
Herpetological review
Het Vogeljaar
Himalayan Journal of Environment and Zoology
Holarctic ecology
Hong-Kong bird report
Hormones and behavior
HRC : journal of high resolution chromatography
Illinois Natural History Survey biological notes
India Sporting Review
Indian birds
Indian journal of animal health
Indian journal of biochemistry and biophysics
Indian journal of ecology
Indian journal of entomology
Indian journal of experimental biology
Indian journal of forestry
Indian journal of helminthology
Indian journal of medical research
Indian journal of microbiology
Indian journal of parasitology
Indian journal of poultry science
Indus Journal of Biological Sciences
Infection, Genetics and Evolution
Informationsdienst Naturschutz Niedersachsen
Initiations africaines
Insect & environment
Insect knowledge
Insect systematics & evolution
Interaction studies
Internat, orn. Congr.
International journal for parasitology
International Journal of Agriculture and Biology
International Journal of Fauna and Biological Studies
International journal of invertebrate reproduction and development
International journal of legal medicine
International Journal of Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife
International Journal of Pest Management
International pest control
International studies on sparrows
International Wildlife
Internationaler Rat fĂŒr Vogelschutz, Deutsche Sektion
Investigative Genetics
Irish birds
Irish journal of agricultural and food research
Irish naturalists' journal
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information
Israel - land and nature
Israel Journal of Zoology
Italian journal of geosciences
Izdatelstvo Akademii Nauk SSSR
Izv sibirsk kraev Stanz Zashch Rast
Izv. lesn. Inst.
Izvestija na Centralnata Chelmintologicna Laboratorija
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Azerbaidzhanskoi SSR, Biol. Ser.
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Seriya Biologicheskaya Moscow
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Tadzhikskoi SSR, Biologicheskie Nauki
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Turkmenskoi SSR. Seriya Biologicheskikh Nauk
Izvestiya na Zoologicheskiya Institut s Muzei
J. Assoc. of School Natural Hist. Soc.
J. Ruislip and District Nat. Hist. Soc.
Jaarbericht, Club van de Nederlandsche Vogelkundigen
Jahrbuch des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins fĂŒr das FĂŒrstentum LĂŒneburg von 1851.
Jahresbericht der Gesellschaft von Freunden der Naturwissenschaften in Gera
Jahresbericht der Ornithologischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft Ostbayern
Jahresbericht der Vogelkundlichen Beobachtungsstation Untermain
Jahresbericht des Ornithologischen Vereins MĂŒnchen
Jahresbericht des Vereins fĂŒr Naturkunde
Jahresberichte der Ornithologischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft Oldenburg
Jahresberichte des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins in Wuppertal
Jahreshefte der Gesellschaft fĂŒr Naturkunde in WĂŒrttemberg
Jahreshefte des Vereins fĂŒr VaterlĂ€ndische Naturkunde in WĂŒrttemberg
Japanese journal of ecology
Japanese journal of ornithology
Japanese journal of parasitology
Japanese journal of veterinary research
Jb. Inst. Jagdkunde
Jenaer geographische Schriften
Jikken dobutsu
Journal de la Société des Océanistes
Journal des oiseaux
Journal fĂŒr Ornithologie
Journal of abnormal psychology
Journal of advanced zoology
Journal of Agricultural University of Hebei
Journal of anatomy
Journal of Anatomy and Physiology
Journal of Animal Behavior
Journal of animal morphology and physiology
Journal of applied microbiology
Journal of archaeological science
Journal of Arid Environments
Journal of avian biology
Journal of biogeography.
Journal of biopesticides
Journal of biosciences
Journal of Caribbean Ornithology
Journal of chemical ecology
Journal of comparative pathology
Journal of comparative physiology A, Neuroethology, sensory, neural, and behavioral physiology
Journal of comparative physiology B, Biochemical, systemic, and environmental physiology
Journal of comparative psychology
Journal of East African Natural History Society National Museum
Journal of ecological anthropology
Journal of economic entomology
Journal of entomological research
Journal of environmental biology
Journal of ethology
Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology
Journal of evolutionary biology
Journal of experimental psychology
Journal of experimental zoology
Journal of Experimental Zoology India
Journal of field ornithology
Journal of Hebei University Natural science edition
Journal of helminthology
Journal of hygiene, epidemiology, microbiology and immunology
Journal of internal medicine
Journal of medical entomology
Journal of molecular evolution
Journal of morphology
Journal of Natural History
Journal of Navigation
Journal of Paleontology
Journal of parasitology
Journal of range management
Journal of research, Punjab University
Journal of Science University of Kashmir
Journal of systematic palaeontology
Journal of Taiwan Museum
Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association
Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society
Journal of the Experimental Forest of National Taiwan University
Journal of the Faculty of Science
Journal of the Gloucestershire Naturalist' Society
Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society
Journal of the Kentucky Academy of Science
Journal of the National Museum, Natural history series
Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England
Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand
Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences
Journal of the Yamagata Agriculture and Forestry Society
Journal of the Yamashina Institute for Ornithology
Journal of the Zoological Society of India
Journal of tropical ecology
Journal of Veterinary Medicine Series B
Journal of virology
Journal of wildlife diseases
Journal of wildlife management
Journal of world's poultry research
Journal of Zhejiang Forestry College
Journal of zoo and wildlife medicine
Journal of zoological systematics and evolutionary research
Journal of zoology
Journal on New Biological Reports
Jurnal veterinar Malaysia
Kanpur University Research Journal
Kent Bird Rep.
