![]() | About the Corvids Literature Database | ![]() |
The Corvids Literature Database (CLD) is online since spring 2006.
Its aim is to record all known publications (citation format) about Crows, Ravens, Jays, and Magpies
worldwide and tag them with Corvids-specific keywords. Several thousand papers about Corvids can be
found by using powerful literature search engines. But none of them is able to handle crow-specific search keys, like for example
"Show me all papers with information about Nesting of the Black-billed Magpie". Of course I am not interested in all topics, but I try to be as impartial as possible and collect all of them. | ||
Search the database:You can either use fulltext search (right site) or advanced search. Please note that fulltext search covers Titles, Authors, Publisher, and Abstracts, but because of copyright restrictions currently only a few abstracts are displayed. Nevertheless you can search for all recorded abstracts. I am currently working on login frame that users can read all abstracts when logged in. Full documents are always linked out to original source, except those I have the written permission for sharing them via the CLD website. | ||
About me:My name is Gabi Droege and I graduated from the Freie Universität Berlin in 2005 with a diploma in Biology in 2005. In my diploma thesis I observed and studied a Rookery at Berlin-Tegel airport (CLD entry).The CLD is a self-initiated as well as self-maintained project that I started to develop after my graduation from university. The initial idea was to create a literature database that would enable researchers from all over the world to search and provide articles online. Now, seven years later, the database contains more than 7.000 papers and is steadily growing. Since 2007 I am working as a Computer Scientist for the DNA Bank Network at the Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum in Berlin. This project is related to other large Biodiversity Informatics projects like GBIF, LifeWatch, EDIT, Scratchpads, BHL, Catalogue of Life and further projects. Thus, my primary interest is to get more information about Crows from multiple sources and to provide the CLD data to other networks. | ||
Current foci of my work at the CLD:- search for observation data in recorded papers to provide them to GBIF (using the Specimen Tool developed by the DNA Bank Network)- record country(ies) where the study took place (not done yet for all 7000) - use the EDIT platform for Cybertaxonomy to create taxon pages (at present testing phase) - continue entering papers of European taxa - entering all original descriptions of Corvidae DONE for accepted taxa. - add subspecies to the taxon list (if relevant for CLD papers) - search full documents at BHL of all CLD papers before 1923 - search table of contents of selected journals (all volumens) for further papers - search GBIF and natural history collections on specimens related to CLD papers - provide additional observation and specimen data to GBIF | ||
Entering new data:At the beginning I am scanning other literature databases for papers about all members of family Corvidae. Every single paper is checked for the following information:- Already in the CLD? - Abstract available online? - Full text available online? (with License or free) - What sort of crow-topics are covered? (currently more than 180 different topics in use) - What crow taxa are covered? - Country(ies) where the study took place - Does the paper include specimen data that could be available via GBIF? - Does the paper include observation data that could be used for providing them to GBIF? | ||
How to contribute:So far I am the only one working for the CLD. If you have literature lists with Crow papers or paper citations that should be added to the CLD please do not hesitate to contact me. If you have observation data or photographs (Corvidae) and you want to share them with GBIF I would be happy to help you. If you have questions about scratchpads, BHL, GBIF etc. I would be happy to help you. Furthermore you are welcome to join me at CLD!cld[at]corvids.de Disclaimer/Impressum: Gabriele Dröge 14197 Berlin Die Urheberrechte liegen bei den jeweiligen Verlagen. Volldokumente sind verlinkt. Mit Urteil vom 12. Mai 1998 - 312 O 85/98 - "Haftung für Links" hat das Landgericht (LG) in Hamburg entschieden, dass man durch die Anbringung eines Links, die Inhalte der gelinkten Seite ggf. mit zu verantworten hat. Dies kann - so das LG - nur dadurch verhindert werden, indem man sich ausdrücklich von diesen Inhalten distanziert. Hiermit distanziere ich mich ausdrücklich von allen Inhalten aller gelinkten Seiten und mache mir diese Inhalte nicht zu Eigen. |