Kenya birds
Kungl Svensk Vetenskapsakad Handl
Kuratorium fĂŒr Technik und Bauwesen in der Landwirtschaft
L' oiseau et la revue française d'ornithologie
La Défense des végétaux
La terre et la vie
Lancashire bird report
Landscape and urban planning
Landscape ecology
Landschaftspflege und Naturschutz in ThĂŒringen
Landwirtschaftsblatt Weser-Ems
Laskeek Bay Research
Latvijas PSR Zinatnu Akademijas vestis
Lavori (Societa Veneziana di Scienze Naturali)
Le BiĂšvre
Le Cormoran
Le Gerfaut
Le HĂ©ron
Learning & behavior
Les Cahiers de l'agriculture et de l'environnement
Les naturalistes orléanais
Lesn. prace
Letters in applied microbiology
Literaturspiegel fĂŒr BĂŒcherfreunde, BuchhĂ€ndler und Verleger
Living bird
Loodusuurijate Selts Eesti NSV Teaduste Akademia Juures
Loodusuurijate Seltsi aastaraamat
Lounais-HĂ€meen luonto
LĂŒchow-Dannenberger ornithologische Jahresberichte
Luonnon ystvÀvÀ.
Magasin de zoologie
Magyar MadĂĄrtani EgyesĂŒlet II. TudomĂĄnyos ĂlĂ©se
Main conference proceedings
Malaysian applied biology
Marathwada University journal of science
Marine pollution bulletin
Maryland birdlife
Mater Izuchen lugov Motuil Loxostege sticticalis L v Tz Ch O
Mater nauch Konf vses Obshch Gel' mint
Materialy k poznaniju fauny i flory SSSR
Mbl. Pieper
Medical and veterinary entomology
Medycyna weterynaryjna
Mémoires de l'Institut Français d'Afrique Noire
Mémoires de la sociÚtÚ impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou
Mémoires du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle
Memoirs of the Bureau of Entomology of the Scientific Committee of the Central Board of Land Administration and Agriculture
Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College
Memoirs of the Nuttall Ornithological Club
Memoranda Societatis pro Fauna et Flora Fennica
Memorie della Accademia delle Scienze di Torino, Classe die Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali
MerkblĂ€tter fĂŒr die Vogelschutzpraxis
Mess. Med. Veter. soc.
Messager Ornithologique
Metelener Schriftenreihe fĂŒr Naturschutz
Middle-Thames Naturalist
Migracii zivotnych
Migratcii Ptits Azii
Milvus (Braunschweig)
Miscellaneous publications Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan
Miscellaneous reports of the Yamashina Institute for Ornithology
Mitochondrial DNA
Mitt. St. Gall. Naturwiss. Ges.
Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin
Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin
Mitteilungen aus der Biologischen Zentralanstalt fĂŒr Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Berlin-Dahlem
Mitteilungen der Abteilung fĂŒr Zoologie und Botanik am Landesmuseum Joanneum in Graz
Mitteilungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft Luzern
Mitteilungen der Naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft Winterthur
Mitteilungen des Badischen Landesvereins fĂŒr Naturkunde und Naturschutz e.V., Freiburg i. Br.
Mitteilungen des Vereins SĂ€chsischer Ornithologen
Mitteilungen ĂŒber die Vogelwelt
Mittheilungen aus dem Jahrbuche der Königlichen ungarischen Geologischen Anstalt
Mittheilungen des Ornithologischen Vereines in Wien
Modern farming
Molecular & biochemical parasitology
Molecular biology and evolution
Molecular ecology
Molecular ecology notes
Molecular ecology resources
Molecular phylogenetics and evolution
Molecules and Cells
Monatshefte fĂŒr VeterinĂ€rmedizin.
Monatsschrift des Deutschen Vereins zum Schutze der Vogelwelt
Moskauer naturwiss. Ges.
Mschr. GemĂŒse-, Obst- u. Gartenbau
MĂŒnstersche geographische Arbeiten
Nachrichtenblatt fĂŒr den deutschen Pflanzenschutzdienst
Nat. Park Serv. Sci. Mon. Ser.
National Academy science letters
National Audubon Society Field Notes
National Geographic
Natur und Land
Natur und Landschaft
Natur und Recht
Natur und Umwelt
Natur und Volk
Natur- und Landschaftskunde in Westfalen
Natura bresciana
Natura Croatica
Natural areas journal
Natural areas journal
Natural enemies of insects
Natural history
Natural History Bulletin of the Siam Society
Nature Communications
Nature in Wales
Nature neuroscience
Nature reviews
Naturkundliche BeitrÀge Soltau-Fallingbostel
Naturkundliche Jahresberichte des Museum Heineanum.
Naturschutz am sĂŒdlichen Oberrhein
Naturschutz heute
Naturschutz im Land Sachsen-Anhalt
Naturschutz in Rheinland-Pfalz
Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege in Brandenburg
Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege in Niedersachsen
Naturschutz und Landschaftsplanung
Naturschutz- und Naturparke
Naturschutz-Praxis, Artenschutz. Merkblatt
Naturschutzarbeit in Berlin und Brandenburg
Naturschutzarbeit in Mecklenburg
Naturschutzarbeit in Sachsen
Naturschutzarbeit und naturkundliche Heimatforschung in Sachsen
Naturw. Beitr. Mus. Dessau
Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau
Natuurhistorisch maandblad
Natuurkundig tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch-Indië
Nauchnye Trudy Omskogo Veterinarnogo Instituta Voprosy diagnostiki i patogeneza infektsionnykh i invazionnykh zabolevanii
Naucnye doklady vyssej skoly, Biologiceskie nauki
Neotropical biodiversity
Neuroscience letters
New Scientist
New Zealand bird notes
New Zealand journal of agricultural research
New Zealand journal of archaeology
New Zealand journal of science
New Zealand journal of zoology
Newsletter - The Dorset Naturalists' Trust
Newsletter for birdwatchers
Newsletter Gloucs. Trust Nat. Conserv.
Niederrheinisches Jahrbuch
NiedersÀchsischer JÀger
NNM Technical Bulletin, Leiden
Nord. Vet.-Med.
Norske Videnskaps-Akademi i Oslo, Matematisk-Naturvidenskapelig Klasse
North American bird bander
North American fauna
North American journal of aquaculture
Northeastern naturalist
Northern Territory Naturalist
Northwest science
Northwestern naturalist
Nos oiseaux
Not. Orn.
Notatki ornitologiczne
Notes africaines
Nouvelle revue d'entomologie
Novitates zoologicae
Nytt magasin for naturvidenskapene
Nytt Magasin for Zoologi
Oberschwaben naturnah
Occasional Paper, Records of the Zoological Survey of India
Occasional papers of the C. C. Adams Center for Ecological Studies
Ochrana fauny
Ochrana Prirody i Ozelen
Ochrona przyrody
Ocrotirea naturii si a mediului Ăźnconjurator
ĂkoJagd: Magazin des Ăkologischen Jagdverbandes
Ăkologie der Vögel
Ăkologie und Naturschutz
Oman bird news
Ont. Field Biol.
Ontario birds
Opuscula zoologica Instituti Zoosystematici Universitatis Budapestinensis
Oregon birds
Orn. Ber.
Orn. Inf. Bulg. Sofia
Ornis Fennica
Ornis Norvegica
Ornis Polonica
Ornis Scandinavica
Ornis svecica
Ornithological monographs
Ornithological science
Ornithological studies in the USSR
Ornithologische Abhandlungen
Ornithologische Forschungen
Ornithologische Jahresberichte des Museum Heineanum
Ornithologische Jahreshefte fĂŒr Baden-WĂŒrttemberg
Ornithologische Mitteilungen
Ornithologische Monatsberichte
Ornithologische Monatsschrift
Ornithologische Schnellmitteilungen fĂŒr Baden-WĂŒrttemberg
Ornithologischer Anzeiger
Ornithologischer Bericht fĂŒr Berlin (West)
Ornithologischer Bericht fĂŒr Heidelberg und Umgebung
Ornithologischer Rundbrief Mecklenburgs
Ornithologisches Jahrbuch
Ornitologia neotropical
OsnabrĂŒcker naturwissenschaftliche Mitteilungen
Oxford ornithology series
Pacific conservation biology
Pacific insects
Pacific insects monograph
Pacific science
Pakistan journal of agricultural research
Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences
Pakistan journal of zoology
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
PalÀontologische Abhandlungen, Abt. A, PalÀozoologie
Papua New Guinea Bird Society Newsletter
Parasites of animals and plants
Parasitologia Hungarica
Parasitology (London)
Parasitology (Riverdale)
Parasitology research
Parazitologiceskij sbornik
Peking Natural History Bulletin
Pennsylvania Archaeologist
Pesticides monitoring journal
Pflanzenschutz-Nachrichten Bayer.
Philosophical transactions
Physiological and biochemical zoology
Physiological zoology
Physiology and behavior
Plant Protection
PLoS biology
Polar biology
Polar research
Polezascitnoe lesorazvedenie na kastanovych pocvach
Polish ecological studies
Polish journal of ecology
Population ecology
Poultry science
Pour la Science
Prirodnaja obstanovka i fauny proslogo
PrĂrodovedeckĂœ sbornĂk OstravskĂ©ho Kraje
PrĂrodovednĂ© prĂĄce Ăstavu CeskoslovenskĂ© Akademie Ved v Brne
Probleme de Parazitologie Veterinara Institutul de Patologie si Igiena Animala
Problemy Osvoeniya Pustyn
Problemy parazitologii
Proc. 2nd Europ. Forum Birds Pastoralism, Port Erin
Proc. Koninkl. Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. Zool. Ser. C
Proc. Trans. Croydon Nat. Hist. Sei. Soc.
Proceedings of Animal Wildlife in Thailand
Proceedings of Dyserth and District Field Club
Proceedings of Ecological Society of Australia
Proceedings of parasitology
Proceedings of the ... annual conference of the Association of Avian Veterinarians
Proceedings of the ... International Ornithological Congress
Proceedings of the ... Meeting of the Society of Avian Paleontology and Evolution
Proceedings of the ... Nordic Congress of Ornithology
Proceedings of the ... session, Indian Science Congress Association
Proceedings of the ... Vertebrate Pest Conference
Proceedings of the 1st National Symposium on Pest Management in Horticultural Crops, Bangalore, India, 15-17 Oct. 1997
Proceedings of the 2nd European Multicolloquy of Parasitology,-1-6 September,1975,Trogir,Yugoslavia
Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences
Proceedings of the All-India Congress of Zoology
Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington
Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington
Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History
Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences
Proceedings of the California Islands Symposium
Proceedings of the Committee of Science and Correspondence of the Zoological Society of London
Proceedings of the Conference of the Colonial Waterbird Group
Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society
Proceedings of the Helminthological Society of Washington
Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences Animal Science
Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy Part B, Biological sciences
Proceedings of the International ... DO-G Meeting
Proceedings of the Isle of Wight Natural History Society.
Proceedings of the Liverpool Naturalists' Field Club
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Section B, Biological sciences (India)
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Proceedings of the New England Zoölogical Club
Proceedings of the New Zealand Ecological Society
Proceedings of the Royal Society Biological Sciences Series B
Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine
Proceedings of the Somersetshire Archaeological and Natural History Society
Proceedings of the Spelaeological Society
Proceedings of the United States National Museum
Proceedings of the Western Foundation of Vertebrate Zoology
Proceedings of the Zoological Society (Calcutta)
Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London.
Programm des Staats-Obergymnasiums zu Klagenfurt
Przeglad przyrodniczy
Przeglad zoologiczny
Psychiatric news
Ptaki Wielkopolski
Publication of the Iraq Natural History Museum
Purple martin update
Quart J For
Rajasthan University Studies in Zoology
RAOU newsletter
Razvitie parazitologicheskoi nauki v Turkmenistane
Records of the Australian Museum
Records of the Canterbury Museum
Records of the Geological Survey of India
Records of the Indian Museum
Records of the South Australian Museum
Records of the Zoological Survey of India
Regulatory peptides
Rep. Banbury orn. Soc.
Rep. Council Land Agents' Soc. of London
Rep. Leeds Birdwatch Club
Rep. Oundle School Natural Hist. Soc.
Rep. W. Dunbartons. Nat.
Repertorium ornithologischer Periodika
Report / Cambridge Bird Club.
Report Buxton Field Club
Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science.
Report of the Hokkaido Institute of Public Health
Report of the Oxford Ornithological Society on the birds of Oxfordshire
Report on the wild birds of Leicester and Rutland
Rept Proc ... Ent Meeting, Pusa
Research and reviews in parasitology
Research bulletin of the Hokkaido University Forests
Research bulletin of the Obihiro University, Natural science
Research bulletin of the Panjab University
Research in veterinary science
Respiration physiology
Restoration ecology
Rev for franc
Revista brasileira de biologia
Revista ibĂ©rica de parasitologĂa
Revista muzeelor žsi monumentelor
Revue d'Ă©cologie: la terre et la vie
Revue et magasin de zoologie pure et appliquée
Revue suisse de zoologie
Revue zoologique par la Société Cuvierienne
Rheinisch-westfÀlischer JÀger
Rheinische Heimatpflege
Ricerche di biologia della selvaggina, Supplemento
Ringing and migration
Rivista di parassitologia
Rivista italiana di ornitologia
Roczn. WSR poznan
Roczniki Akademii Rolniczej w Poznaniu
Royal Society Open Science
Russian journal of genetics
Russkii Ornitologicheskii Zhurnal Ekspress Vypusk
Salud Publica de Mexico
Sarawak Museum journal
SB. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin
Sbornik Klubu Prirodovedeckého v Brne
Sbornik Prednasek
Schr. Phys.-ökon. Ges. Königsberg
Schweizer Archiv fĂŒr Tierheilkunde
Schweizer Naturschutz
Schweizerische Zeitschrift fĂŒr Obst- und Weinbau einschlieĂlich Verwertung
Science and Culture
Science news-letter
Science Washington DC
Scientia silvae sinicae
Scientific American
Scientific publications of the Cleveland Museum of Natural History
Scientific reports
Scientific reviews on arid zone research
Scottish birds
Senckenbergiana biologica
Shropshire Bird Rep.
Siriraj Hospital Gazette
Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe
Skand VetTidshr
Smithsonian contributions to paleobiology
Smithsonian contributions to zoology
Smithsonian miscellaneous collections
Somerset birds
Soobscenija Pribaltijskoj Komissii po Izuceniju Migracij Ptic
South Australian naturalist
Southeastern naturalist
Special article on pests of ploughed up grassland
Spolia Zeylanica
Statens NaturvÄrdsverk
Stray feathers
Studia Biologica
Studia i MateriaĆy Centrum Edukacji Przyrodniczo-LeĆnej w Rogowie
Studia Universitatis Babežs-Bolyai.
Studies in avian biology
Studii žsi comunicari / Muzeul Brukenthal.
Stuttgarter BeitrĂ€ge zur Naturkunde aus dem Staatlichen Museum fĂŒr Naturkunde in Stuttgart
Surrey bird report
Svensk JÀgareförb
Symposia of the Zoological Society of London.
Systematic biology
Tag. trop. Vögel Ges. Trop. ornithol.
Tåjökológiai lapok
Technical bulletin
Technical Reports of the Australian Museum
Technical Series, Museum of Arizona
Teka Komisji Ochrony I KsztaĆtowania Ćrodowiska Przyrodniczego
The AFA watchbird
The American journal of psychology
The American Journal of Science
The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene
The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene
The American midland naturalist
The American naturalist
The Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Zoology, Botany and Geology
The Annals and magazine of natural history; zoology, botany, and geology being a continuation of the Annals combined with Loudon and Charlesworth's Magazine of Natural History
The Auk
The Australian bird bander
The Australian entomologist
The Australian veterinary journal
The biological magazine Okinawa
The biologist
The Bokmakierie
The British veterinary journal
The Bulletin of the Zambian Ornithological Society
The Canadian field naturalist
The canadian veterinary journal
The Ceylon veterinary journal
The Chat
The Cheshire bird report
The Condor
The Connecticut warbler
The Doncaster naturalist
The Economic proceedings of the Royal Dublin Society
The elepaio
The Entomologist's monthly magazine.
The Forth naturalist and historian
The gazelle
The Glasgow naturalist
The Global Invasive Species Programme (GISP)
The Great Basin naturalist
The Halifax naturalist, and record of the Scientific Society
The Honeyguide
The Ibis
The Indian forester
The Indian journal of agricultural science
The Indian journal of zootomy
The Indian veterinary journal
The Irish naturalists' journal
The Italian journal of zoology
The Jack-pine warbler
The Japanese journal of genetics
The Japanese journal of veterinary science
The journal of agricultural science.
The Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences
The journal of animal ecology
The journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy
The journal of applied ecology
The journal of biological chemistry
The journal of comparative neurology
The journal of ecology
The journal of experimental biology
The journal of general virology
The journal of insect science
The Journal of Neuroscience
The Journal of pathology and bacteriology.
The Journal of protozoology
The Journal of raptor research
The Journal of the Board of Agriculture
The Journal of the College of Science, Imperial University of Tokyo, Japan
The Journal of the Egyptian Public Health Association
The journal of the Linnean Society of London, Zoology
The journal of the Manx Museum
The Journal of the Ministry of Agriculture
The journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute
The Journal of veterinary medical science
The Kingbird
The Lammergeyer
The Lancet
The Lincolnshire naturalist
The London bird report
The London naturalist
The Magpie
The marine observer
The Migrant
The Murrelet
The naturalist
The Nidiologist
The Ohio journal of science
The Oologists' record
The Oregon Naturalist
The Oriole
The Ostrich
The Ostrich Supplement
The passenger pigeon
The Philosophical magazine, or annals of chemistry, mathematics, astronomy, natural history and general science
The Phoenix
The Planter
The Prairie naturalist
The Raffles bulletin of zoology
The Raven
The Redstart
The Ring
The Russian Journal of Ornithology
The science of the total environment
The Scottish naturalist
The Sorby record
The South Australian ornithologist
The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health
The Southwestern Naturalist
The sunbird
The Sussex bird report
The Tasmanian naturalist
The Texas journal of science
The torgos
The University of Kansas science bulletin
The veterinary record
The Victorian naturalist
The Wilson bulletin
The Wilson journal of ornithology
The Wiltshire archaeological and natural history magazine
The Wisconsin archeologist
The zoological journal
The zoological record
The zoologist
ThĂŒringer ornithologischer Rundbrief
TierÀrztliche Praxis
Tijdschrift over planteziekten
Tijdschrift voor diergeneeskunde
Tijdschrift voor natuurlijke geschiedenis en physiologie
Tohoku psychologica folia
Toxicological sciences
Trail and landscape
Trans. Buteshire Nat. Hist. Soc.
Transactions of the ... Congress of the International Union of Game Biologists
Transactions of the Caradoc and Severn Valley Field Club
Transactions of the Dumfriesshire and Galloway Natural History and Antiquarian Society
Transactions of the Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland
Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science
Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science
Transactions of the Linnean Society of London
Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.
Transactions of the San Diego Society of Natural History
Trav. Mus. Hist. Nat. Antipa
Travaux scientifiques du Parc Naturel Régional et des réserves naturelles de Corse
Trends in Ecology and Evolution
Tropical animal health and production
Tropical ecology
Tropical pest management
Trudy Astrachanskogo Zapovednika
Trudy Biologiceskogo Instituta, Akademija Nauk SSSR, Sibirskoe Otdelenie
Trudy Helmintologicheskoi Laboratorii Akademiya Nauk SSSR
Trudy Helmintologicheskoi Laboratorii Issledovaniya po morfologii, taksonomii I biologii helmintovptits
Trudy Instituta Biologii
Trudy Instituta Zoologii, Akademija Nauk Kazachskoj SSR
Trudy Pribaltijskoj Ornitologiceskoj Konferencii
Trudy Vsesojuznogo Instituta Zascity Rastenij
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Research report
Uchenye Zapiski permskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo Instituta
United States National Museum
University of California publications in geological sciences
University of California Publications in Zoology
University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions, Vertebrata
University studies (Nebraska)
Unsere Jagd
Urban birds
Urban ecosystems
US Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management: Technical Note
Uspechi sovremennoj biologii
Utah Birds
Uttar Pradesh journal of zoology
VÄr FÄgelvÀrld
VĂ„r Fuglefauna
Veld & flora
Veldornitologisch tijdschrift
Verh. Dtsch. Zool. Ges.
Verhandlungen der Ornithologischen Gesellschaft in Bayern
Verhandlungen der Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien
Verhandlungen und Mitteilungen des SiebenbĂŒrgischen Vereins fĂŒr Naturwissenschaften zu Hermannstadt
Veröff. Inst. Jagdkde.
Veröff. StÀdt. Mus. Gera
Veröffentlichungen / Naturhistorisches Museum Schloss Bertholdsburg, Schleusingen
Veröffentlichungen aus dem Ăberseemuseum Bremen.
Veröffentlichungen des Museums der Westlausitz Kamenz
Veröffentlichungen des Museums fĂŒr Naturkunde Karl-Marx-Stadt
Veröffentlichungen des Naturkundemuseums Erfurt.
Veröffentlichungen des Naturkundlichen Vereins Egge-Weser
Veröffentlichungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins zu OsnabrĂŒck.
Veröffentlichungen des Potsdam-Museums
Veröffentlichungen fĂŒr Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege in Baden-WĂŒrttemberg
Verslagen en mededelingen van den Plantenziektenkundige Dienst te Wageningen
Vertebrata Hungarica
Vesci Akademii Navuk BSSR, Seryja biologica
VestnĂk CeskoslovenskĂ© Spolecnosti ZoologickĂ©
Vestnik Moskovskogo Gosudarstvennogo Techniceskogo Universiteta
Vestnik zoologii
VeterinÀr-medizinische Nachrichten
Veterinarna sbirka
VeterinĂĄrnĂ medicĂna
Veterinarno-medicinski nauki
Veterinarski arhiv
Veterinarski glasnik
Veterinary medical journal Giza
Veterinary microbiology
Veterinary parasitology
Veterinary pathology
Veteriner Fakultesi dergisi
Victorian Bird report
Victorian entomologist
Videnskabelige meddelelser fra den Naturhistoriske Forening i KjĂžbenhavn
Virology journal
Virus research
Vögel der Heimat
Vogel und Luftverkehr
Vogel und Umwelt
Vogelkundliche Berichte aus Niedersachsen
Vogelkundliche Hefte Edertal fĂŒr den Kreis Waldeck-Frankenberg
Vogelkundliche Jahresberichte aus Ostfriesland
Vogelkundliche Jahresberichte Marburg-Biedenkopf
Vogelkundliche Nachrichten aus Oberösterreich
Vogelkundliche Nachrichten aus Ăsterreich
Vogelkundliches Tagebuch Schleswig-Holstein
Vogels in Belgie
Voprosy ekologii
Voprosy ekologii Moskva
Voprosy parazitologii zhivotnykh Yugo Vostoka SSSR
Voprosy virusologii
VORG Notes
Vulture news
Vyestsi Akademii Navuk Byelarusi Syeryya Biyalahichnykh Navuk
Wellington College Natural Science Society, Annual Report
Western Australian Naturalist
Western birds
WestfÀlischer JÀgerbote
Wiadomosci parazytologiczne
Wiildlife deseases
Wild und Hund
Wildlife biology
Wildlife Research
Wildlife Society bulletin
Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Karl-Marx-UniversitÀt. (Math.-nat.)
Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Martin-Luther-UniversitÀt, Halle-Wittenberg. (Math.-nat.)
Witwatersrand Bird Club News (WBC News)
World crops
WĂŒrtt. Wbl Landwirtsch
Wuyi Science Journal
Yorkshire Birding
Your Environment
Zapiski Leningradskogo Ordena Trudogo Krasnogo Znameni Sel`sckochozjajstvennogo Instituta
Zapravy MOS
Zascita rastenij ot vreditelej
Zbornik VĂœchodoslovenskĂ©ho MĂșzea, SĂ©ria B, ZoolĂłgia - Botanika
Zeitschrift fĂŒr Acker- und Pflanzenbau
Zeitschrift fĂŒr angewandte Entomologie
Zeitschrift fĂŒr angewandte Zoologie
Zeitschrift fĂŒr die gesammte Ornithologie
Zeitschrift fĂŒr die gesammten Naturwissenschaften
Zeitschrift fĂŒr Jagdwissenschaft
Zeitschrift fĂŒr mikroskopisch-anatomische Forschung
Zeitschrift fĂŒr Morphologie und Ăkologie der Tiere.
Zeitschrift fĂŒr Naturforschung, Section B, a journal of chemical sciences
Zeitschrift fĂŒr Ăkologie und Naturschutz
Zeitschrift fĂŒr Oologie und Ornithologie
Zeitschrift fĂŒr Parasitenkunde (Parasitology research)
Zeitschrift fĂŒr Tierpsychologie
Zeitschrift fĂŒr vergleichende Physiologie
Zeitschrift fĂŒr wissenschaftliche Zoologie
Zesz. nauk. Filii Univ. Warszawa, Biol.
Zhurnal Obshchei Biol.
Zhurnal obshchei biologii
Zhurnal Vysshei Nervnoi Deyatel'nosti Imeni I P Pavlova
Zoo biology
Zoo life
Zool Ans
Zoologica Poloniae
Zoologica scripta
Zoological research
Zoological science
Zoologiceskij zurnal
Zoologické a entomologické listy
Zoologické listy
Zoologische Abhandlungen, Tierkundemuseum Dresden
Zoologische Annalen
Zoologische BeitrÀge
Zoologische JahrbĂŒcher, Abteilung fĂŒr Anatomie und Ontogenie der Tiere
Zoologische JahrbĂŒcher, Abteilung fĂŒr Systematik, Ăkologie und Geographie der Tiere
Zoologische mededelingen
Zoologische Verhandelingen Leiden
Zoologischer Anzeiger
Zoologischer Beobachter
Zoologischer Garten
Zoology in the Middle East
Zoos' print
Zoosystematics and Evolution
Breeding atlas
Breeding report
Data paper
Diploma thesis
Field guide
Migration atlas
Mixed report
Normal Paper
Observation report
Ringing report
Abstract available:
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The following issues should be used discretely.
Original description of:
Aphelocoma californica
Aphelocoma californica californica
Aphelocoma californica cana
Aphelocoma californica hypoleuca
Aphelocoma californica obscura
Aphelocoma coerulescens
Aphelocoma insularis
Aphelocoma ultramarina
Aphelocoma ultramarina colimae
Aphelocoma ultramarina ultramarina
Aphelocoma unicolor
Aphelocoma unicolor concolor
Aphelocoma unicolor griscomi
Aphelocoma unicolor guerrerensis
Aphelocoma unicolor oaxacae
Aphelocoma unicolor unicolor
Aphelocoma wollweberi
Aphelocoma wollweberi arizonae
Aphelocoma wollweberi couchii
Aphelocoma wollweberi potosina
Aphelocoma wollweberi wollweberi
Aphelocoma woodhouseii
Aphelocoma woodhouseii cyanotis
Aphelocoma woodhouseii grisea
Aphelocoma woodhouseii nevadae
Aphelocoma woodhouseii remota
Aphelocoma woodhouseii sumichrasti
Aphelocoma woodhouseii texana
Aphelocoma woodhouseii woodhouseii
Cissa chinensis
Cissa chinensis chinensis
Cissa chinensis klossi
Cissa chinensis margaritae
Cissa chinensis minor
Cissa chinensis robinsoni
Cissa hypoleuca
Cissa hypoleuca chauleti
Cissa hypoleuca concolor
Cissa hypoleuca hypoleuca
Cissa hypoleuca jini
Cissa hypoleuca katsumatae
Cissa jefferyi
Cissa thalassina
Coloeus dauuricus
Coloeus monedula
Coloeus monedula cirtensis
Coloeus monedula monedula
Coloeus monedula soemmerringii
Coloeus monedula spermologus
Corvus albicollis
Corvus albus
Corvus albus x edithae
Corvus antecorax â
Corvus antipodium â
Corvus antipodium antipodium â
Corvus antipodium pycrafti â
Corvus bennetti
Corvus brachyrhynchos
Corvus brachyrhynchos brachyrhynchos
Corvus brachyrhynchos hargravei
Corvus brachyrhynchos hesperis
Corvus brachyrhynchos pascuus
Corvus capensis
Corvus capensis capensis
Corvus capensis kordofanensis
Corvus caurinus
Corvus compilator
Corvus corax
Corvus corax canariensis
Corvus corax clarionensis
Corvus corax corax
Corvus corax hispanus
Corvus corax kamtschaticus
Corvus corax laurencei
Corvus corax principalis
Corvus corax sinuatus
Corvus corax tibetanus
Corvus corax tingitanus
Corvus corax varius
Corvus corax varius morpha leucophaeus
Corvus corone
Corvus corone capellanus
Corvus corone cornix
Corvus corone corone
Corvus corone orientalis
Corvus corone pallescens
Corvus corone sharpii
Corvus coronoides
Corvus coronoides coronoides
Corvus coronoides perplexus
Corvus crassirostris
Corvus cryptoleucus
Corvus culminatus
Corvus edithae
Corvus enca
Corvus enca celebensis
Corvus enca enca
Corvus enca mangoli
Corvus enca pusillus
Corvus enca samarensis
Corvus enca sierramadrensis
Corvus florensis
Corvus fossilis â
Corvus frugilegus
Corvus frugilegus frugilegus
Corvus frugilegus pastinator
Corvus fuscicapillus
Corvus fuscicapillus fuscicapillus
Corvus fuscicapillus megarhynchus
Corvus galushai â
Corvus hawaiiensis
Corvus hungaricus â
Corvus imparatus
Corvus impluviatus â
Corvus insularis
Corvus jamaicensis
Corvus kubaryi
Corvus leucognaphalus
Corvus levaillantii
Corvus macrorhynchos
Corvus macrorhynchos colonorum
Corvus macrorhynchos connectens
Corvus macrorhynchos intermedius
Corvus macrorhynchos japonensis
Corvus macrorhynchos macrorhynchos
Corvus macrorhynchos mandshuricus
Corvus macrorhynchos osai
Corvus macrorhynchos philippinus
Corvus macrorhynchos tibetosinensis
Corvus meeki
Corvus mellori
Corvus minutus
Corvus moneduloides
Corvus moravicus â
Corvus moriorum â
Corvus nasicus
Corvus neomexicanus â
Corvus orru
Corvus orru ceciliae
Corvus orru latirostris
Corvus orru orru
Corvus ossifragus
Corvus palmarum
Corvus pectoralis
Corvus pliocaenus â
Corvus pumilis â
Corvus rhipidurus
Corvus rhipidurus rhipidurus
Corvus rhipidurus stanleyi
Corvus ruficollis
Corvus simionescui â
Corvus sinaloae
Corvus splendens
Corvus splendens insolens
Corvus splendens maledivicus
Corvus splendens protegatus
Corvus splendens splendens
Corvus splendens zugmayeri
Corvus tasmanicus
Corvus tasmanicus boreus
Corvus tasmanicus tasmanicus
Corvus tristis
Corvus typicus
Corvus unicolor
Corvus validus
Corvus violaceus
Corvus viriosus â
Corvus wetmorei â
Corvus woodfordi
Crypsirina cucullata
Crypsirina temia
Cyanocitta cristata
Cyanocitta cristata bromia
Cyanocitta cristata cristata
Cyanocitta cristata cyanotephra
Cyanocitta cristata semplei
Cyanocitta stelleri
Cyanocitta stelleri annectens
Cyanocitta stelleri azteca
Cyanocitta stelleri carbonacea
Cyanocitta stelleri carlottae
Cyanocitta stelleri coronata
Cyanocitta stelleri diademata
Cyanocitta stelleri frontalis
Cyanocitta stelleri macrolopha
Cyanocitta stelleri phillipsi
Cyanocitta stelleri purpurea
Cyanocitta stelleri restricta
Cyanocitta stelleri stelleri
Cyanocitta stelleri suavis
Cyanocorax affinis
Cyanocorax affinis affinis
Cyanocorax affinis zeledoni
Cyanocorax beecheii
Cyanocorax caeruleus
Cyanocorax cayanus
Cyanocorax chrysops
Cyanocorax chrysops chrysops
Cyanocorax chrysops diesingii
Cyanocorax chrysops insperatus
Cyanocorax chrysops tucumanus
Cyanocorax colliei
Cyanocorax cristatellus
Cyanocorax cyanomelas
Cyanocorax cyanopogon
Cyanocorax dickeyi
Cyanocorax formosus
Cyanocorax formosus azurea
Cyanocorax formosus formosus
Cyanocorax formosus pompata
Cyanocorax hafferi
Cyanocorax heilprini
Cyanocorax luxuosus
Cyanocorax luxuosus centralis
Cyanocorax luxuosus confusus
Cyanocorax luxuosus glaucescens
Cyanocorax luxuosus luxuosus
Cyanocorax luxuosus maya
Cyanocorax luxuosus speciosus
Cyanocorax luxuosus vividus
Cyanocorax melanocyaneus
Cyanocorax melanocyaneus chavezi
Cyanocorax melanocyaneus melanocyaneus
Cyanocorax morio
Cyanocorax morio morio
Cyanocorax morio palliatus
Cyanocorax morio vociferus
Cyanocorax mystacalis
Cyanocorax sanblasianus
Cyanocorax sanblasianus nelsoni
Cyanocorax sanblasianus sanblasianus
Cyanocorax violaceus
Cyanocorax violaceus pallidus
Cyanocorax violaceus violaceus
Cyanocorax yncas
Cyanocorax yncas andicolus
Cyanocorax yncas cyanodorsalis
Cyanocorax yncas galeatus
Cyanocorax yncas guatimalensis
Cyanocorax yncas longirostris
Cyanocorax yncas yncas
Cyanocorax yucatanicus
Cyanocorax yucatanicus rivularis
Cyanocorax yucatanicus yucatanicus
Cyanolyca argentigula
Cyanolyca argentigula albior
Cyanolyca argentigula argentigula
Cyanolyca armillata
Cyanolyca armillata armillata
Cyanolyca armillata meridana
Cyanolyca armillata quindiuna
Cyanolyca cucullata
Cyanolyca cucullata cucullata
Cyanolyca cucullata guatemalae
Cyanolyca cucullata hondurensis
Cyanolyca cucullata mitrata
Cyanolyca mirabilis
Cyanolyca nanus
Cyanolyca pulchra
Cyanolyca pumilo
Cyanolyca turcosa
Cyanolyca viridicyanus
Cyanolyca viridicyanus cyanolaema
Cyanolyca viridicyanus jolyaea
Cyanolyca viridicyanus viridicyanus
Cyanopica cooki
Cyanopica cyanus
Cyanopica cyanus cyanus
Cyanopica cyanus interposita
Cyanopica cyanus japonica
Cyanopica cyanus kansuensis
Cyanopica cyanus koreensis
Cyanopica cyanus stegmanni
Cyanopica cyanus swinhoei
Dendrocitta baileii
Dendrocitta cinerascens
Dendrocitta formosae
Dendrocitta formosae assimilis
Dendrocitta formosae formosae
Dendrocitta formosae himalayensis
Dendrocitta formosae insulae
Dendrocitta formosae occidentalis
Dendrocitta formosae sapiens
Dendrocitta formosae sarkari
Dendrocitta formosae sinica
Dendrocitta frontalis
Dendrocitta leucogastra
Dendrocitta occipitalis
Dendrocitta vagabunda
Dendrocitta vagabunda behni
Dendrocitta vagabunda bristoli
Dendrocitta vagabunda kinneari
Dendrocitta vagabunda pallida
Dendrocitta vagabunda parvula
Dendrocitta vagabunda sakeratensis
Dendrocitta vagabunda saturatior
Dendrocitta vagabunda sclateri
Dendrocitta vagabunda vagabunda
Dendrocitta vagabunda vernayi
Garrulus glandarius
Garrulus glandarius albipectus
Garrulus glandarius anatoliae
Garrulus glandarius atricapillus
Garrulus glandarius bispecularis
Garrulus glandarius brandtii
Garrulus glandarius cervicalis
Garrulus glandarius corsicanus
Garrulus glandarius cretorum
Garrulus glandarius fasciatus
Garrulus glandarius ferdinandi
Garrulus glandarius glandarius
Garrulus glandarius glaszneri
Garrulus glandarius graecus
Garrulus glandarius haringtoni
Garrulus glandarius hibernicus
Garrulus glandarius hyrcanus
Garrulus glandarius ichnusae
Garrulus glandarius interstinctus
Garrulus glandarius iphigenia
Garrulus glandarius japonicus
Garrulus glandarius kansuensis
Garrulus glandarius krynicki
Garrulus glandarius leucotis
Garrulus glandarius minor
Garrulus glandarius oatesi
Garrulus glandarius orii
Garrulus glandarius pekingensis
Garrulus glandarius rufitergum
Garrulus glandarius samios
Garrulus glandarius sinensis
Garrulus glandarius taivanus
Garrulus glandarius tokugawae
Garrulus glandarius whitakeri
Garrulus lanceolatus
Garrulus lidthi
Gymnorhinus cyanocephalus
Henocitta â
Henocitta brodkorbi â
Miocitta â
Miocitta galbreathi â
Miocorvus â
Miocorvus larterti â
Miopica â
Miopica paradoxa â
Nucifraga caryocatactes
Nucifraga caryocatactes caryocatactes
Nucifraga caryocatactes hemispila
Nucifraga caryocatactes interdicta
Nucifraga caryocatactes japonica
Nucifraga caryocatactes macella
Nucifraga caryocatactes macrorhynchos
Nucifraga caryocatactes owstoni
Nucifraga caryocatactes rothschildi
Nucifraga columbiana
Nucifraga multipunctata
Perisoreus canadensis
Perisoreus canadensis albescens
Perisoreus canadensis bicolor
Perisoreus canadensis canadensis
Perisoreus canadensis capitalis
Perisoreus canadensis griseus
Perisoreus canadensis nigricapillus
Perisoreus canadensis obscurus
Perisoreus canadensis pacificus
Perisoreus canadensis sanfordi
Perisoreus infaustus
Perisoreus infaustus infaustus
Perisoreus infaustus maritimus
Perisoreus infaustus opicus
Perisoreus infaustus rogosowi
Perisoreus infaustus sibericus
Perisoreus internigrans
Pica hudsonia
Pica mourerae â
Pica nuttalli
Pica pica
Pica pica asirensis
Pica pica bactriana
Pica pica bottanensis
Pica pica camtschatica
Pica pica fennorum
Pica pica mauritanica
Pica pica melanotos
Pica pica pica
Pica pica serica
Platylophus galericulatus
Platylophus galericulatus coronatus
Platylophus galericulatus galericulatus
Platylophus galericulatus lemprieri
Platylophus galericulatus malaccensis
Platysmurus leucopterus
Platysmurus leucopterus aterrimus
Platysmurus leucopterus leucopterus
Podoces biddulphi
Podoces hendersoni
Podoces panderi
Podoces panderi ilensis
Podoces panderi panderi
Podoces pleskei
Protocitta â
Protocitta ajax â
Protocitta dixi â
Pseudopodoces humilis
Ptilostomus afer
Pyrrhocorax graculus
Pyrrhocorax graculus digitatus
Pyrrhocorax graculus forsythi
Pyrrhocorax graculus graculus
Pyrrhocorax graculus vetus â
Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax
Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax baileyi
Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax barbarus
Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax brachypus
Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax centralis
Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax docilis
Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax erythrorhamphos
Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax himalayanus
Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax primigenius â
Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax
Temnurus temnurus
Urocissa caerulea
Urocissa erythroryncha
Urocissa erythroryncha alticola
Urocissa erythroryncha brevivexilla
Urocissa erythroryncha erythroryncha
Urocissa erythroryncha magnirostris
Urocissa erythroryncha occipitalis
Urocissa flavirostris
Urocissa flavirostris cucullata
Urocissa flavirostris flavirostris
Urocissa flavirostris robini
Urocissa flavirostris schaeferi
Urocissa ornata
Urocissa whiteheadi
Urocissa whiteheadi whiteheadi
Urocissa whiteheadi xanthomelana
Zavattariornis stresemanni
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